The Perfect Sandwich – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Perfect Sandwich - Scripture Dissection

In a previous article, we shared a fun excerpt from the movie, “The Kid.” Bruce Willis plays Russ Duritz, a grown-up under stress. He regresses to a comfort when he was a kid – a sandwich. As he makes one, he says – “There’s safety in a sandwich!” He grips his almost finished sandwich and flips it around while stressfully raving. Alfalfa sprouts fly everywhere. Then, lettuce flips out. It’s not much of a sandwich any more. Certainly not a perfect sandwich.

So, let’s take a few minutes to explore the perfect sandwich in your “on-the-go life.” Afterall, you need to fill the hunger in your soul.

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You Are Invited

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
You Are Invited

You go to the mail box and pull out a crisp white envelope with an official seal. The exquisite handwriting specifies your name and address. Rather than ripping it open – like junk mail – you pull out your letter opener to surgically slide along the top envelope crease. From the open slot, you gingerly slip out a beautiful, heavy-weight card that says, “You Are Invited.” In surprise and wonder, you flip open the card to see – it’s the very event you’ve always wanted to attend! Up till now, you’ve never dreamed you’d have the opportunity.

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This Country!

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
This Country!

Every nation goes through seasons of change. This election year in the United States brings a responsibility to remember who we are. And I, for one, still believe in this country of opportunity. Additionally, I’m thankful for freedom. As complicated and challenging as democracy can become, it’s still quite a worthy experiment. Matter of fact, Winston Churchill once said: “Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.” If that is true, then what responsibilities must we faithfully carry forward to preserve this country’s foundation? What is required of us to be worthy citizens, as well as followers of Jesus?

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Little gods – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Little gods - Scripture Dissection

As we explore “Little gods,” I’m thinking about a superhero movie – The Avengers. There’s an exchange between the Black Widow and Captain America. Oddly, they are discussing whether to go after Thor and Loki. If you’re familiar with the Marvel superhero movies, you’ll remember the conversation –

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow): I’d sit this one out, Cap!

Steve Rogers (Captain America): I don’t see how I can!

Natasha Romanoff: These guys come from legend. They’re basically gods.

Steve Rogers: There’s only one God, Ma’am, and I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that!

You know, it’s one thing to talk about make-belief superheroes as “gods.” But to talk about people like you and me being gods? Realistically, that’s a stretch! Interestingly, Scripture does. Consequently, what practical application does “little gods” have for you?

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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life


Remember Downton Abbey – the television series and movies? If you watched this excellent period drama, I’m sure you’ll remember frequent times the Dowager Countess and Cousin Isobel are completely indignant toward one another. Their continual sparring is a unique dimension of their very unusual friendship. So, what exactly is “indignant?” Let’s look at what it means and who uses it.

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How To Live With Hope – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
How To Live With Hope - Scripture Dissection

You know the story from Lord of the Rings. Beautiful Arwen loves Aragorn. However, Aragorn left to protect Frodo on his quest. Incidentally, he’ll end up fighting a war. Unfortunately, He may never return. As a result, Arwen is overcome. And she lingers in middle earth rather than join her kin to travel to their forever home. Having remained, she has a conversation with her elf-father. Interestingly, Arwen clings to hope. And she wants to know how to live in hope.

Elrond: “He is not coming back. Why do you linger when there is no hope?”

Arwen: “There is still hope.”

Elrond: “If Aragorn survives this war, You will still be parted.”

Sadly, Arwen’s dad doesn’t sound very hopeful, does he?

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Two Ways To Live

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Two Ways To Live


Every person I know has lived through some pretty tough challenges. So many stories, my own among them. And I bet you have stories, too. So, a question for you: when everything seems tumultuous, when you can’t see, or when you feel overwhelmed and tired, how do you get through tough times well? There’s help by exploring two ways to live.

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Your Valuable Life

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Your Valuable Life

Have you had the joy of watching little kids when they get in front of a mirror? They have heart-warming and sometimes hilarious interactions. These little ones have such authenticity and vulnerability as they interact with “themselves” in the mirror. What about you? When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Do you value the reflection of that person? Are you authentically being “you” each day? It’s time to treasure your valuable life like God does.

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Been Lied To?

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Been Lied To?

Have you ever been lied to? I’m guessing you have. I have, too. It’s a devastating experience. You don’t know who to trust going forward. Consequently, that’s the power of a lie. It tears down trust and ruins what could otherwise be healthy and dependable. Although it’s become more common – even normal – to lie, all lies come from one place. Jesus identifies that source.

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A Resource For Better Thinking

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
A Resource For Better Thinking

I remember as a kid how excited I was when school let out for summer. That meant – freedom and fun. Then there’s the happy childhood memory of when I received a beautiful “Little Girl Lotion-Perfume” set from my grandmother at Christmas. As an adult, I’ve been thrilled when I owe less taxes than I thought – or get an extra bonus day off work. And at any age, there’s the joy of seeing new daffodils, tulips, and lilacs starting to share color and fragrance in spring. But nothing compares to how thrilled I was when I discovered a “Thinking Grid” in my Bible – a resource for better thinking! Read More …
