Under The Cloud; Through The Sea – Scripture Dissection


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Alive and Active Life
Under The Cloud; Through The Sea - Scripture Dissection

As we discuss the cloud and sea, I’d like to lead with two examples. One is literal. The other is figurative.

This past spring when we planted our garden, the sun pierced our bodies as we bent over the soil. Then, every-so-often, a coolness enveloped us. Why? Well, clouds moved in. Subsequently, their shadow covered us from the hot sun. It was quite pleasant. I’m sure you’ve had a similar experience. This is the literal example.

A second, figurative example. You pursue forward movement in some endeavor. Yet, you continually find road blocks and barriers that work against you. A “sea of obstacles” prevents progress. So, your goal awaits your arrival from a distance. This happens often in life.

Clearly, there’s a need for cover and a path through in daily life. So, let’s dissect the idea of “Under The Cloud; Through The Sea.”

Tear Into ItUnder The Cloud; Through The Sea

First, I suggest – check out our initial content that launched Scripture Dissection materials: Tear Into It. That article explains how and why we introduce Scripture dissection exercises periodically.

Now, look up 1 Cor 10:1-2 in your Bible. Here’s a bullet list of the verses, broken into the concepts we’ll discuss.

  1. “For I do not want you to be unaware,
  2. Brothers and sisters,
  3. That our fathers were all under the cloud, and
  4. All passed through the sea, and
  5. All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.”


What an interesting Scripture. Oddly, it almost seems written in code. Incidentally, how does such a passage apply to modern people? You and me?

Let’s Tear Into – Under The Cloud; Through The Sea

There are always four categories we explore in Scripture dissection:

  1. What Does It Say?
  2. What Does It Mean?
  3. Make It Personal
  4. Make A Commitment.


1. What Does It Say?

As we sometimes do, let’s tear into each phrase.

For I do not want you to be unaware

First, doesn’t it catch your attention when a person prefaces what they say with “I don’t want you to be unaware.” In other words, I want you to be up-to-speed, not surprised. Plus, I don’t want you to miss out on this.

Second, how helpful. God wants you to be up-to-date with your current times. Subsequently, Scripture alerts you to important principles so you don’t miss the good He wants to weave into each day.

Brothers and sisters

This phrase speaks to God’s family. Essentially, every believer is part of a bigger group, bound together in Christ. Consequently, you have a Father and lots of brothers and sisters.

Everyone in Christ forms a unique family.

That our fathers were all under the cloud

Generations of the Israelites are literally covered with a cloud against heat and drudgery as they trek through the wilderness for forty years. God provides protection. Plus, their clothes and shoes don’t even wear out. (Deut. 29:5) Think about that! Forty years!

All passed through the sea

Of course, we remember the Red Sea with the famous escape from Egypt. But, we also remember the swollen Jordan River as a barrier to the “promised land.” Nevertheless, God miraculously opens a way through both formidable barriers.

The Egypt crossing is to save their skin! In fact, as Pharoah’s army closes in, chasing them, they have nowhere to go.

The Jordan crossing occurs after wandering forty years. Finally! They pass through the sea. Essentially, with God’s involvement, they beat the odds and progress toward their goal.

All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.

What an interesting phrase. Apparently, “our fathers” are immersed into the same defining purpose God gives Moses, their leader. Interestingly, it comes through the cloud and the sea. In other words, under their covering, and through the obstacles.

So, a common thread through generations is – being “baptized” into trusting God while accepting His covering and addressing hardships. Somehow, cloud and sea are part of it.

2. What Does It Mean?

Let’s take each phrase again, and explore the meaning behind each.

For I do not want you to be unaware

So much happens each day. Increasingly, it’s important to be well-informed. Otherwise, you miss things.

Interestingly, God uses Scripture to help inform you how to live a healthy life. Plus, He gives you the inside scoop into eternal matters. So, you don’t have to miss a thing – if you stay connected to God through His Word.

