Got Power To Live An Alive and Active Life?


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Got Power To Live An Alive and Active Life?

Do you remember the commercial years ago (maybe the 1990’s) – GOT MILK? In the commercial, everyone has a “milk mustache.” No one can argue the value of drinking milk – especially for children. Even adults relish a glass of milk with cookies. That creamy white drink has power to build strong bodies in youngsters as they grow. Babies can’t live without milk. But when little ones grow up they need more than milk to be strong. They need inner power to live an Alive and Active Life. So the question I ask you is – GOT POWER?

What Is Power?

When I think about power, I think of:

  • armies,
  • great machines,
  • electricity,
  • stars in space,
  • the ocean,
  • strong muscles,
  • powerful dams,
  • great structures,
  • strong countries,
  • conviction.


Power to live an Alive and Active Life certainly includes energy, drive, and passion. It also includes direction, and perspective. Power would be worthless without capability, strength, and supply. This resource enables people and organizations to accomplish life goals, daily tasks, dreams, and healthy living. We definitely need power to live. It’s an essential resource – a critical force.

Still, power is an interesting concept. What is power at its root? Simply – Power is the force that makes things come to be.

Power To Live

Your outer person requires power to live each day. That power is replenished through rest, food, water, exercise, and sometimes medications.

Your inner person needs power for perspective, judgment skills, problem-solving skills, and perseverance. These help you pursue a well-balanced life and healthy relationships.

Inner power helps you exercise your “will” each moment. It’s often called willpower, and it enables you to apply power to your life and choices. These choices often become habits and patterns with certain results. Willpower is a force that functions with or without feelings, desired circumstances, or hopeful outcomes. How you apply your inner power “makes or breaks” daily living.

When a power drain happens, it takes time to replenish reserves. Just as it takes time to recharge your device, it takes time to recharge your inner and outer person.

Your Power Supply

Have you noticed power drains in your life? Finances, career, time. Certain people eat up your supply. Then there’s necessary perspective, discipline, relationship management, health issues, maintaining your stuff? So many things absorb your power supply. Do you have a good source that doesn’t run out?

I’m sure you’d give almost anything to have power to effectively navigate your life. And I bet you’d love to have an Alive and Active Life each day.




Since willpower is so critical to live well, how can you be sure you are using it effectively? And how do you re-charge when you are low on power?

God holds the whole universe – and your entire life – in place, even while disappointing things happen. Scripture says, He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. (Col. 1:17) Do you believe this?

Power is a consumable resource. You need a fresh, dependable supply. What is your source? Since God is the source of all power, it’s critical to plug into Him to recharge your willpower. He has an unstoppable supply – for you!

Reboot Your Power To Live

When you reboot with God’s power, you immediately find strength rising to live an Alive and Active Life. This reboot sequence gives you power to do these kinds of things:

  1. Live well even when it’s difficult.
  2. Know your inner heart and identify growth needed.
  3. Apply resources to live with discipline.
  4. Use the ticking clock to be more efficient.
  5. Build healthy habits to live better and longer.
  6. Endure and live with courage.
  7. Grow stronger in suffering.
  8. Show love, kindness, and gentle firmness.
  9. Praise and be thankful.
  10. Know how to enjoy every moment.
  11. Find little things that encourage – even in hard times.
  12. Be an example of Jesus to others.


God’s Word – A Dependable Source

There are 3 forms of God’s Word. You need them all for power to live an Alive and Active Life.

  1. Living form
  2. Written form
  3. Infused form



The living form of God’s power is Jesus Christ. If you haven’t trusted Him, you are not connected to your source of power. Jesus is before all things, created all things, and holds all things together. You need this!

The written form of God’s power is Scripture – power on paper – Jesus on paper. If you don’t have Scripture in your mind and heart, it will be hard to navigate life, solve problems, know right from wrong, and move forward. You need this!

The infused form of God’s power is His Spirit indwelling your life. This is the secret connect to power that enables you to become like Christ. You need this!

How To Reboot

These reboot steps keep you connected to your power source.

Start Here
  1. Put yourself in God’s hands by faith. Trust Him radically by letting go. (It may feel scary.)
  2. Spend time daily in Scripture to learn God’s ways, His promises, and His character. Use these practical action steps:
    • Read God’s Word. Notice God’s themes. Take His love into your heart. Choose His ways as your own.
    • Memorize the Word. It’s hard to carry your Bible everywhere – so hide it in your heart. Instant access, instruction, encouragement, wisdom. Post Scripture in your device. Set reminders to review what you have committed to memorize.
    • Meditate on Scripture. Simply picture practical application of His principles in your life. This step helps you succeed. Set reminders to help you carry out what you learn.
Then Add
  1. Pray continually. Ask God to strengthen you from the inside out. Open up to receive from Him. Tell Him everything. This strengthens relationship between you and God.
  2. Ask God to form the character of Jesus in you. You can trust and obey – but only God can transform you. Let Him burn away crusty residue of sin and purify your heart. Is. 43:2 says YOU will not be burned in this process. In the fire of a melting pot, it gets so hot that impurities rise to the top and can be skimmed off. Let God refine you. To have an Alive and Active Life, you must grow in character. God knows how to refine you without ruining your life.
  3. Journal things you learn. Notice God’s ability to stabilize you. When you record things you learn from God’s Word – you form a document to use in future days. This document can provide built-in guidelines, perhaps even rebuke, from lessons you learn. Review and see how God is giving you power to live.
  4. Share what you discover with others. You can have influence over lives that need help.
  5. Thank God for being so intimately involved in your life. Thank Him for the power to live.


And that’s your reboot sequence!

Power To Live In Difficult Times

God uses the melting pot of life to refine character. Whether through punishment or just because life is hard, refinement happens. God’s original plan did not include suffering. Sin introduced suffering, loss, sorrow, punishment, and injustice into our lives.

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23) These are hard words. Yet, they reflect the reality of this broken world. You can take steps to have an Alive and Active Life by connecting with your power source. Jesus is ready to help. Are you ready to receive? Consider these things:

  1. Rather than trying to figure God out, launch your trust into Him – blindly, even stubbornly.
  2. Exercise courage and resolve.
  3. If the Lord is using your life as a parable for others, trust Him in that.
  4. Love God back by obeying. “If you love Me, keep My commands.” (Jn. 14:15) He knows what He is doing.
  5. There is a start and a finish to your situation. Let God determine both. He loves you – so much!


“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor. 2:9) He is finishing His good work in your life for His glory. (Phil. 1:6)

God promises to give you power to live. “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” (2 Chron. 16:9a)

Application Questions

  • Are you plugging into God’s power regularly?
  • Are you engaging your willpower to reboot with God each day” Do you go through the reboot sequence – in His Word, through prayer, and by obedience?
  • How will you partner with God today while you are in your melting pot?
  • What do you need to change?
  • How can you show your love for Jesus today even in difficult circumstances?


As you consider these questions, why not plug into Jesus Christ in all details each day? Jesus loves you – so much! He has your best interests in mind and His sleeves are rolled up to help as soon as you turn to Him in faith.

Get power to live. Reboot – using the Living Form, the Written Form, and the Infused Form of God’s power.

GOT POWER – To Live An Alive and Active Life?


** This post, Day 34, is an excerpt from my book Despicable We: Daily Studies in Ezekiel. Check out Despicable We in my website store.

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