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Last article, we began developing a 1-Page Goals Sheet – Step 1. This tool is an individualized, custom-designed plan to organize and manage your life effectively with simple action steps. Today, we will finish. You are very close to being done with a great plan and action steps that are easy to implement.

Quick Review

If you need to refresh your memory, or if this article is your first exposure, refer to Step 1. Then circle back here for Step 2.

Remember: the work you put into this resource will be worth it. Don’t be discouraged and give up. Ask God to help as you develop a plan to manage your life.

The steps may seem complicated. BUT they give exact, easy directions. If you patiently go through these steps, you’ll have an easy-to-navigate tool for years to come. People who have completed this process have said it has made a huge difference in their life.

Finish well. Re-claim your life.


Step 1 established basics, and developed a framework. Step 2, will develop action steps to achieve what you aim for. Goals and objectives are invaluable in developing action steps because they:

  • Establish a direction and pathway.
  • Identify parameters to help you stay on course.
  • Assess progress.
  • Help you accomplish results as you aim higher.
  • Give reasonable, measurable steps to help you succeed.
  • Can be tweaked (they are flexible).


Although both help you manage your life, goals are different from objectives. Let’s look closer.

  1. Are specific things you want to accomplish.
  2. Indicate where you want to be in the future.
  3. Reveal changes you want to make.
  4. Identify improvements to work on.
  5. Cement realities you are committed to reach for.


  1. Lay out the path you will travel to your goal.
  2. Are specific, reasonable, measurable parameters with a time limit.
  3. Develop daily, weekly, monthly actions that propel you toward your goal.
  4. Follow a logical order of progression, one stroke at a time.
  5. You will never get to your goal if you don’t set good objectives.


Goals and objectives are developed with thought and prayer. They do not need to be perfect. Rather, they need to breathe. Your Goals Sheet is a vibrant, constantly developing tool that must flex with your life through the year. I have never ended with the same 1-Page Goals Sheet in December that I started with in January! Don’t be afraid to change things as you learn and grow. However, without goals and objectives, you leave positive change in the hands of chance.

Let’s Finish Your 1-Page Goals Sheet

In Step 1, you developed a short list. I told you to wait before including it. This is where you use your short list. In fact, it will become your goals. From this point on, we will refer to your short list as your goals.

To refresh your memory, here is the example we used in Step 1 to illustrate what you are aiming for. (SHORT LIST, NOW CALLED – YOUR GOALS)

Example Sheet
  • Relationship with God – to grow closer.
  • Relationships with family and close friends.
  • My professional and personal skills sets and communication.
  • My health – lose 15 pounds, exercise regularly, and lose the potato chips.

If you have not already done so, enter your short list onto your downloadable blank worksheet (link is in Step 1).

Refine and Develop Your Goals

To refine and develop your goals, identify key elements of your daily life. Key elements include areas you manage – things you are responsible for. What balls do you keep in the air? Which responsibilities must be addressed daily? What are you interested in or want to explore?

Prioritize your key elements. Keep your better ones. Eliminate less important ones.

Take a look at this example work sheet on Key Elements. (KEY ELEMENTS)

Example Sheet
  • Daily Quiet Time
  • Memorizing God’s Word
  • Ministries
  • Health and Fitness
  • Career
  • Projects
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Sleep and Rest
  • Hobbies
  • Personal Growth and Challenge (will become its own section at the bottom of the Goals Sheet.)

List Your Key Elements

Now that you’ve seen an example of key elements, download the Step 2 worksheet and enter your key elements. (Download, save first, then interact with and fill in the form, then save again to prevent losing your work.)

After completing your key elements, integrate them into your goals. Most people’s lives don’t fit nicely into formulas. So, don’t be concerned if your worksheet doesn’t look as “neat and simple” as the example. Slip key elements around until they fit best and feel comfortable to you. You might even choose to add new things not on any list yet. That’s OK. Make this 1-Page tool work for your needs. Let it be flexible as you lay out your plan. 

Now, click to view an example of this step. (KEY ELEMENTS Integrated Into GOALS)

Example Sheet

Relationship with God

  • Daily Quiet Time
  • Memorizing God’s Word
  • Ministries

Relationship with Family and close Friends.

