Do you take the trash out at your house on a regular basis? Or is that somebody else’s job? Have you ever had a pile-up of junk and stuff that needs to be thrown out? Realistically, keeping up with trash, junk, and stuff is part of living well. This is true for your inner person, too. I’m excited to get into this content.
Life Junk And Stuff
How high is your tolerance for junk that piles up in your home? How much stuff can you put up with before you just dump it all in a box and head for Good Will or a trash deposit?
Incidentally, did you know junk and stuff piles up in your heart and mind? It can get pretty cluttered. Plus, it’s hard to navigate through all the piles. You know, it looks awful. Sometimes, the aroma it leaves in your life is pretty bad.
All that clutter inside your heart and mind affects your spirit, your perspective, and your ability to manage each day. Additionally, it interferes with living an Alive and Active Life.
You were created to be successful in practical ways each day. However, that means you must manage your life. So, get rid of junk and stuff that clutters your soul.
What To Dump And What To Keep
Have you ever wondered what to get rid of and what to keep? Especially when it comes to the unseen things of your heart and mind. Some of those things can be confusing to manage.
Subsequently, let’s explore what Scriptures teaches to get rid of and what to keep. God helps clear things up by giving practical help. He wants you to keep good stuff and nurture it to:
- Glorify God.
- Do good to people around you.
Simultaneously, He wants you to get rid of the bad junk. Just chuck it.
But truly, how do you know which is which?
Which Is Junk And Stuff
Thankfully, God always provides everything you need for life and godliness. (2 Pet. 1:3) Here are a couple of passages that give great advice on junk and stuff.
Get Rid Of
Interestingly, Eph. 4:30-31 says, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”
This tells you what junk and stuff to get rid of.
So what’s the list of junk to get rid of?
- Grieving the Holy Spirit of God. Did you know you can grieve God’s Spirit? Besides, His Spirit is the very “seal” you have to guarantee eternal life since you trusted Jesus. Grieving God breaks your relationship with Him.
- Bitterness. Are you bitter about things that have happened to you or others? Do you need to forgive someone?
- Rage. What bugs you so much that you almost lose control? Well, that’s what God says to get rid of.
- Anger. Do you have a healthy (godly) color of anger? Or does your anger scream? Scripture says “Don’t sin in your anger.” (Eph. 4:26)
- Brawling. Do you occasionally get rough and tough? Noisy? Are you sometimes “under the influence” of anything that affects your judgment? Do you like a good fight, even just in words?
- Slander. What kinds of words do you speak about others behind their back?
- Malice. Do you want someone to suffer injury or harm for what they’ve done? Do you return evil for evil?
Hang Onto
Equally, Phil. 4:8-9 tells you what to hang onto. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
I’ve often referred to this passage as a “Thinking Grid.” It clearly tells you what things to keep in your mind. So, whenever you wonder if a thought should be allowed, put it through the grid. Actually, it’s simple and answers the question if you should keep that thought to let it grow.
Thinking Grid
Is your thought –
- True?
- Noble?
- Right?
- Pure?
- Lovely?
- Admirable?
- Excellent?
- Praiseworthy?
Another Good Tool – A Godly Example
Strategically, you can adopt behaviors of a godly mentor who walks closely with Jesus:
- What does this person teach you by their daily life?
- Have you received important examples of good choices from them?
- Do they speak about God’s principles and teachings with a credible model in their life?
- As you watched their life, what specifics do they put into practice?
Practically speaking, this person might be close to you . . . or someone at a distance. For more, check out My Three Mentors.
When Paul talks about his own example, he’s very hard on himself. In fact, he works daily to be above reproach. Yet, he also lives in a way that presents freedom to be the person God created. So, he’s a mentor of a deterrent and an inspiration.
Remarkably, Paul says if you follow a godly example, the “God of peace will be with you.” In other words, you will not only know what to hang onto and what to get rid of. You’ll also know a freedom you’ve never enjoyed before. A confident peace. Additionally, you’ll have joy of being yourself.
You Need Guidelines AND Freedom
I’d be shocked if you never experience loneliness, discouragement, or loss. I’d even be surprised if you’ve never had a bit of depression creep into your soul. Also, I’d believe you if you told me you’ve sometimes felt plain-old worn-out and tired in life.
The passages we just explored provide a plan to manage your heart. As a result, you can maneuver through challenges and troubles common to all people.
You were meant to follow guidelines. Plus, you were meant to live in freedom.
Whatever you allow into your heart and thoughts are “seeds” that grow. The same is true of temptations. If you let those seeds stay, they become patterns of sin. However, if you keep working the soil of your life and pluck out – get rid of – whatever doesn’t belong, you stay healthy. That’s why you need a trash can outside your mind. Thankfully, God gave you one. (More on this in a bit.)
Simultaneously, you must replace the junk and stuff you throw out with positive ideas – seeds – that grow into goodness, peace, joy, purpose, freedom, kindness, and so on. So, why is this important?
Well, when you dump junk and stuff, if you don’t replace that space with something good, it will fill up again with junk and stuff.
You choose. Only you control what goes on in your head and heart.
The freedom Jesus gives enables you to control what goes on in your heart. Strategically, you decide who you’ll be each moment. In fact, you choose the kind of person you’ll be all your life. Yes, you have this much freedom – and power – in Christ. Why not use it to be a healthy person who makes good choices?
Freedom is power!
Trash Can For Junk And Stuff
We’ve already mentioned the trash can outside your mind. It’s there by God’s design as part of an effective system to keep you pure in heart. So, how does it work?
Well, it’s there to collect all the junk and stuff that doesn’t belong in your mind and heart. Realistically, it’s up to you to take out the trash. Plus, if you sincerely mean to get rid of it – slam the lid!
It feels good to get rid of junk and stuff that interferes with peace, joy, and hope.
Action Steps That Help
- First, agree with what God says to get rid of and what to hang onto.
- Next, take out the trash regularly.
- Then, replace that space with treasure. With things that please God.
- Also, be the person He created in freedom and with joy.
- Fulfill your life purpose to honor God – especially in small daily details.
- Serve and encourage others around you.
- Finally, claim the hope of salvation you’ll enjoy forever. It starts now.
Application Thoughts And Questions
- Do you have any trash that needs to be taken out of your heart and mind?
- What things clutter your soul and pull you down?
- Do you have a regular trash day to dump junk and stuff in your life? Then, do you slam the lid with resolve? Incidentally, as a Jesus follower, trash day is every day.
- Have you identified what to get rid of? Review Eph. 4:30-31 above.
- Equally, do you know what to hang onto? Review Phil. 4:8-9 above.
- Have you asked God for a mentor who is trustworthy and consistently “lives out” God’s Word?
- What guidelines have you put into place to keep your heart and mind healthy?
- How are you exercising your freedom in Christ?
- Will you follow the seven action steps we explored? Review them now.
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