Perspective When You’re Down


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Perspective When You're Down


When I’m driving somewhere, I always look for road markers and signs to assure I’m in the right place, ready for what’s coming. In fact, road markers help you stay in the right place in every day life. Knowing your surroundings provides perspective and management options – particularly when you’re down. Let’s explore two verses that give helpful actions steps to manage difficult times and still keep you on a good path.

Perspective When You’re Down

I found a great verse in my quiet time recently. “Set up road markers for yourself. Make yourself guideposts. Consider well the highway, the road, by which you [go].” (Jer.31:21a) This is the first verse we’ll look at.

Frankly, I was surprised to find this very practical Scripture in God’s Word. It offers a fresh approach. Plus, it’s a tool to evaluate progress. Finally, it provides guidance when you’re feeling down.

How To Boost Perspective When You’re Down

Jesus followers sometimes must manage being –

  • Down.
  • Discouraged.
  • Depressed.
  • Disappointed.
  • Disillusioned.


That’s a lot of “D” words! But each can be challenging to manage.

Jesus wants you to know He’s doing a new thing! He will satisfy [your] weary soul, and every languishing soul [He] will replenish.” (Jer.31:25) This is the second verse we’ll look at.

That verse requires thinking differently – especially when you are down. Essentially, it means –

  1. Being willing to receive something fresh and new directly from God. Find His markers.
  2. Choosing a hopeful perspective when you are weary. Make guideposts for yourself.
  3. Discovering God will satisfy and replenish you. Select the road/path you will travel.


Interestingly, as we just discovered, those two verses come together beautifully. And they are very applicable to life, particularly when you’re down. Jesus promises to satisfy and replenish you in a fresh new way. So, when you’re down, listen to God, look for His markers, make guideposts for yourself, and select a road that heads straight for Jesus.

Practical Hope

When you’re down, you have a unique path. Essentially, no matter what happens, you have opportunity to connect with God and trust Him for something new. Tell God you are down. Quite literally, ask Him for His markers. Open your heart to receive His love. As you receive from Him, you’ll also connect with hope.

Additionally, you’ll discover it’s up to you to choose a healthy perspective. Choose one of gratitude and practice cheer. Essentially, this gives you guideposts as you are down, discouraged, depressed, disappointed, or disillusioned. Isn’t that what you need in this place? Perspective introduces renewed hope.

Finally, you’ll experience something in this place you can’t in regular life. Uniquely, you experience God can satisfy and replenish you even when you’re down. Actually, your will directs your weary, languished soul to launch your path into Jesus. Interestingly, directly connect with hope.


What is a covenant? Dictionaries define covenant similar to this –

Covenant – An agreement or promise between two or more parties to do (or not to do) certain things.

The Bible defines covenant like this –

Covenant – Promises made by God at various times, made with people, in which God promised to bless and protect – if people faithfully keep His laws.

Why Talk About Covenants?

In material like this, why would we talk about covenants? Well, covenants are critical to healthy human beings. However, covenants are easily and often broken.

Humanity broke the first covenant after God created us. Nevertheless, God knew this would happen. And He had a plan!

At just the right time in history, He sent Jesus to do a new thing through a new covenant.

New Covenant Of Hope

To understand the beauty of God’s new covenant, here’s an unusual story from Gen. 15:9-12.

“So the Lord said to him, “Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” Abram brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other. The birds, however, he did not cut in half. . . As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him.”

Basically, God tells Abraham to take sacrificial animals and carry out a ritual that commonly bound a covenant in those days. Abraham was to find a trench. Then cut each animal in 2 pieces and lay one piece on each side of the trench so the blood would run down into the trench.

After this, the two covenant parties walked through the trench of blood as their promise not to break the covenant. Sounds a bit creepy to us today, but in that historical time, it was a serious way of saying – “I promise to keep my portion of this agreement. If I break my promise, this is what you may do to me.” **

Wow. Serious consequences for breaking your word!

It’s Sobering!

Notice – Abraham becomes overcome with distress. Again, here’s the Scripture – As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him.”

Abraham knew he was fallen, imperfect. He couldn’t walk through the trench and keep his portion of the promise. The risk was too high. At some point, he would “blow it.” Actually, he knew he couldn’t keep the covenant because he was an honest man. So here’s what happened.

God walked through the trench for His own portion of the covenant, saying -“if I fail to keep My promise, this is what you may do to Me.” THEN – God walked through the trench again, for your (and my) portion, saying, “If you fail, this is also what you may do to Me! **

Unthinkable! God takes the punishment either way. Finally, Abraham could relax. But what an undeserved development!

Incidentally, all this came true! Jesus came to earth to set up a new covenant. Essentially, He walked the trench of this life to prove God’s covenant of love is real and dependable. Plus, Jesus walked the trench again on our behalf for our failures as we nailed Him to a cross! Incredible, undeserved grace!

Still, what fabulous news! The new covenant in Christ’s blood!

This covenant sets the stage for your entire life, including when you’re down.

How This Relates To All The “D” Words

Do you remember all the “D” words we mentioned?

  • Down.
  • Discouraged.
  • Depressed.
  • Disappointed.
  • Disillusioned.


The fall-out of life is a dismal picture (another “d” word). The whole sin thing is bad enough. Sometimes there isn’t even sin when you’re down. And interestingly, sometimes no person is to blame. It’s just fall-out from daily living because of the broken first covenant.

All those “D” words are real. Still, God loves you so much. He walked His trench. Plus, He walked your trench. Unbelievably, He took the blame for the broken covenant. For your sins . . . and for those who sin against you. Even for just the brokenness of this life. He kept the new covenant perfectly for God’s portion – and for man’s portion.

It’s not just for sin. Jesus cares about your sufferings, too, because of the covenant you share. Thankfully, you can turn to Him and know He will “satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul [He] will replenish.” (Jer.31:25)

When you are weary and languishing – down, discouraged, depressed, disappointed, disillusionedJesus’ New Covenant promises to satisfy and replenish you

God’s Love – Even When You’re Down

We started this content with – “Knowing your surroundings provides perspective and management options – particularly when you’re down.” Well – God gives you markers, guideposts, and a path. And you determine how you’ll apply these resources.

God’s eternal provision isn’t just to cover sins. He helps you through your trenches.

Application Thoughts And Questions

  1. Do you ever feel down?
  2. Which of the “D” words is hardest for you? Down, discouraged, depressed, disappointed, disillusioned?
  3. How often do you look for God’s markersfor something new from His Word to help you manage challenging times? Scripture is packed with promises, instruction, and hope. So, look for God’s markers.
  4. Will you choose and set healthy guideposts to stabilize your hope as you navigate being down? Explore what kinds of guideposts help keep a positive perspective. Select practices that keep your mind and body healthy. Set up simple action steps to be consistent with your guideposts.
  5. Additionally, work hard to stay on the road God puts before you. Walk with Him and trust His love.
  6. When you are weary and languishing, let Jesus satisfy and replenish you.
  7. Like Abraham, are you aware you cannot keep your portion of the New Covenant?
  8. Will you accept Jesus’ involvement when you’re down?
  9. Remember: God is in the trenches with you – no matter what.


** Ray Vander Laan has excellent teaching about this story of Abraham and the covenant with God. It was helpful to me in developing this article. It came from the video series – That The World May Know.


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