  • Family
  • Friends

My Skills – Personal and Professional

  • Career
  • Projects
  • Hobbies

Body and Health

  • Health and Fitness
  • Sleep and Rest
Integrate Key Elements Into Your Goals

Pull up Step 2 downloadable worksheet to integrate your key elements into your goals. Follow the above example.

Remember: some things will not pair up exactly. That’s OK.

Bringing your goals and key elements together is not a puzzle as much as a creation. You have freedom to add new things or eliminate things that don’t seem applicable. Make your tool as flexible as you need to suit your unique approach and needs.

Once you have goals and key elements paired up,  prayerfully assign objectives to each key element.

Remember: objectives help you get to your goal, so custom-design them. Ask questions how to go after a goal. Then answer the questions in practical, clear, and actionable ways.

To prime your pump, click on the example worksheet. (APPLYING OBJECTIVES to GOALS by DEVELOPING KEY ELEMENTS)

Example Sheet

Relationship with God

  • Daily Quiet Time – I will determine when, where, how I have my daily time with God. I will select materials to cover each months (study books or books of the Bible), and what prayer tools to use. I need to purchase a journal to record growth for the year.
  • Memorizing God’s Word – 3X5 cards or verses on my phone/device or a small notebook. Start small . . . a verse a week/month. Put my verses in front of me to see during the day: car, mirror, computer, wallet/purse, kitchen cabinet, tool bench, etc. Set reminders on my device to review verse. WHEN I HEAR MY DEVICE REMINDER, I COMMIT TO REPEAT IT!
  • Ministries – who/what/when/where/how will I try to touch others’ lives effectively? As I’m able, I will support financially and by prayer. So, I need to gather prayer needs. Who will I contact to do this?

Relationship with Family and close Friends.

  • Family – how can I encourage and stay current with family members? Grown children once they are on their own? Lunch once a month? How can I pray for them? Have I gathered their prayer requests? Am I attentive to the needs of little ones in my life? Etc. Now, gather answers.
  • Friends – how can I grow my personal friendships? Coffee times? Lunch? How often? With whom? How will I track their prayer needs to support them? Who of my friends can I truly trust to share my heart with? Now, set action steps.

My Skills – Personal and Professional

  • Career – research and determine what seminars/classes can I attend to improve skills? Can I take on extra projects to help my company? Research and pursue specific options. Then calendar.
  • Projects – I need to keep up projects of daily living. Property and home. Keep a running, current list. Check off completed projects. Put these on my daily/weekly calendar.
  • Hobbies – I need to take breaks and do fun things. What can I do? Should I learn a new skill?  Can I afford hobby supplies? When will I slot this into my schedule? Should I use it as a reward for reaching a goal? Am I willing to side-step this “extra” if life doesn’t allow for it?

Body and Health

  • Health and Fitness – I need to lose 15 pounds. To accomplish this, I will plan basic menus and snacks, purposefully purchase and prepare fresh foods, and eat about half my normal portions, allowing 1-2 snacks at the end of a successful week. I will ask God to strengthen me and “change my mind” about being willing to be a bit hungry. Four days a week, I will include a walk and exercise.
  • Sleep and Rest – I will get 7 – 8 hours each night. Start bedtime prep early enough, and bring activities to a close. Read something wholesome in the evening, and spend time in prayer as I fall asleep.
Add Your Objectives

You are now ready to go to your downloadable Step 2 worksheet and add objectives. Define how, when, where to bring your goals and key elements into your daily reality. Ask questions. Then answer them specifically.

When you have finished assigning objectives to each key element on your worksheet, transfer your goals, key elements, and objectives onto your downloadable Goals Sheet. Include any “actionable answers” you developed.

Personal Growth Section of Your 1-Page Goals Sheet

Before you work on personal growth, here is the unblurred full example of the 1-Page Goals Sheet we’ve referred to in both Step 1 and Step 2.

See what you’ve accomplished and how close you are to finishing your Goals Sheet. Custom-design it best for you.

This is the final main component of your Goals Sheet. In this section, you can better define special interests, cultivate free time, and further develop relationships. Enter your data directly onto your downloadable Goals Sheet. Some pieces may duplicate things you already addressed in your previous work. That’s OK. Put things where you want them to go. Make this tool work for you. And now let’s finish.

