It Got Flipped!


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
It Got Flipped!

Recently, I looked at a picture and saw the most beautiful landscape. Upon further study, I realized – it was upside-down. A bit stunned, I figured out I was looking at the perfect reflection of a landscape on a calm, serene lake. It got flipped! Interestingly, God flips some things, too. 

It Got Flipped

I want to start by simply saying – so many things in life get flipped. Surely, you’ve experienced this. I certainly have. When this happens increasingly – you start wondering what’s going on. Plus, you begin to be more careful in your interactions (hopefully), more pensive in your dealings (it helps to think it through), and a lot more solution-oriented in your problems (it only makes sense).

Incidentally, what are some examples of things that have flipped?

First, just consider what has happened to the perfect, exquisite creation God designed. It writhes and groans under its broken condition. Even though still absolutely breath-taking in many ways – it got flipped!

A second example is when people pursue selfishness. Quite literally, they walk away from God’s healthy words and teachings. This has definitely created unthinkable conflict, sadness, and loss for everyone. Truly, it got flipped!

Add your own examples. There are so many. What got flipped in your life you didn’t expect?

Jesus Flips Scripture Words

Incidentally, are you aware that sometimes God flips things?

Do you remember the well-loved Scripture from Jer. 29:13? “You will seek Me and find Me – when you seek Me with all your heart.” This short verse is instructional, inspirational, and comforting.

But the opposite message is given by Jesus in Jn. 7:34. He flips it and says, “You will seek Me, and you will not find Me.”  What’s up with this opposite message? Something got flipped. I wonder why. Let’s look at these opposite verses in context for more understanding.

You Will Find Me

Jer. 29:13 – “You will seek Me and find Me – when you seek Me with all your heart.”

The setting is a message given to exiles taken to Babylon from Jerusalem. God promises to bring them back to their home.

This verse is linked to a couple of “golden verses” in front of it. In fact, we’ve explored them before –

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will hear you. You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore you and gather you . . .” (Jer. 29:11-14a) 

God is lovingly calling His people back to Himself. So, He instructs them to –

  1. Trust His intentions toward them.
  2. Approach Him with sincere hearts.
  3. Start a conversation with Him again (prayer).
  4. Seek Him with all your heart.


Then He promises –

  • He will be found.
  • He will restore.
  • And He will gather you into His grace.


Remarkably, God wants to be found! Equally, He wants you to reach back to Him. Go back through the two lists of descriptions we just explored. Close your eyes and picture (meditate). Then connect in your heart with the kind of relationship God wants with you. Keep in mind, relationship means you need to contribute in healthy ways back to this dear Friend. Otherwise, it’s a one-sided, lop-sided friendship.

So, are you seeking God . . . with all your heart? Are you applying His descriptions by faith as you connect with Him?

You Will NOT Find Me

Now, let’s look at how Jesus flips this message. In the gospel of Jn 7:34, we find – “You will seek Me, and you will not find Me.”

Jesus is on earth when He says this. Remarkably, He brings the message of hope and relationship with God Jeremiah talks about, to all people. And He does this in person!

As He ponders the work ahead of Him – the cross – resurrection – and eventually His ascension back to Heaven, He knows His time on earth is passing quickly. So, He flips the message. Perhaps with intense, heart-wrenching appeal to people who refuse to believe on Him, He gives a warning. Yet, He knows many will throw the restoration offer aside. They’re more interested in signs and wonders than living by faith, obeying, and knowing God, personally.

So, what are people looking for? What do they live for? Look around. Do you see people hungry for fun, entertainment, and self-gratifying experiences? How many people do you see willing to set some of those experiences aside to pursue a deeper, richer life? Name someone who is hungry for –

  • Jesus.
  • Authentic relationships with others.
  • A life-style of healthy choices.
  • Character that mirrors Christ’s.


Rather, many people seem hungry for signs and wonders! Jesus refused to perform signs and wonders to get people to believe. It was irrelevant data to Him. Any miracles He did were to –

  1. Glorify God and
  2. Help/serve people.


To pursue God involves a pure desire (a decision, not a feeling) to know and love God. Beautifully, this is what Jesus modeled. Simple, quiet, powerful living.  When people seek only signs and wonders, they will not find God.

A Miracle Flip

Sometimes, Jesus flips the nature of things. As already mentioned, He does miracles to glorify God and to help/serve people. Most of all, Jesus wants to connect with people. Incidentally, that includes you. When you have an issue, He wants you to come to Him.

I’d like to pull one of Jesus’ miracles into our content. There’s a story when Jesus says, “They do not need to go away.” That statement caught my attention. Next, He tells the disciples – “You give them something to eat.” (both quotes – Mt. 14:16) Of course, this is the feeding of the 5000. The disciples want to send hungry people away. Jesus wants hungry people to stay. He’d rather meet their needs – because He loves them.

What Jesus does is incredible on several levels.

Physically, out of a small boy’s lunch, Jesus feeds 5000 men – plus women and children. After everyone has eaten, there are 12 bulging baskets with leftovers. Perhaps provision for His 12 disciples and their families?

Relationally, Jesus gives an invitation. “Don’t go away. Come to Me, instead.”

Spiritually, Jesus provides a tangible miracle to break open people’s understanding that He can satisfy all hungers – at every level. It’s a chance to connect with God.

Incidentally, Jesus always invites. He says, “Stay! Don’t leave. You don’t have to go away. I will satisfy your hunger. I love you.”

Logical Conclusion

Have you been hungry in life? Why not stay with Jesus? Don’t leave. Don’t go away. Let Him satisfy your every need, especially your inner soul needs.

Be still. Quiet your soul. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Ps. 34:8)

A Sobering Point

Feeding the 5000 takes place immediately following a terrible loss for Jesus. His dearest friend, cousin John, has just been murdered. Jesus is leaving in a boat to “get away” and grieve. Perhaps He is broken-hearted. However, when He lands on the other side of the lake, what does He find? Solitude to weep and pray? No. He finds another crowd.

Remarkably, Jesus sets aside His own needs to show God’s love and compassion yet again. Jesus shows what the Father is like by inviting you to “stay.” “Don’t go.”

Double Sobering Point

After feeding all those hungry people, healing sick folks, and teaching (with a broken heart – still needing to grieve), Jesus sends His disciples on before Him for rest. He stays to clean up the mess and see the crowd safely on their way! It’s as if He, Himself, is staying with Father in a reach to these people. Lingering in the quiet clean up. Being satisfied in Father’s presence.

Jesus trusts God’s care and timing to comfort His broken heart. He knows Father has not forgotten His sadness and sorrow.

Triple Sobering Point

This is the very day/night that the famous walk-on-water rescue mission takes place. Jesus finishes the clean-up after the crowd and steals away again to be with Father. Finally, an opportunity to pour out His pain and grief.

However, always alert to His dear disciples, He sees across the midnight lake. His friends desperately need Him. So, Jesus walks across water to lift them from danger – so they can stay in His presence and know God’s love.

Application Thoughts And Questions

  1. How have you been responding to God’s invitations?
  2. Have you learned to stay with the Lord, even when you are broken?
  3. Do you hurry away after your quiet time into your own world with its problems?
  4. Are you trusting Jesus to meet your needs?
  5. I urge you – quiet your heart to hear Him whisper, “Stay. You don’t have to go away. I will satisfy you. I love you.”


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