You might be surprised to know Christmas sadness is a real thing. It hits when people go through difficulties that stretch into the Christmas season. Or with unexpected bad news. Sometimes, it’s an on-going, unhealthy relationship or life situation. Interestingly, Christmas sadness can sometimes appear though everything is going fine. Unexpectedly, something rises inside you without permission and surprises you. In fact, you may even wonder why it’s there because there’s no identifiable reason.
Whatever the scenario, you are not alone if you experience Christmas sadness.
Subsequently, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to manage Christmas sadness.
Manage Christmas Sadness
Christmas sadness is more common than many realize. Since your life is often filled with difficulties, hurts, losses, and disappointments all year – at Christmas, these things can sometimes feel bigger.
Incidentally, there may not even be anything that’s gone wrong as you prepare for Christmas. Remarkably, the wear and tear of living all year can surface when you least expect it – even when you are hopeful for a holiday of joy, rest, and special times. You live in a broken world, but you instinctively know – “it’s not supposed to be like this.”
Managing Christmas sadness becomes overwhelming with a loss. Too often, dreams may have been dashed. Sadly, medical emergencies may invade and drain you of time and energy. Additionally, some people struggle with depression, and that condition is not a respecter of special occasions.
As disappointment creeps in – whatever the situation, this is the time to manage Christmas sadness.
Because of all this, let’s explore some scenarios that can happen – and then some steps to manage Christmas sadness.
Some Scenarios That Can Happen
Despite your best planning and intentions, life can be relentless. Interestingly, this can feel like a betrayal. Especially when you’ve poured your best out and had a good plan. You expect more – some fairness and good outcomes.
Life is unpredictable. Consequently, there are many times you feel the rug is pulled out from under you. Equally, you may feel hurt, sad, disappointed, and maybe even angry.
- What do you do after giving your very best, and it still isn’t good enough?
- What’s your next move after pouring into an endeavor, and it turns out poorly?
- How about the person who has lived healthy – food and exercise – all their life . . . but they get cancer?
- After befriending someone, they turn around and betray you.
- What do you do when you prayed and trusted – and the bad thing still happened?
- How do you keep going when death invades?
- What if your marriage is struggling?
- Maybe you’re going through a tough time with one of your kids.
- What about that raise you worked hard for – and didn’t get?
- Maybe you saved just enough money for Christmas, and something happens that eats into it.
Christmas becomes a season of mixed emotions when these kinds of things become your reality.
It’s Not Supposed To Be Like This
Christmas is supposed to be a wonderful time of rejoicing, celebration, and encouragement. Plus, it’s time to pause, reflect, and enjoy God’s lavish gift of grace, even in this broken world! But – to keep it real – this life is broken!
So, what do you do when things don’t go well? What do you do when you are sad at Christmas?
How To Manage Christmas Sadness
Steps to manage Christmas sadness are helpful. Perspective also helps. And choices are critical. You do have control over how you manage Christmas sadness. Plus, God promises to walk with you and help.
Action Steps To Manage Christmas Sadness
Manage Christmas sadness better with these steps:
- Identify that you are sad. That’s the first step.
- Ask yourself good questions to discover why you’re sad. If you find nothing, still continue these steps.
- Pray. Ask God for wisdom, strength, and creative strategies to manage your sadness.
- Proactively work to lift your spirit. Be deliberate. It’s better than staying in sadness. Interestingly, you tap into a special power when you rise up into a healthy direction.
- Claim Scriptures that speak to your heart. Remember: God’s Written Word is Alive and Active. (Heb. 4:12)
- Ps. 42:5,11; Ps. 43:5 all say – “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” So, hope in God – even while your heart feels sad.
- Some people find it helpful to journal feelings as an exercise of self-discovery. Include a prayer of faith.
- Involve another person(s) to share an activity or time of fellowship.
- Don’t turn to food. Instead, let food be a purposeful “add-on” to special times.
