As we explore “Little gods,” I’m thinking about a superhero movie – The Avengers. There’s an exchange between the Black Widow and Captain America. Oddly, they are discussing whether to go after Thor and Loki. If you’re familiar with the Marvel superhero movies, you’ll remember the conversation –
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow): I’d sit this one out, Cap!
Steve Rogers (Captain America): I don’t see how I can!
Natasha Romanoff: These guys come from legend. They’re basically gods.
Steve Rogers: There’s only one God, Ma’am, and I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that!
You know, it’s one thing to talk about make-belief superheroes as “gods.” But to talk about people like you and me being gods? Realistically, that’s a stretch! Interestingly, Scripture does. Consequently, what practical application does “little gods” have for you?
Tear Into It – Little gods
Before we look at today’s Scripture Dissection, I suggest to take a look at Tear Into It. That article explains how and why we introduce Scripture Dissection exercises every few weeks in our article rotation.
Now, let’s explore “Little gods” by looking at Psalm 8:4-6 and Ps. 82:6.
Little gods – Scripture Dissection
First, Ps. 8:4-6. ” . . . what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings[*] and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet . . . “
Second, Ps. 82:6. “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you.”
Now Let’s Tear Into – Little gods
Every Scripture Dissection article, we engage four focuses.
- What Does It Say?
- What Does It Mean?
- Make It Personal.
- Make A Commitment.
1. What Does It Say?
Ps. 8:4-6. Here are bullet points of what this passage says.
First, the psalmist is trying to figure out why God values people so much. So, he asks – ” . . . what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him? I assume he genuinely wants to know.
- Next, David recalls a few things he knows about people and God. And here, he dabbles with the unthinkable – Little gods.
- “You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings[*]
- And crowned him with glory and honor.
- You have given him dominion over the works of Your hands;
- You have put all things under his feet . . . “
Now, lets’ look at Ps. 82:6.
- “You are gods,
- Sons of the Most High,
- All of you.”
Definitely a dabble in the idea of Little gods.
2. What Does It Mean?
In order to discover what these passages mean, we must ask a question. Then, we must examine something Jesus says.
1. The Question: Who Are You?
If you’ve ever asked – “who am I?” – during the course of your life, you’re not alone. Even the psalmist asks questions like this. In Ps. 8 –
- What is man – and all his generations?
- And why do You care for him?
- It’s odd – You’ve given him a place of glorious influence and responsibility.
- In fact, he’s just a bit lower than mighty angels and other beings continually in Your presence.
- Remarkably, You’ve put a crown on his head – of glory and honor.
- And frankly, it’s quite undeserved.
- You’ve placed all creation under him – to care for and govern over.
- Truly, You’ve placed everything pertaining to the globe under his dominion.
Now, let’s look at the footnote in the phrase “You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings.[*]” How interesting.
First Observation: a number of translations say – “a little lower than the angels.”
Second Observation: the footnote says – “a little lower than God!“
So, God’s answer to the question – “who are you?” – is that He designed you to be a little lower than angels. In actuality, a little lower than Himself.
Subsequently, this likely refers more to design and value than power. There’s no comparison to God’s unlimited power. In fact, no other entity comes remotely close. Nevertheless, when Jesus talks about people, He uses words like – “children” and “friends.” These reveal His heart toward you. In essence, you are very dear to Him – chosen to be His child and friend.
However, this honor feels misplaced, considering mankind walked away from God.
Further, why would God make “children” and “friends” from the dust of the earth?
Basically, it’s unknown why God would create people to be His children and friends. But it’s an amazing gift of life and belonging.
2. Something Jesus Says
Second, let’s look at something Jesus says. Not only does God expose His heart toward mankind in Scripture. Jesus reaffirms – “yes, it’s true” – when He quotes Ps. 82:6 in Jn. 10:34-35. The John verses say this –
“Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods?’ If He called them gods to whom the Word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken – . . .” and it goes on from there.
Now, that answer is Jesus addressing the Pharisees who had just accused Him of blasphemy for claiming to be God. How interesting! Apparently, they thought it was nuts for a man to be God (capital G). It’s certainly an unexpected development.
Yet, they apparently accepted their law refers to them as “Little gods” (small g). Surely, they know man is fallen from the elevated position of original design, which Jesus (God-man, big G) came to earth to correct.
Still, Ps. 82: 6 refers to the human race as “gods.” Basically, “Little gods.” “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you.”
Jesus reaches back to original design of creation – to pull us back into right relationship with God. Specifically, He addresses both the design and value of man.
God’s original design for people is glorious, powerful, and one of responsibility. In essence, we are to be “little pictures” of Himself. Plus, we are to govern human affairs, globally. And finally, we are to care for creation. All this requires unbroken connection to God since those design pieces require wisdom and discernment.
One reason our world is so broken is because we don’t operate inside our original design. Sadly, people have lost sight of their glory, power, and responsibility.
How unfortunate.
Your life is of high value. God made you for Himself with desire of close relationship. And because sin destroyed that, God sent Jesus to carry out a special commission. What is that commission?
Jesus reaches back to creation to connect God’s original intentions for man – with eternity. He pays the penalty of sin and invites you back into original design. What an incredible statement of value! Fellowship with God. Representatives of God.
Consequently, your original value is on Jesus’ radar when He becomes the “God-man.” In Rev. 21:5, Jesus says, “Behold, I am making all things new.” So, His commission is to –
- Redeem your lost high position.
- Restore your design.
- Re-instate your value.
In other words, Jesus is underlining and using bold to declare the human race is still intended to be “little gods” under God.
3. Make It Personal
To make this unique information personal, let’s explore God’s meaning of “Little gods.” We’ve already looked at design and value from His perspective. Still, what qualities keep fallen humanity in check? Seriously! We have such a tendency to be selfish trolls instead of respectable gods.
Of course, the blood of Christ is the critical first piece. Trusting Jesus involves the great transfer: Jesus takes your sin into Himself and puts His righteousness onto you. So, God sees Jesus when He looks at you! Wow.
Additionally, Jesus models a healthy, godly life as a man. He intends to be our example.
To be healthy and godly, you must practice specific qualities to connect back with original design. These qualities identify who really is a Jesus follower . . . and who is not. Of course, there are mimics running around today. But, Jesus said, “You will recognize them by their fruits.” (Jn. 7:16 and 20)
Fruit And Qualities
Since Jesus is our model, let’s look at His fruit first:
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control
Those individual fruits, together, form the Fruit of the Spirit. (Gal. 5:22-23) It’s not a “pick-and-choose” list. It’s an “all-or-nothing” list.
Remarkably, Jesus’ example also shows His qualities –
- Humility
- Surrender
- God-centered (not man-centered)
- Commitment
- Focus
- Discipline
- Resolve
4. Make A Commitment – Application Thoughts And Questions
- Have you grasped how precious your life is to God?
- Have you lost sight of your design and value?
- Are you practicing the Fruit of the Spirit? All of them? (Review the previous list.) Which do you lack? What will you do about it?
- Can others identify you by your fruit?
- Do you practice the additional qualities Jesus practiced? (Review the previous list.)
- How can you be a better “Little god?”
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