What Can I Do?


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
What Can I Do?

On the big scale of the world, so much is out of your control. Events happen and history is changed. You can feel pretty small when your life is lined up next to global issues. Still, your own life affects history. So, as you consider your life in the world, your community, family, career, you may wonder – “Realistically, what can I do? How can my life matter?”

God Asks – What Can I Do?

God changes history. Every time He intervenes in history, something significant happens. And it often revolves around the question, “What can I do?”

Before God created anything, He essentially asked, “what can I do” as He contemplated what He already knew. Mankind (His very own creation) would turn away from Him, and this decision would be catastrophic with eternal consequences for each person. His beloved children would “surely die” (Gen. 2:17) if He did nothing. So, when He asked, “what can I do” the answer was an extraordinary strategy.

” . . . the Lamb . . . slain from the creation of the world.” (Rev. 13:8) God answered the question, “what can I do” definitively as the decision to sacrifice Jesus on the cross was made. Then God created everything.

This proves how much God loves mankind . . . how much He loves you. It also proves God’s respect of free will. By answering His own question of what to do, He made it possible to ask each person to answer “what can I do” in response to His question, “Do you love Me (back)?” You decide how you will respond to Christ’s extreme sacrifice. God lets you decide.

More Examples

When Jesus, the God-man, lived on earth, He often asked, “what can I do?” Here are some examples from Scripture:

  • Two blind men wanted their sight. They cried out to Jesus for mercy. He heard them and asked, “what do you want Me to do for you?” We want to see! And Jesus healed them. (Mt. 20: 31-34)
  • In Mk. 10:51, the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, cried out to Jesus, who heard and asked him, “what do you want Me to do for you?” I want to see! And Jesus healed him.
  • Jesus even asked, “what can I do” to His people of Ephraim and Judah in the book of Hosea. His people loved Him “like the morning mist – like the early dew that disappears.” They wanted what they wanted – and it wasn’t Jesus. But Jesus still asked. (Hos. 6:4)
  • Sometimes, people – like several demon-possessed men – asked Jesus what He wanted with them. “What do you want?” (Mk.1:23-25; Mk. 5:6-8) Jesus rebuked the evil spirits – and healed the men. They wanted freedom.
  • In case after case, Jesus was in essence asking, “what can I do (for you)?” From the woman with a bleeding disorder, to lepers, to those who had lost loved ones to death, to people who could not hear or speak . . . all of them were saying, I need Your help! So Jesus gave it.


Fixing Things

God’s interventions are fresh, creative, needed, and always a great improvement. God is very innovative. He may introduce something new or change the norm into something better. Fixing human blunders on the human timeline is His specialty. He heals, forgives, renews, empowers, and blesses. He is always saying, “What can I do?”

This question never means He is at a loss. Far from it. There is no limit to God’s knowledge and creative power in addressing issues. But His question hints at something rich: God’s design is interactive with mankind. It changes history through a partnership with anyone who will trust and obey Him. The deep investment of His own life into human affairs turns centuries of losses into gains. And His love for people – for you – will never end.

What Can I Do For You?

Not only does God ask, “What can I do” as it affects the world scenario. He also ask you, “What can I do to help you?” So, what’s going on in your daily life? What situations are you facing where you need help, love, encouragement, a friend?

God cares. He loves you so much. His commitment is to help you succeed in your daily living. And He will help you carry out your life purpose. What is your answer back to Him? Do you know what you need from Jesus? Why not simply ask for His help, His intervention, His healing? Why not receive His love with an open heart?

What Can I Do?

What about you? Do you ever turn this question around and ask God what you can do for Him? Is it even on your radar? This question is one of the most important you will ever ask in your lifetime. Why not ask God, “what can I do” in reciprocation to His love? Because you are created as His partner, His beloved, His child – He has a unique purpose for your life. You are not an accident or an oversight.

Just like you need to answer His question, God has answers for your questions. He provides clear guidelines, power, promises, and His presence to help you live successfully in this broken world. You are the child of His heart.

Jesus helps you know what to be and what to do so you can accomplish your original design. You get to choose if you agree with Him by using your free will.


  1. God wants you to be Holy. This means pure, set apart, righteous, good. Set apart for Himself – in the same manner He has set Himself apart for you.
  2. He also wants you to be Godly. This means devout, virtuous, sincere, reverent, even respectful. These qualities represent His very own character. They also train you in your own character development.



  1. God wants you to look forward to His return. Do you have eager expectation for that day? 2 Pet. 3:12 says to, “look forward to the day of God.” In fact, this should be at the front of your mind every day. As things are in the world, we are much closer to the Second Coming of Jesus. Are you living with purpose? Are you making “holy” and “godly” choices?
  2. He wants you to participate in His coming ahead of time. 2 Pet. 3: 12 says it like this, “speed its coming.” Why not get going and make an impact that will promote God’s agenda? Engage healthy waiting and eager expectation as you live an Alive and Active Life and reach to others who need God. Meet needs around you in practical ways.


Options to look forward and participate in Jesus’ return are present in your life each day. Since you are living in times leading up to Jesus’ return, you can be and do to make a difference. In essence, you daily become the person God created while leaving a special mark on history. Why not fill your active waiting and eager expectation with constructive decisions and great character that matter?

First Coming

The “comings” of Jesus have been captivating to people for centuries. Let’s look.

The first coming of Jesus was almost unnoticed, even though it was announced since creation. He quietly, strategically slipped into the human timeline to win back the hearts of His children. If it weren’t for angels, shepherds, and wise men – His first coming might have been off radar. In a silent, dark night, Jesus was born into a broken world with a brilliant, extraordinary plan that would forever change the destiny of any who believe on Him.

Second Coming

The second coming will be unannounced. No one knows the timing: not you, not the angels, not even the Son. (Mt. 24:36 – only the Father knows) Super-secret!

With that coming, Jesus will take back from the enemy what is rightfully His: all creation. He will restore original design. It will be a shock event, unexpected as a thief, definitely on everyone’s radar after it hits. This one event of history will alter everything. Extreme things will happen as everything is laid bare. Power never experienced by human beings will introduce eternity.

This coming event should impact your daily living as you be and do. It’s not a fairy tale. As a wise and glorious King, Jesus will never misgovern in any way. His decisions will be exactly what the world and people need. And His loving sacrifice for His children at His first coming will have completed His extraordinary strategy of free choice.

This is profound. You actually help determine your future!

The most important question you can ask is recorded in 2 Pet. 3: 11-12. “What kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.”

Application Thoughts and Questions

Ask God to help you answer critical questions.

  1. How are you living each day?
  2. Are you ready for the unknown timing of Christ’s Second Coming?
  3. Did you know you actually help determine your eternal future?
  4. Are you being and doing what God designed as your life purpose? 


Article developed from 2 Pet. 3:10-13.

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