- Get good sleep. Too often, holidays have a way of stripping you of rest.
- Get exercise. Take a walk. Stretch. Exercise. Get your heart and lungs going. Incidentally, this increases positive mood.
- Make a favorite drink. Take time to enjoy it. Reflect on uplifting thoughts. Enjoy God’s presence.
- Call a dear friend and share what you’re going through. Ask them to pray for you.
- Rise up and practice joy. Since joy is more than a feeling – a choice – you can do this.
- Focus on Christ-like character – then practice it. This holds emotions in check.
- By faith, draw near to the grown-up Christmas Baby. Open your heart to receive something fresh and new from Him.
A Helpful Christmas Scripture
To us a Son is given.
And the government will be on His shoulders.
And He will be called –
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
(Isaiah 9:6)
This verse is filled with hope and instruction. Let’s explore each phrase.
For To Us A Child Is Born. To Us A Son Is Given
Jesus is your “first, most, and best” Christmas present! He’s a gift to help you manage Christmas sadness. Incidentally, He’s also a companion in life’s hardships and pain. Jesus is a powerful, kind friend who cares about you. Emmanuel means God With You!
The Government Will Be On His Shoulders
The grown-up Christmas Baby carries God’s government on His shoulders. He has answers to complicated problems. Christ’s shoulders are broad and strong to carry whatever concerns you. Jesus has thoughtful, brilliant solutions. Consequently, He can train you to manage Christmas sadness. Give Him your sadness.
And He Will Be Called
God names Himself for your needs. His names fit your needs like a glove. Claim His names by faith.
Wonderful Counselor
Some Bible translations call Jesus “Extraordinary Strategist” in place of Wonderful Counselor. Imagine having this kind of counselor in struggles, griefs, and disappointments. He’s a guide already in tomorrow to receive you as you enter.
Mighty God
God channels His unlimited power through the portal of your faith. Every problem, loss, sorrow, challenge, and assignment falls within His scope of power. “With man, these things are impossible. But with [Mighty] God, all things are possible.” (Mt. 19:26)
Everlasting Father
You belong! Your fabulous Dad loves you tenderly. God holds you close when you’re discouraged. He strengthens you when you’re weak. And He steps in with His glorious right arm when you need help with a bully. Your Everlasting Father is extremely good. Job was so convinced about this, he said – “Even if You kill me, I will trust You, God.” (Job 13:15)
Prince of Peace
This world is full of conflict. Churning, burning, unsettling reality. Subsequently, Jesus promises peace that passes understanding. He offers comfort when you’ve been hurt. He gives rest when you are weary. And He spreads His wings over you.
Come under His wings. “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Ps. 34:18)
Choose Hope
You must decide to manage Christmas sadness. Essentially, choose how you will think and what you will do. You have control over what you say and do.
Most important, choose hope. Put your precious life directly into God’s care and blessing.
Some sad feelings may remain from serious losses. Always turn to Emmanuel – “God With You.” He loves you and knows how to help you move forward.
Application Thoughts And Questions
- First, do you know the grown-up Christmas Baby loves you?
- Have you brought your sadness to Him at Christmas?
- Have you been honest about your sadness?
- Do you reach to Jesus and accept His comfort?
- Will you practice action steps in this content to manage Christmas sadness?
- Be open to the wisdom and comfort of Wonderful Counselor (Extraordinary Strategist). Additionally, surrender your concerns to Mighty God. Also, rest and fellowship with Everlasting Father. And finally, be completely dependent on Prince of Peace.
Final Word
If you experience sadness, depression, or grieving, there’s a special session in our FREE course – “Prepare For Christmas Without Missing It.”
You can sign up at:
The session is in “Unit 3” of the course and is called “Session 7: Depression, Sadness, and Grieving.” This content helps you find fresh hope, and a bit more joy while managing Christmas sadness.
Merry Christmas to you! God loves you so much!
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