As we discuss the mark of a Christian in this content, we need to look at a modern, booming industry – marketing. Have you considered specific “marks” of your business, career, organization, and even your lifestyle? Think with me about some examples of “marks” – a logo, a saying or jingle, even a color.
For example, the color brown is trademarked by UPS. Did you know the background color orange is trademarked by Hershey’s for their Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? What about a red circle with a red dot inside it – like a target? That’s right, the mark – the logo – of Target stores. Or consider the Olympic logo: 5 intersecting colored rings – blue, black, red, yellow, green. Then there’s that one-liner from the 1980’s commercial – “Where’s the beef?!” So, what do you think of? Wendy’s restaurants, right? What about the cute jingle – “I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener!” Guess what that mark was for? Yup! Oscar Mayer hot dogs!
Considering all these examples of marks, what’s the mark of a Christian?