The Perfect Sandwich – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Perfect Sandwich - Scripture Dissection

In a previous article, we shared a fun excerpt from the movie, “The Kid.” Bruce Willis plays Russ Duritz, a grown-up under stress. He regresses to a comfort when he was a kid – a sandwich. As he makes one, he says – “There’s safety in a sandwich!” He grips his almost finished sandwich and flips it around while stressfully raving. Alfalfa sprouts fly everywhere. Then, lettuce flips out. It’s not much of a sandwich any more. Certainly not a perfect sandwich.

So, let’s take a few minutes to explore the perfect sandwich in your “on-the-go life.” Afterall, you need to fill the hunger in your soul.

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Got Power To Live An Alive and Active Life?

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Got Power To Live An Alive and Active Life?

Do you remember the commercial years ago (maybe the 1990’s) – GOT MILK? In the commercial, everyone has a “milk mustache.” No one can argue the value of drinking milk – especially for children. Even adults relish a glass of milk with cookies. That creamy white drink has power to build strong bodies in youngsters as they grow. Babies can’t live without milk. But when little ones grow up they need more than milk to be strong. They need inner power to live an Alive and Active Life. So the question I ask you is – GOT POWER?

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