Personal Message

First thing in this section is to write an encouraging message to yourself. The example worksheet shows how this might look. (PERSONAL MESSAGE)

Example Sheet

Every time I feel fear in my heart, I will repeat my year’s theme – NO FEAR; MORE CHEER – and claim the promise I’ve selected instead of listening to the voice of fear. I will practice cheer even when I don’t feel like it. My feelings don’t run my life. Rejoice! Talk to the Lord, and listen to His promptings. He promises to guide me. I will enjoy His friendship.

Write your personal message to yourself directly on your downloadable 1-Page Goals Sheet under “D. Personal Growth” on the lines provided.

Personal Purpose Bullets

Next, determine short “bullets” that identify your highest priorities and deepest convictions. These best summarize your passions. It helps to start by expressing your passion for God. Here is the example worksheet. (PERSONAL PURPOSE BULLETS)

Example Sheet
  • Seek to know God more.
  • Nurture my kids by example and training.
  • To know God’s Word and live it out.
  • It is my honor to hold a family together.
  • Pray over my family to desire God.
  • Discover how my personality honors God.
  • Discover the adventure of my purpose.
  • Seek to enable others to believe/apply God’s Word to their lives.
  • Daily enjoy God, and know He enjoys me.

Now that you’ve seen an example, develop your personal purpose bullet list on your downloadable Goals Sheet. Refine it with thought and prayer. Remember: you may tweak, expand, or change the list throughout the year. That’s OK.

A Word About Reading

Reading is critical in developing your inner person. Hard copy books and electronic books are available everywhere. If you struggle focusing to read, then try audio books. There are limitless options to hear as you commute to work or take a long trip.

Podcasts also expand your personal knowledge and abilities. In fact, Alive and Active Life has a great Podcast. Sign up!

On your downloadable Goals Sheet, use the chart to fill in books you’d like to read each month. Check off the chart box when you achieve your goal.

Become well-read. Be well-thought. Be well-spoken.

Relationships and Fun

Relationships and fun are important elements of your life. Developing these makes you a more well-rounded person. The example worksheet shows ideas. (RELATIONSHIPS AND FUN)

Example Sheet
  • Susie – Arrange to meet for lunch once each month. Calendar dates.
  • Bible Study Group – faithfully attend. See if anyone wants to get ice-cream between once-in-awhile.
  • Frank – Every Sunday evening, call and see how he’s doing. Pray with him over the phone.
  • Siblings – Pray into their lives each day. Write/text occasionally to catch up.
  • Pottery Class – Check into the community offerings and sign up for class.

Now, develop brief guidelines to nurture your key relationships on your downloadable Goals Sheet. Establish at least one activity you can engage to have fun.

Closing Thoughts

Your closing thoughts are summary ideas and directives to yourself. Identify how you will engage your 1-Page Goals Sheet.

Here is an example. (CLOSING THOUGHTS)

Example Sheet


I REFUSE to be lazy or fearful. I will tweek this plan as needed this year. As I do my part, I will picture God lovingly working in my life and picture me yielding to Him in every circumstance, problem, sorrow, responsibility. Because I know He is faithful, I will trust, obey, and rejoice! NO FEAR; MORE CHEER!

Now that you’ve seen an example, develop your own closing thoughts on your downloadable  Goals Sheet.

Tiny Box at the Top of Your Goals Sheet

This little box lets you include and rotate special tidbits:

  • Inspirational Thoughts
  • Quotes
  • Meaning of your Name
  • Encouragements spoken into your life by others, etc.


Use Your Phone or Device to Help You Succeed

Many people have better success by programming their phone/device with “prompts” through the day. Every time a reminder goes off, don’t just swipe it away. Diligently review the portion of your plan.

  • Task / character reminders.
  • A Focus List you are targeting.
  • Weak Areas to overcome.
  • Your selected year’s verse(s).

If you don’t do this, you leave success to chance.

Build “buy-in” in your plan. Be a manager. Cultivate success by carrying out action steps even when you don’t feel like it. You are feeding into your future and your character.

Don’t Give Up!

You are done! Congratulations.

Your 1-Page Goals Sheet is ready. Keep this tool in a plastic sleeve (printed version) and/or in your device for reference. Be resolved to use your Goals Sheet. Don’t give up. Tweak your Goals Sheet through the year to be more effective.

Progress is not always immediately observable. If you remain resolved – progress will begin to show. Even if you fall short of your goals as you carry out your objectives, you will find yourself pleased you made progress. And you will be managing your life.

Fill this year with an Alive and Active Life!!

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