What Your Life Pivots On . . .


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
What Your Life Pivots On . . .

For just a moment – think basketball, football, soccer, ballet, or gymnastics. Now, consider how agile some athletes are. They just seem to pivot into position on a dime, as needed – with little or no warning. Similarly, your life pivots. Actually, with so many events, people, and unknowns – your ability to maneuver is a critical skill. Consequently, during challenge, disappointments, threats, bad news, conflict – there’s good news! Your life pivots on principles that never change. So, let’s explore practical ideas and helpful action steps to pivot skillfully – with little or no warning.

Your Life Pivots

Life is so uncertain. Oddly, things can shift in a split second. Interestingly, we wonder about things –

  • Will I still have a job next week?
  • How will my kids find their way in this challenging world?
  • I’ve done all I know to build into my community.
  • I hope I don’t get cancer some day.
  • What can I do today to make a difference tomorrow?
  • How do I persuade someone to make better choices?
  • Will our economy hold?
  • Will we enjoy freedom in years to come?


I bet you could add to that list on how your life pivots.

Jesus’ Life Pivots

Incidentally, Jesus’ life pivoted often as a man on earth. Plus, He experienced troubles and challenges unexpectedly. Yet, just like an agile, skillful, adept athlete, Jesus knows how to pivot on a dime! So, how well do you pivot in the moment?

You need practical ideas and helpful action steps to pivot skillfully. Also, you need hope.

Consider: Your hope is found in Christ’s life. But what does this look like? Notably, here are identifiers:

  • His life flows out of God. (Yours can, too.)
  • Plus, He’s solidly anchored in God’s words and ways. (He wants this for you.)
  • Equally, He stays close to God. (God wants you close.)
  • Even so, Jesus’ life pivots into creative, strategic, and compassionate interactions with others. (You can do that, too.)


Subsequently, when you adopt the previous identifiers, you can pivot on a dime. (Review the list.)

A Peek Through The Portal

Let’s start with major points from Jn. 15:4-10. They define the solid platform under Christ’s successful approach. Interestingly, His statements give a peek into successful pivots in unpredictable and surprising scenarios – with little or no warning. Remarkably, Jesus invites you to peek through a portal into key action steps.

  • Abide in Me (your choice) and let Me abide in you (also your choice). By the way, I already abide in the Father (Jesus’ choice). [v. 4]
  • If you stay closely connected to Me (the Vine), then you (the branches) will bear much fruit. [v.5]
  • The antithesis: Apart from Me (the Vine), you can do NOTHING! Instead, you (the branches) will wither and dry up. Then you’ll be gathered up to be thrown into the fire. [v. 6]
  • If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you (conditions to being a Christian) ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you. [v.7]
  • SIDE NOTE: Asking and receiving whatever you wish rests solidly and exclusively on three motives for asking:
      1. First, whatever you ask – is for God’s glory.
      2. Second, your request will streamline into bearing much fruit.
      3. Third, these motives provide proof you are Christ’s disciple.


   So, be aware of your motives. Ask pensively.

Further, Jesus talks about relationships:

  • Father loves Me so much! (Jesus has unwavering confidence in His intimate relationship with God.) And I love you in that same way. (He passes this incredible relationship to you.) Conclusion? Stay in My love! [v. 9]
  • The way to stay in My love is to keep My commandments. [v. 10a]  In fact, it’s like My relationship with God. (Jesus models how to stay in God’s love by referencing His relationship with Father.) He says, Here’s what I do:
      1. First, glorify God in everything I say and do. In fact, I do nothing on My own, but only what He tells me to.
      2. Second, bear much fruit for God’s Kingdom. This includes serving, healing, forgiving, interactions, miracles, and the cross.
      3. Third, My life proves I am God’s Ambassador and Representative.


Examples Of How Jesus Pivots

Jesus pivots continually. Yet, He remains anchored to God’s principles. It’s much like a “joy stick” that turns any direction as needed – yet stays firmly attached to the point of connection. Jesus maneuvers creatively and effectively, but never compromises His message or His character.

Here are some examples of how Jesus’ pivots on a dime.

Example 1

When the Pharisees accuse Jesus of eating with sinners, Jesus answers brilliantly by declaring “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” (Mt.9:12; Mk.2:17; Lk.5:31) Reasonably, He could have added – “And, FYI, you are not healthy. You need Me, and you don’t see it.” But He didn’t.

Example 2

When the Samaritan woman comes to the well to get water, Jesus asks her for a drink. (Jn. 4:1-26) Strategically, Jesus pivots. Current issues of that time were “Jew versus Samaritan” and “who has the right to the well.” However, Jesus knows this dear woman needs help. So, He skips the irrelevant culture talk. Instead, He presents the critical claim of His life. I Am the Messiah.”

Example 3

A Canaanite (not Jewish) woman begs Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. Interestingly, Jesus immediately pivots. First, a “test” of this woman’s faith. Jesus tells her He is sent to Israel“It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” Famously, she replies, “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” (Mt.15:21-28) Exceedingly pleased, Jesus says, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” This is the second pivot Jesus makes. Suddenly, she becomes a model for everyone.

Example 4

A Roman centurion approaches Jesus. Oddly, His disciples seemed insulted. The centurion asks Jesus to heal his paralyzed son. So, Jesus pivots from what He’s doing. He rises to go with the centurion. Remarkably, the officer says something like – “I understand authority. I command my soldiers effectively. You don’t need to come. Just say the word. I trust You.” Jesus, very impressed, announces – “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” Subsequently, Jesus pivots again. He stays put, yet grants the officer’s request – “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” (Mt. 8:5-13)

Example 5

Pharisees continually badger Jesus. One time, Jesus says to them – “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. Blind guides!” Strategically, He pivots from their haggling to the main issue. Then Jesus pivots again – into a compassionate statement. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you. How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.”  (Mt. 23) Heart-broken, He pivots into God’s never-ending love. 


There are many more examples of Jesus strategically, effectively, and creatively pivoting in God’s grace and truth. Remarkably, He meets the need. He matches the wit. Rather than argue, He “drives home” principles of His Word.

So – Being In The Vine Means What?

Let’s go back to our Scripture today – Jn. 15:4-10. So, what have we discovered? Well, I think it’s this. Just as Jesus maneuvers creatively, but never compromises His message or His character, you and I can do the same.

Jesus became a man to show us how to pivot in life. How to handle conflict, difficult people, and tests of character. Subsequently, you can effectively follow Jesus example in these three ways:

  1. First, glorify God in everything you say and do. In fact, do nothing on your own. Only what He tells you to do.
  2. Second, bear much fruit for God’s Kingdom. All your serving, caring, forgiving, interactions, good deeds – is fruit.
  3. Third, prove you are God’s ambassador and representative.


Incidentally, you succeed if you remain in Christ. That’s “being in the Vine.” If you break a branch from a tomato plant, it will die. However, if it “remains in the vine,” it will prosper, thrive, and bear much fruit.

Application Thoughts And Questions

  1. How often do you find yourself wondering, worried, defeated, or anxious?
  2. Do you get into God’s flow of life each day?
  3. Plus, are you solidly anchored in God’s words and ways?
  4. Equally, do you stay close to God?
  5. Subsequently, do you pivot in creative, strategic, and compassionate ways with others.
  6. What blocks your progress to effectively pivot to help others?
  7. Are you consistently abiding in the Vine?
  8. As you pivot, do you keep your stationery point fixed to God’s love?
  9. How effectively are you:
    1. First, glorifying God in everything you say and do?
    2. Second, bearing much fruit for God’s Kingdom?
    3. Third, proving you are God’s ambassador and representative?


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