Two Modern Sins

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Two Modern Sins

Some years back, we published an article called “The Sin List.” About a year later, we published another article – “The Skinny On Sinning.” Recently, we published “When You’re Down.” In that content, we mention two modern sins.

Oddly, people are always curious about “what’s on the serious sin list.” Additionally, folks are interested in how to get “Relief and Hope” in hardships. So, people flux between –

  1. Living good lives.
  2. Being encouraged.


Underneath this flux is the reality of two modern sins.

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Discouragement – When Hope Flickers

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Discouragement - When Hope Flickers

Do you remember in Star Wars when Han Solo and Princess Leia barely escape with their lives from the enemy forces of Darth Vader? On their escape journey, Han suggests they go to Cloud City where one of his buddies, Lando Calrissian, lives. They’ll be safe there. So, with new hope, they arrive in Cloud City, and Lando escorts them into a room. As they approach the room, the door opens. Incredibly, Darth Vader is in the room! Do you remember the look on their faces? Disbelief. Even horror. This is discouragement – when hope flickers.

If you’re not a Star Wars fan, you still know what I mean. Think of your own example. Perhaps you only need to look in the mirror to see discouragement – when hope flickers.

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When You Need Something Sharp

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
When You Need Something Sharp

Some days you need a newspaper. Other days, you need money from your bank. Still other days, you need a prescription for illness. More than not, you need your phone – or some other form of technology. Then there’s the day you need a good friend to talk to. But more often than you might expect, are days when you need something sharp – like a sword! For protection, accuracy, carving away, cutting a path, and making a point.

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We Affect Each Other

Encouragement is always easier to receive than rebuke. Yet, we all need both. Truly we do. Unfortunately, most people put all their energy into defending and protecting themselves instead of opening to whatever truth is being presented. That’s a sign of insecurity, and possibly pride. A secure person who is humble doesn’t worry too much about their defense. Maybe a little. But they rally with courage, receive an honest message, pray through it, filter out whatever is irrelevant, and apply whatever is helpful. It’s as if they are saying, “It is what it is. And that’s OK, because I’m aiming for more of Christ.” They are willing to accept the bottom line: we affect each other.

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