In the first few months of a New Year, there’s a unique opportunity to change – or tweek – perspectives. However, to do this, you need to “turn your face toward it.”
In today’s content, we’ll explore this interesting phrase. Oddly, it comes straight out of Scripture. And actually, it applies to every new month. Each and every week. And particularly, each new day. Matter of fact, learning to do this gives you an effective and powerful tool to maintain a healthy, balanced life.
Turn Your Face Toward It
What is this expression all about? Additionally, what is the purpose of specifically including “the face?” Scripture uses this expression in various places.
Perhaps asking the opposite question provides a good launch into todays material. What comes to mind when you hear someone has turned their back to something or someone?
- Moving away from.
- Ignoring.
- No agreement.
- Perhaps even spurning something or someone.
Conversely, turning your face toward someone or something is –
- Moving toward them.
- Attentive.
- Agreement.
- Perhaps even curiosity and investment.
Conclusively, whatever you turn your face toward, you tend to move toward. Simply put . . . you like it. And you want to know more.
However, whatever you turn your back to, you tend to move away from. Simply put . . . you don’t like. And you want nothing to do with.
Interestingly, this affects many things in your life, including how you approach problem-solving, difficulties, opportunities, and even your relationships.
What’s In A Human Face, Anyway?
Something about the human face communicates more than any other part of a person’s body or personality.
- Eyes – Are they vibrant and bright? Or are they vacant and dull?
- Ears – Are they actively listening? Or closed and tuned-out?
- Mouth – Pleasant, smiling, inviting, sharing? Or frowning, dismal, even sad?
- Countenance – Adopting brightness of purpose and hope? Or portraying dark emptiness or animosity?
- Participation – Engaging pro-active energy? Or “shutting-down” with non-involvement.
Of course, engaging all these involves deliberate choice. It takes resolve to adopt good decisions when life is full of difficulties. Still, this choice sets you on a healthy path and initiates growth as a positive person. In other words, what you do with your face, matters!
Another Side of Your Face
Interestingly, your focus and perspective – your very life – is not only about turning toward healthy, positive, time-tested endeavors. According to Scripture, you need to do another thing with your face.
Scripture beautifully says –
“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” (1 Chron. 16:11)
“My heart says . . . ‘Your face, Lord, I will seek.’ ” (Ps. 27:8)
Remarkably, you are both invited and commanded to seek God’s face. This is the same God who said if anyone looks into His face, they will surely die.
Moses asked to see God’s glory. And here is God’s response.
” . . . you cannot see My face, for no one may see Me and live. There is a place near Me where you may stand on a rock. When My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove My hand and you will see My back. But My face must not be seen.” (Ex. 33:20-23)
Incredibly, God is so holy, so pure, so powerfully beautiful – no one can look at Him face to face – and live. So, why does Scripture command to seek His face?
Seek God’s Face
First, there’s the element of seeing God through the eyes of faith. Looking at His attributes, His character and conduct, His promises and commands – all these give a strong picture of what His face is like. Additionally, we are told – “God is Love.” (1 Jn. 4:8)
Second, Jesus changed everything. Being God, yet also man, Jesus is “viewable.” God in skin with human nature running through His veins. So, you can look at Jesus and see God. Jesus said, “If you really know Me, you will know My Father as well.” (Jn. 14:7) You see God through the life of Christ.
Jesus also declares, “Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.” (Jn. 14:9). Quite literally, Jesus means He is a picture of God, the Father.
Third and even more stunning – Jesus is the exact representation of God! Heb. 1:3a says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful Word.”
A Place For Remorse And Renewal
While engaging the privilege of knowing God more intimately, there are two critical steps that must happen in your heart.
- First, take a position of remorse.
- Second, recognize true renewal comes from God.
Scripture talks about remorse and renewal.
“Come together, weeping . . . seek the Lord your God . . . ask the way to Zion – WITH FACES TURNED TOWARD IT.” (Jer. 50:4-5, excerpts) The person who puts this verse into action practices remorse while seeking God.
” . . . those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Is. 40:31) Any Jesus follower who puts their hope in God (even in difficulties) will renew their strength! It’s a miracle to discover you have what’s needed to keep going. To rise up. To turn your face toward God.
Those who practice the two action steps, remorse and renewal, engage in a beautiful, honest, sincere relationship with God. Interestingly, it also shows they are aware of how undeserving they are to enjoy face-to-face connection with holy God. And finally, it reveals they’ve discovered the fountain of renewal in life’s difficulties and challenges.
What a great “find” in these two action steps!
- Do you practice them?
- Are you remorseful about wrongs as you trade out natural, human responses for the very nature of Jesus?
- Have you discovered the incredible fountain of new life so you can renew each day?
All this is accomplished by faith and obedience.
Come Close To God
Since we are commanded to, we should come close to God! Oddly, there’s no other place to receive what you need for daily living in this world. Plus, there’s no other way to accomplish your life’s purpose.
Jas. 4:8 says, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” In other words, when you put energy and your will into coming closer to God to know Him better . . . you get God! Plus, you know Him better! Subsequently, your life is worth living.
Blessings From Choosing God
There are blessings from turning your face to the process of knowing God. Let’s look.
Forgiveness is completed when you turn toward God. Christ already forgave you on the cross. Yet, just as in human reconciliation, forgiveness can only be complete when –
- The person who has done wrong confesses it with sorrow,
- The person forgiving reaches with reconciliation.
- At this point, receiving forgiveness closes the circle. Face-to-face is restored. Subsequently, their faces can be turned to one another again with restored relationship. Similarly, is your relationship with God.
Encouragement and renewal is another reason to turn your face to God. You need both encouragement and renewal. God loves you so much. Plus, He wants you to succeed in your daily living. Life is challenging. Thankfully, God provides all resources, tools, and refreshment you need. So, turn your face toward Him.
Sometimes, you need guidance. Consequently, when you turn your face to God, you discover He is your Wonderful Counselor. Some translations use the term “Extraordinary Strategist.” Equally, He’s eager to share His life with you as you share your life with Him. Since He knows everything in your future and because He loves you deeply, He’s the best Person to seek guidance from.
Then there’s the need for healing. The Great Physician is the only one who can heal your broken heart, shattered hope, severed connections. Particularly, when there can be no healing in this life, God has a miraculous way of bringing health and renewed purpose. He can heal your wounds. Additionally, He stirs hope and joy again.
Application Thoughts And Questions
What do you turn your face to most often?
- If it’s not God – why not?
- Do you sometimes feel ashamed to show your face and heart to God.
- What action steps will you take to –
- Turn your eyes to Jesus?
- Open your ears to hear what He is saying to you?
- Express His promises and remind of His love for you with your mouth?
- Lift your countenance with confidence God is looking out for your best interests?
- Participate fully in intimate relationship with God?
- Have you closed the circle with God by receiving His forgiveness?
- How often do you show remorse with God?
- Do you come near God to receive renewal?
- Have you set your face toward –
- Forgiveness
- Encouragement and renewal
- Guidance
- Healing . . . by coming closer to God?
- Why not be a healthy person by responding to God?
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