You’ve been there. I have, too. In fact, pretty much everyone has. When you’re down, it’s hard to function at your best. Things don’t look normal, and you can’t quite get your bearings. Things may not be going as you expected. Or, you’ve had a disappointment – possibly a piercing loss. Perhaps you lack energy from carrying your load a long time. Often, there’s a pile-up of things. “Stuff” is going on in your heart – and in your world. Regardless, you need to manage this stuff!
However, it’s not those things, alone, that get you down. Something else is going on – and you can’t quite put your finger on it. Matter-of-fact, if you could put your finger on it, you’d know better how to address being down. So, it’s tricky to to be your best when you’re down.
Tear Into It – When You’re Down
First, I suggest – check out our initial content that launched Scripture Dissection materials: Tear Into It. That article explains how and why we introduce Scripture dissection exercises periodically.
Today, we explore what to do when you’re down. We’ll use two Scriptures. One from Colossians. The other from Jeremiah.
Now Let’s Tear Into – When You’re Down
There are always four categories we explore in Scripture dissection:
- What Does It Say?
- What Does It Mean?
- Make It Personal.
- Make A Commitment.
1. What Does It Say?
In this content, we’re going to take a look at Col. 2:17b. Here are several translations:
“. . . reality is Christ.” (NET)
- “. . . what is real is found in Christ.” (NIRV)
- “. . . reality, however, is found in Christ.” (NIV)
- “. . . the substance [the reality of what is foreshadowed] belongs to Christ.” (Amplified).
So, what is this verse saying? Well, there’s good news. And there’s “other” news. Let’s start with “other” news.
Incidentally, for some reason, we get ideas that life should be a certain way. However, many days – it’s just not that way. This is the “other” news – not necessarily bad news. Since we live in a broken world, things are no longer perfect like they were when God created our world. People let you down. Loss invades your life. Someone betrays you. You get sick or injured. The responsibilities never end. Plus, well – life is hard!
Thankfully, there’s also “good” news – even in this broken life. Interestingly, this is true whether or not you feel good. Your feelings should not – and do not – define life. Reality defines life. And reality is in Christ.
That’s what this verse says. “Reality is in Christ.” How encouraging! So, what should you do with this information?
2. What Does It Mean?
Two Helpful Ideas
Before we answer “what does it mean,” let’s look at a few helpful ideas. Interestingly, these ideas are about you and your life. Plus, they are ideas God has about you.
First, before you were even formed in your mother’s womb – God knew you! You have VALUE.
Second, before you were born – God consecrated – appointed – you to have a purposeful life. You have PURPOSE.
Subsequently, from those ideas (right out of Jer.1:5) you can know two things without a doubt. Let’s explore them a bit more.
- Your life has VALUE. You are precious. Think of it! You were in the very heart and mind of God before you were formed inside you mommy’s tummy. In other words, God knew you before you were “you.” He created you and pronounced VALUE over your life.
- Your life has PURPOSE in this world. Think of it! Yes, before you could even comprehend anything, before you were born, God already designed great PURPOSE for your life. Remarkably, this is God’s assessment – not others’. Plus, it’s His intention for your life. Even more, He wants you to have PURPOSE in this broken world.
Ultimately, you are part of God’s redemptive efforts for our world and its people. And – for you! So, accept and embrace the VALUE and PURPOSE He’s created you with. This is reality in Christ.
3. Make It Personal
Back To – When You’re Down
Now that we’ve established the VALUE and PURPOSE your life has (whether or not you feel good), it’s time to say something simple. You need to remember this! Yes, even when you’re down.
That simple thing is to answer the question we asked earlier when we said reality is found in Christ: “So, what should you do with this information?”
In actuality, the truth that reality is found in Christ should shape and change everything in your daily life. Why? Interestingly, because God’s words matter. In fact, His words represent reality.
All creation is here simply because God “spoke” it into being – His words. Reality comes from God’s mouth – His words. If you’re going to live a healthy life in reality (and not some made-up fantasy or wishful thinking) – it makes sense to embrace God’s words increasingly in your daily living. Even in the details.
Interestingly, there’s logical progression to how God’s words affect your life. Plus, this progression affects how your life affects others around you.
Logical Progression Of God’s Words
We discussed God’s words matter. Essentially, reality and eternity are anchored in His words. Consequently, we ought to both agree with and apply His words. Incidentally, God has also “called” – appointed – you to live in the flow of His words.
Afterall, His words bring out your VALUE and PURPOSE. Plus, they give you the privilege of helping others connect with their own VALUE and PURPOSE. None of this is based on feelings. Rather, it’s based on reality in Christ.
Now, let’s flip to Jer. 1:6-17 to see the logical progression.
- First, God wants you to speak His Word through your choices – and sometimes with words. BUT (you might respond) – “I don’t know how to speak.” (v. 6) That’s what Jeremiah said.
- Next, whatever God commands, that’s what you should speak. (v. 7) SO – “What does He want me to say/do?”
- God says, “I will put My words in your mouth and life.” (v. 9) “WHATEVER (you may wonder) – does that look like?!”
- After I put My words in your mouth, you will know how to live. BUT (you may protest) – “You don’t know me!”
- God watches over His words – to carry them out (fulfill them) after they are spoken. (v. 12) SO (you suddenly realize) – “You plan to do this in me and through me? I don’t have to do it by myself?”
- Say everything I tell you to. And don’t be afraid. (v. 17) Wow! VALUE, PURPOSE, and NO FEAR!
Why God’s Words Are Critical
Take a look around. There are two consequential things going on:
- People have “forsaken God.”
- People “worship the work of the own hands.” (Both Jer. 1:16)
Interestingly, these are two modern-day sins. Sometimes, they reflect what you’ve done. Other times, they reflect the impact on you of what others have done.
God Promises
God’s words give you power. Additionally, they give you influence. Why? Well, because God’s words bring hope.
BUT, remember – you’re down. How do you change your reality to be in Christ when you’re down?
It’s time to claim God promises and live in His words – even when you’re down. Thankfully, His words lift you up as you believe them, obey them, apply them. Essentially, God’s words are your ticket out of being down.
God promises:
- To make you a fortified city, an iron pillar, a bronze wall against whatever threatens your well-being. (Jer.1:18)
- Threats that bring you down will not overcome you. (Jer.1:19)
- He’ll stay with you and rescue you in His timing. He will keep His promises. (Jer.1:19)
As you embrace these promises, you establish a platform for action steps when you’re down.
4. Make A Commitment
Action Steps – Even When You’re Down
Since God promises to help in the previous three ways, it’s now your turn. Respond to His promises. Take Him literally.
Now, some simple action steps that help.
In our library, we have an article titled “G-S-G-S-R.” It’s packed with excellent action steps. For this content, we’ll just define these five ideas – the nutshell of what to do when you’re down. The psalmist’s life proves it.
- G – Give thanks.
- S – Sing to God from your heart.
- G – Glory in His name.
- S – Seek His face.
- R – Remember the wonders He’s done – the miracles and judgments He has pronounced.
I urge you to check out G-S-G-S-R. Seriously, these concepts have helped transform my life. I can’t count how many times I’ve used this acronym to pull me up when I’m down. God’s words have power and hope.
Application Thoughts And Questions
Are you down now?
- Have you established your reality in Christ?
- Do you believe your life has VALUE?
- Do you know your life PURPOSE? (Sometimes it shifts as life goes on.)
- Are you implementing God’s words in your life, starting in your heart?
- Have you decided to live by God’s Word rather than your feelings? Sometimes feelings don’t shift for a long time. Just persevere as they shift.
- How will you practice G-S-G-S-R?
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