In a previous article, we shared a fun excerpt from the movie, “The Kid.” Bruce Willis plays Russ Duritz, a grown-up under stress. He regresses to a comfort when he was a kid – a sandwich. As he makes one, he says – “There’s safety in a sandwich!” He grips his almost finished sandwich and flips it around while stressfully raving. Alfalfa sprouts fly everywhere. Then, lettuce flips out. It’s not much of a sandwich any more. Certainly not a perfect sandwich.
So, let’s take a few minutes to explore the perfect sandwich in your “on-the-go life.” Afterall, you need to fill the hunger in your soul.
The Perfect Sandwich
Of course, your perfect sandwich needs to be energizing, healthy, quick-serve, economical, and yummy! Interestingly, the same kind of thing is true for spiritual hunger. It’s not just your body that gets famished. This is about soul hunger – and how to fill that ravenous space. Matter of fact, you can almost hear it “growling” like your physical tummy rumbles when it’s hungry.
- So, the first question is – do you recognize that rumbling?
- Second question – do you know what to do about that hunger?
- Third, where do you turn to get the nourishment and refreshment you need?
Tear Into It – The Perfect Sandwich
First, I suggest – check out our initial content that launched Scripture Dissection materials: Tear Into It. That article explains how and why we introduce Scripture dissection exercises periodically.
In today’s content, we’ll consider 2 Tim. 3:16 – “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness . . .”
Interestingly, this short verse contains energizing, quick-serve, and economical soul food. It’s healthy and yummy. The perfect sandwich for your heart.
Let’s Tear Into – The Perfect Sandwich
There are always four categories we explore in Scripture dissection:
- What Does It Say?
- What Does It Mean?
- Make It Personal.
- Make A Commitment.
1. What Does It Say?
2 Tim. 3:16 – “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness . . .”
What does this short verse actually say? Well, in point-form, it looks like this:
- Every portion of God’s Word comes from the breath of God. In other words, by God simply breathing truth into life, He provides what is necessary to sustain life.
- There are four elements to this perfect sandwich. Incidentally, the two outer pieces of bread are both “T” words:
- Teaching
- Training
- In-between these two slices are two kinds of filling. You might think they’re not edible, but each provides high-energy nutrition to live fully alive and active. Without these, all you’ve got is bread! Those two inner fillings are:
- Rebuking
- Correcting
- Each of these sandwich layers provides nourishment you need for a righteous life.
That’s what the verse says.
2. What Does It Mean?
First, Scripture is good nourishment. Essentially, God never says or does anything that’s not for your well-being. He has your best in mind. Further, His Word is manifested in two ways.
- The Living Word – Jesus Christ. You need a relationship with Jesus to know God.
- The Written Word – Scripture. You need time daily in God’s Word to know His messages.
Next, let’s explore these four perfect sandwich layers. First, the outer bread slices – the two “T” words. Both slices must be sturdy enough to hold the contents of your perfect sandwich:
- Teaching
- Training
Teaching is the process of providing guidance or instruction on something. Basically, it’s laying out important information for someone.
God is your Teacher. Thankfully, He’s the best instructor alive. Incidentally, He proves this through Jesus Christ. There is no more effective teacher than Jesus. He cleverly uses stories, parables, illustrations, and practical life lessons to provide guidance and instruction needed for a healthy life.
His teachings are eternally strong. Actually, they can hold all the filling of life. Plus, they provide a strong foundation so you can add all your life scenarios, challenges, problems, losses, and obstacles on top of the bread of His teaching – and you’ll get a perfect sandwich each time. Why not let the Bread of Life support and nurture you.
Interestingly, Jesus tutors you in every scenario as you live.
This is what teaching means. It’s life’s classroom.
On the other outside of your sandwich is training. Actually, training is a bit like teaching with something added – your participation. Essentially, the slice of bread on the other side of your perfect sandwich is applied when you add “buy-in” to God’s teaching.
Consider training in some trade or skill. Quite literally, you apply knowledge and information you’ve been given by adding “you” into the mix. Then, you carry out action steps provided in teaching. Plus, you follow best practice to end up with the desired results.
So, if you’re learning to cook, you take teaching you’ve been given. Then, you get into the kitchen. Next, you pull out your tools (pots, pans, cutting boards, knives, measuring equipment, ingredients). Finally, you start to DO what you were taught. You train. Gradually, you become proficient.
Similarly, if you’re learning to repair car engines. You take teaching you’ve received. Then, actually get under the car. Next, grab tools you’ve been told will do the job. Finally, you DO what you were taught. You are in training. Next thing you know, you can fix a car.
This is what training means. It’s life’s lab.
Now let’s look in the middle of your sandwich. The first ingredient is rebuking. When you’re soul is hungry, if you hear you’re going to be fed some rebuking, your first thought is probably – no thanks! It simply does not land well on your palate.
But wait! If you have an accurate understanding of rebuking as God’s Word provides, you’ll change your mind. I’ve come to deeply appreciate this ingredient in my life sandwiches. It’s an acquired taste. However, once you welcome this ingredient, you’ll look for rebuke whenever you need nourishment in your spirit.
Think with me. If you are being taught something – and you begin your training, but are heading in the wrong direction – perhaps mishandling information you’ve been given – the best thing is for your teacher to admonish or disapprove of what you’re doing. (Hopefully, they’ll be kind.) Especially if you are a surgeon in training, ready to operate on someone’s heart! (Or something like that.)
Remarkably, the best thing that can happen when consequences are critical is for someone to intervene and provide a helpful rebuke. Unfortunately, many rebukes are given with shattering results. But, they don’t have to be. God does not shatter when He, the Living Word, provides rebuke. In fact, many times, He provides rebuke on the front end of your actions – so you can avoid devastating consequences.
This is what rebuking means. It’s life’s schooling in humility.
The other middle ingredient of your perfect sandwich also feeds your soul. Correcting is essential to being healthy. There’s nothing more helpful than correcting, mid-course, to stay on track. For example, quickly correcting course to avoid driving off the road, scraping an embankment, hitting another vehicle. Perhaps, wrecking your car – or your life.
God knows how to correct – beautifully. Remarkably, His Spirit, with you at all times, provides correction – mid-course. In fact, His correction is so helpful, it whets your appetite for more in the future. Listen to this –
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ “ (Is. 30:21) In other words, God whispers to you on your life journey, telling you when to turn, how to swerve to avoid an accident, and which is the best route to get you safely to your destination.
This is what correcting means. It’s life’s navigation tool.
3. Make It Personal
For this section, I simply have some questions for you. As you consider the four ingredients to a perfect life sandwich, consider how to ingest each into your nutrition needs.
- Have you invited God’s teaching into every detail of your life?
- Are you eager to receive His gracious rebuke when you might be heading for trouble, mistakes, or sin? Or when your approach might be unhelpful for another person?
- Do you respond with gratitude and cheer when you hear God whisper correction into your heart?
- Have you fully embraced every aspect of your training each day – with the goal to become more like Jesus?
4. Make A Commitment – Application Thoughts And Questions
Are you invested in your spiritual, emotional, and relational health enough to enjoy God’s perfect sandwich regularly?
- What teaching is the Lord asking you to learn right now?
- In what ways are you personally participating – carrying out – His training?
- When you hear God’s loving rebuke or correction, how do you respond? Do you ignore Him? Brush aside His prompts? Or do you light up inside, say – “Thank you, Lord, for this correction! You just saved me from a mistake. You remind me I’ve committed to grow.”
- What do you need to change to enjoy better health and nutrition in your soul?
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