When I’m driving somewhere, I always look for road markers and signs to assure I’m in the right place, ready for what’s coming. In fact, road markers help you stay in the right place in every day life. Knowing your surroundings provides perspective and management options – particularly when you’re down. Let’s explore two verses that give helpful actions steps to manage difficult times and still keep you on a good path.
So, are you an Apple user or an Android user? Regardless, have you noticed what I’ve figured out? As soon as you update your device, you’re made aware of the latest and greatest? New features. Better camera. Faster processing. Greater connectivity.
Technology is a fast-paced industry. Frankly, it affects pretty much everything in our lives. Things would really change if all our technology suddenly stopped working. For example, with an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) or a Geomagnetic storm. Thankfully, that’s not the norm.
Regardless, life is so much more than technology. In fact, I suggest the latest and greatest you can experience in life is found in God. Let’s explore.
Do you remember in Star Wars when Han Solo and Princess Leia barely escape with their lives from the enemy forces of Darth Vader? On their escape journey, Han suggests they go to Cloud City where one of his buddies, Lando Calrissian, lives. They’ll be safe there. So, with new hope, they arrive in Cloud City, and Lando escorts them into a room. As they approach the room, the door opens. Incredibly, Darth Vader is in the room! Do you remember the look on their faces? Disbelief. Even horror. This is discouragement – when hope flickers.
If you’re not a Star Wars fan, you still know what I mean. Think of your own example. Perhaps you only need to look in the mirror to see discouragement – when hope flickers.
As we explore good news in difficult times, consider this story. You’re on a long trip. You’re really hungry. Mmmm – a hamburger and an ice-cold soda comes to mind. So, you off-ramp into a small town with one grocery on the only street. The grocer says, “Well, go down the aisles. Gather supplies. Make your own sandwich. Soft drinks are stacked by the bread.” Consequently, you head to the next off-ramp – a gas station. The owner says, “Sorry. All we got is cold beer and a bathroom ’round back.” Next off-ramp – an ice-cream stand. But you’re told – “Only ice-cream here. Sorry.” All you want is a burger and a soda!
Interestingly, this “less serious scenario” describes how people feel when they need good news. Instead, they are offered everything else. Nevertheless, there’s still one source of good news in difficult times.
As I considered this article, I decided to look up the word “upended.” The definitions made me think of a boat or canoe. Maybe a personal craft on the sea of life. Here are synonyms I found to help define upended.
tipped over
I don’t know about you, but these synonyms gave me a mental picture of upended.
Remember when the pandemic was in full swing? Everybody was buying masks and medical gloves. Well, I found some medical gloves for a great price. So I ordered. When they came, I checked the box front. Sure enough – one size fits all.Not true!Those gloves were big enough to fit a professional basketball player who can “palm” the ball! So, I was stuck with these huge gloves. Incidentally, there was so much room in each glove finger, I could have packed snacks in there. So much for one size for everybody!
Picture the scene with me. It’s from C.S. Lewis’ Prince Caspian. The four children, Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy are traveling in unknown places, trying to get their bearings. Basically – they’re lost. But Lucy keeps seeing Aslan when no one else does. They think she’s making it up . . . or maybe she’s crazy. Nevertheless, Lucy is the one who gets messages and directions from Aslan. In fact, Lucy and Aslan are friends. It seems she’s nurtured the ability to see what others don’t. Incidentally, this ability opens the whole universe to her imagination and her life purpose.
It was the final episode of a TV series, and I’d been waiting for weeks for find out what would happen. So, with a cuppa and my TV glasses, I sat in my favorite chair with eager expectation. About half-way through, I thought – “What?! Surely not! I know it’s going to end better than this!” Incidentally – it didn’t. And I was so disappointed. Over weeks of anticipation, I really did hope for more than that! In a similar way of hope, we can live for more – and have more – each day.
I’m not sure what comes to your mind when you ponder the title of this article. I suppose those words are not commonly spoken. In my own history, I can think of times I certainly have behaved. I also recall some times I have not. Hopefully the times I have behaved are becoming my norm as I work hard to know God better.
Anyway, I’d like to delve into this unusual statement – “I have behaved.” Did you know it comes straight out of Scripture?
While I recently re-read a favorite author, I was encouraged to keep pursuing something God placed in my heart years ago. So – what is that something? “Rise Up Higher.” And what’s the relevance with the world in such upheaval? Well, I can tell you this – it’s a really good place to live – with many practical applications. So, I hope you will be encouraged with this content.