I’m sure you’ve heard warnings about looking straight at the sun during an eclipse. Well, what about looking straight at God? Recently, we published “Turn Your Face Toward It.” I recommend this article/podcast which explores a phrase right out of Scripture – “turn your face toward it.” The intent? Well, to turn your face toward God’s face. Especially interesting because Scripture says no one can look at Him and live! So, the question is – can you look at God?
The One Thing You Need This Year - Scripture Dissection
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If you could choose only one thing you need this year more than anything else – what would you pick? That’s a hard question to answer. Actually, I’m not sure I could do it. Nevertheless, let’s see if God’s Word has any input about the one thing you need this year.
A New Year is an opportunity to let go of some things, hold onto other things, and reach for new things. That process involves various emotions. Even though a New Year can feel scary, not knowing what’s ahead, it can also be exciting with new opportunities. In some cases, it may be a relief to walk into fresh perspective. Hope for new possibilities begins to rise. Simultaneously, sadness about aging, saying good-byes, accepting losses, or letting go of previous endeavors can be painful. Even knowing there will be difficulties ahead – overall, people embrace hope as one year morphs into another. God gives hope for a New Year.
In a previous article, we shared a fun excerpt from the movie, “The Kid.” Bruce Willis plays Russ Duritz, a grown-up under stress. He regresses to a comfort when he was a kid – a sandwich. As he makes one, he says – “There’s safety in a sandwich!” He grips his almost finished sandwich and flips it around while stressfully raving. Alfalfa sprouts fly everywhere. Then, lettuce flips out. It’s not much of a sandwich any more. Certainly not a perfect sandwich.
So, let’s take a few minutes to explore the perfect sandwich in your “on-the-go life.” Afterall, you need to fill the hunger in your soul.
For just a moment – think basketball, football, soccer, ballet, or gymnastics. Now, consider how agile some athletes are. They just seem to pivot into position on a dime, as needed – with little or no warning. Similarly, your life pivots. Actually, with so many events, people, and unknowns – your ability to maneuver is a critical skill. Consequently, during challenge, disappointments, threats, bad news, conflict – there’s good news! Your life pivots on principles that never change. So, let’s explore practical ideas and helpful action steps to pivot skillfully – with little or no warning.
You’ve seen it in a parking lot. Or even on your driveway. Perhaps in a community park. A tiny green “fragile-looking” plant pushes up through pavement, concrete, or asphalt as it reaches for the sun. That’s power! And it’s impressive. In fact, it’s a good picture of will power – a skill you need daily. Many people have lost this critical skill. At the same time, others break through concrete on their way to healthy living. Thankfully, will power is a skill you can pick up again any time.
Last article, Upended, we talked about will power. But, today’s content explores how will power helps you each day in everything you do.
As we discuss the mark of a Christian in this content, we need to look at a modern, booming industry – marketing. Have you considered specific “marks” of your business, career, organization, and even your lifestyle? Think with me about some examples of “marks” – a logo, a saying or jingle, even a color.
For example, the color brown is trademarked by UPS. Did you know the background color orange is trademarked by Hershey’s for their Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? What about a red circle with a red dot inside it – like a target? That’s right, the mark – the logo – of Target stores. Or consider the Olympic logo: 5 intersecting colored rings – blue, black, red, yellow, green. Then there’s that one-liner from the 1980’s commercial – “Where’s the beef?!” So, what do you think of? Wendy’s restaurants, right? What about the cute jingle – “I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener!” Guess what that mark was for? Yup! Oscar Mayer hot dogs!
Considering all these examples of marks, what’s the mark of a Christian?
You’ve heard it now for generations: How to live a healthy life. In fact, one of the popular “sign-offs” for emails and letters now is – “Be Well!” So, what does this mean? Truly, all over the world, you hear talk shows, podcasts, seminars, and even friends talk about being healthy:
Use My Plate – to help eat a balanced diet.
Drink plenty of water – stay hydrated and promote your internal systems.
Stay active – keep moving with exercise, biking, jogging, tennis, golf, etc.
Get outside – enjoy fresh air. See the beauty of creation. Be quiet and calm. And, breathe deeply.
Spend time with friends – enrich and nourish your inner person.
Be well-read or well-listened – know what’s going on around the globe to have an accurate perspective.
And I add – Get into God’s Word – for key points and action steps you need to guide your life.
Plus – Get God’s Word into you – grow and change by doing what Scripture says. Remember, what you practice is what you become.
In conclusion, all these – and more, help you live a healthy life.
Recently, I looked at a picture and saw the most beautiful landscape. Upon further study, I realized – it was upside-down. A bit stunned, I figured out I was looking at the perfect reflection of a landscape on a calm, serene lake. It got flipped!Interestingly, God flips some things, too.
Growing older? Me, too. We all are.The days seem to fly by. And over time, people change. As your life goes on, are you the same person you were as a youngster? I know I’m not. Recently, we explored an all-around good guy who had lots of troubles. Remarkably, he’s given 3 chapters in Scripture – very unusual. So, he deserves another look as he grows older.