Brothers and sisters

Have you considered your bigger “family?” Incidentally, this group helps when you struggle with loneliness or discouragement. You’re included. Undeservedly, God is “Father.” Plus, you have brothers and sisters.

Simply put, you belong.

That our fathers were all under the cloud

Hmmm – our fathers. Basically, those who come before us. Notably, they’re under “cloud cover” – which is some kind of protection.

Since this is true of “our fathers,” you can conclude it goes forward to be true for you. Dependably, God offers covering, protection, provision.

In summary, it’s a tangible reminder He is with you.

All passed through the sea

Just as the Children of Israel pass through the Red Sea to escape Pharoah and through the Jordan to get to the promised land, you pass through impossible challenges. Specifically, to “get through” difficulties or “get to” various goals. Often, you strive to pursue your life purpose.

Incidentally, the sea of obstacles can seem overwhelming sometimes.

All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.

Second to the throne in Egypt, Moses likely goes through an identity crisis. Afterall, he leaves Egypt in shame after killing an Egyptian for beating a fellow Israelite. Evidently, at forty years old, Moses now identifies with God’s people more than his “Pharoah family.”

Moses learns critical lessons caring for flocks in a wilderness. Incidentally, this lasts another forty years. Equally, he’s “baptized” into humility and serving. So, yesterday’s lofty position in Egypt morphs into identity with regular people who work to stay alive. Additionally, he learns to wait on God.

3. Make It Personal

Now, we look for God’s messages to you.

For I do not want you to be unaware

You live in troubled times. Global upheaval fills the news. God wants you to be up-to-date with current times. Additionally, He intends to help you process what’s happening – from His perspective. Plus, He doesn’t want you to miss out on good – from His hand – each day.

Through Jesus, you have hope, peace, and joy. He’s already in tomorrow. Subsequently, you can go forward knowing He will never leave you. 

Brothers and sisters

No matter what your family situation, you have God’s family. Strategically, you can seek out ways to build those relationships. Basically, serve others. Receive help. Then, creatively pursue fellowship.

Simply put, you’re not alone. Plus, God is your dearest Friend.

That our fathers were all under the cloud

You need protection as you live each day. Incidentally, that includes protection of your thoughts and perspective. In difficult times, it’s easy to slip into discouragement and even sin.

So, get under – and stay under – God’s cloud covering. Remember, He’s with you no matter where you go or what you’re going through.

All passed through the sea

What barrier is in front of you? Is something standing in the way of spiritual, emotional, relational, or physical progress?

Perhaps it’s time to embrace faith in God. Only He can open a path through your sea of difficulties. Basically, God wants to help you. Will you let Him?

All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.

Some personal thoughts. As you go through:

  • Sorrow.
  • Overwhelming challenges.
  • A bad pattern.
  • Painful relationships.
  • Impossible forward movement.


You’ve faced various scenarios, just as I have. What is God baptizing you into? Like Moses, He’s “baptizing” you into humility and serving – and learning to wait on God.

Remarkably, God is more concerned about your growth in Christ-like character than whether you have an easy life.

4. Make A Commitment – Application Thoughts & Questions

  1. How aware are you about global affairs? Equally, about God’s principles?
  2. Do you enjoy God’s family? Strategically, when you’re lonely or discouraged, how can you spend time with His family? Be creative as you consider options.
  3. Even if you can’t connect with others, do you remember God is with you always? Do you turn to Him first? How will you prove you trust God?
  4. What do you need protection from? Additionally, are you staying hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3) – under the shelter of God’s cloud as you solve daily problems and address struggles and losses?
  5. What barriers prevent your progress toward goals? What blocks you from knowing God more intimately? Are you angry with Him? Disappointed in others? Do you feel unworthy?
  6. What baptism is God taking you through? And, what character does God want to form in your life?
  7. If you were to mark where you are on a number line of 1 – 10, where would you put yourself in humility? In serving? In waiting?


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