At Your Edge

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
At Your Edge


Short Stories – At Your Edge

I have a few short stories referencing “at your edge.”

When I was a child in gym class, we practiced walking on a balance beam. It was a bit nerve-racking! Apparently, if you walk a beam only two or three inches off the ground, it’s easier. But walking a beam four feet off the ground takes a bite out of your confidence. I tried to be confident four feet off the ground. But it was still tricky.

When I was a young mom with little ones, we visited a state park. We climbed a high cliff and came to an edge with a very long drop. It was roped off – but ropes don’t stop little kids. They started right for the edge! As my stomach turned somersaults, I quickly intervened and pulled them back from the edge.

During another season of life, I experienced being at my edge when difficulties and losses piled high. I was at the edge of my endurance. Incidentally, it was terribly uncomfortable. And it was at this edge I learned some critical skills and maneuvers. I grew into a “new maturity” as I realized from God’s point of view – life’s beam is only a few inches off the ground. He stabilizes my balance, closely spots my walk, and keeps me safe. This gave me hope.

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Your Small Piece of the BIG Life Puzzle

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Your Small Piece of the BIG Life Puzzle

You hold a puzzle piece in your hands – only one piece of a very big puzzle. Sometimes you might hold several pieces at a time. Have you looked carefully at your piece(s)? What do you think those colors, shapes, and designs are part of?  Where do you fit? What do you do with one piece of a big life puzzle?

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