You go to the mail box and pull out a crisp white envelope with an official seal. The exquisite handwriting specifies your name and address. Rather than ripping it open – like junk mail – you pull out your letter opener to surgically slide along the top envelope crease. From the open slot, you gingerly slip out a beautiful, heavy-weight card that says, “You Are Invited.” In surprise and wonder, you flip open the card to see – it’s the very event you’ve always wanted to attend! Up till now, you’ve never dreamed you’d have the opportunity.
You Are Invited
Perhaps that scenario has never happened for you. Indeed, you may wish it had. Regardless, I want to assure you there is a lovely invitation waiting for you. It has your name on it.
In all seriousness, would you ever expect such an invitation from a high-ranking, important person? Think –
- King of England.
- President of the United States.
- Your favorite famous actor/actress.
- A legend in the sports world.
- Some great inventor or incredible technological mind.
Or think about events you’d always hoped to attend –
- The Olympics
- National Finals or World Cup of a favorite sport.
- Cruise in the Caribbean.
- Summer tour through Europe.
- Special concert on your bucket list.
- Trek to see the world’s wonders.
- A trip into outer space?!
Important people – special events. “You’re invited” doesn’t often happen. Yet, as I already mentioned, there’s a special invitation bearing an official seal – with your name on it.
To explore this, I want to look at a unique invitation given to you, personally, by God – in His own words. Notably, this invitation is special, and very much out-of-the-ordinary.
God invites you to “Come now, and let us reason together.” (Is. 1:18) How exceptional! Additionally, this invitation is a continuing arrangement. In other words, an on-going basis. And you are invited to come and reason with God.
Consider this:
To be given an invitation to meet a high-level person – once – is one thing. But how does it change your thinking to find out that famous person’s intention is to meet regularly to “reason together?” To chat. To ponder and consider things. Additionally, to realize over time, you’ve become a friend of that famous, remarkable person. Consequently, how stunning, then, to discover – this person had these intentions from the beginning.
You Are Invited By God
Let’s look at the invitation again. “Come now, and let us reason together.” Yes, God opens the door to engage in both conversation and relationship with Him. To reason together means engaging in conversation, exploring ideas, focusing on important points, and reaching some kind of conclusion – together. It’s the process of discovery, companionship, enlightenment.
Interestingly, Is. 1:18 refers to the condition of humanity. Basically, God is appealing. Even though you (all of us) are in sin and separated from Him, He extends a special, very much out-of-the-ordinary offer. You are invited to interact on important things with God! “Come! Let’s discuss. Consider My reasoning and how you might respond. Plus, I want to hear from your heart.”
Initially, this invitation prefaces the work Jesus does at the cross. The rest of the verse goes like this, “. . . though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
Actually, the invitation is given before you can respond. Before you are forgiven. In essence, all the interventive work is done so you can respond. Yes, you are invited.
The Invitation Develops Into More
As we’ve already explored, God has an on-going arrangement in mind. “Come, let us reason together . . . ” How encouraging to discover you may come and discuss whatever you wish with God – anytime, night or day. Additionally, you can hear His thoughts, original intentions, guidance, interventions – and His love for you.
Why not slip into a comfortable, safe relationship – a friendship with God as you continue to meet?
Purposeful Friendship
Purposeful friendship with God. It’s incredible. So, this invitation connects you to:
- God.
- The real you.
What an unexpected bonus! Think of it –
- To agree with God about your need to be forgiven – and to gain eternal life.
- Freedom to talk about your struggles, losses, and disappointments.
- The honor to receive –
- guidance from Wonderful Counselor.
- strategies and courage from Mighty God.
- love and companionship from Everlasting Father.
- deep peace and joy from Prince of Peace.
- The chance to become who you were intended to be.
- Opportunity to discuss the best ways to influence your small part of the world.
- Freedom to dream.
- To become God’s friend and know Him intimately!
What an incredible privilege! Still, there’s more. God truly wants to hear from your heart! Since He values your life, thoughts, and inner soul – you can freely be uniquely “you.”
Conditions Of The Invitation
There are conditions to all scenarios. You wouldn’t go to the Olympics or the final game of your favorite sport team in a tux or evening gown. And you wouldn’t wear shabby jeans and a T-shirt to meet the King of England. Equally, you’d give thought to what you’d say if you were to meet a world-famous person. In fact, you’d conduct yourself in the best possible manner. Subsequently, your presentation would be impeccable.
In the same way, responding to the invitation from the God of the Universe requires some conditions. And these conditions have to do with the attire of your heart. The conduct of your nature. Your character and manners. Naturally, it comes down to being perfect in holiness before a holy God – which the blood of Jesus makes possible. Otherwise, you could never accept the invitation.
God’s conditions to His invitation:
Isaiah 1:19-20 contains conditions to God’s invitation:
- If you are willing and obedient. – Basically, you’re assured there will be reward in your life and fellowship in your walk with God.
- But if you refuse and rebel. – In this case, you’ll experience consequences. Punishment. Shame.
In other words, you don’t just walk into a meeting with holy God and start “mouthing off.” Nor do you take the lead in such an arrangement. With humility, you bow and wait, showing honor and respect. Simultaneously, since God is gracious and kind, filled with goodness (proved by Christ’s work on the cross) you know you’re in a safe place.
Even under the conditions – the boundaries – of His invitation, this is an offer you can’t refuse. Remarkably, it opens a door to a new reality: freedom. A better life, big-picture. And purpose that gives meaning to each day.
Have you considered how things would be if you lost the freedom to be you? Right up there next to salvation, it’s the greatest gift of your life: freedom.
Along with freedom comes peace, joy, hope, purpose, and restored relationship with God. Actually – friendship with Him. This comfortable interaction – deliberately and often – means sharing thoughts about . . . well . . . anything!
Come now, and let us reason together!
If you didn’t have a free will, you wouldn’t have the power to respond to this amazing invitation. So, from the beginning, God set you up with the power to respond – to know Him. He made you with every quality needed to be His friend.
The power of freedom also enables you to answer God’s call into a needy, broken world. When He asks, “Who shall I send? Who will go on our behalf?” (Is. 6:8) – you have the power to reply, “Here I am. Send me. I want to use my freedom to serve you, O God.”
In essence, reaching out to others in the world is another kind of invitation God gives to you – with the power of freedom to respond.
For additional content on this subject – Check Points That Protect Freedom. Especially note “Check-Points Application Points” at the end of the article.
Application Thoughts And Questions
Do you realize what an incredible invitation you’ve been given – to personally know the living God as a dear friend?
- How have you responded to God’s invitation to “Come, let us reason together . . . ” ?
- Consider: you’ve been invited to interact with God. Have you opened your mind and heart to receive God’s reasonings? Have you considered God wants to hear from your heart?”
- In what ways have you been willing and obedient? Identify scenarios you’ve cooperated with God.
- Is there any area you’ve refused and rebelled? Identify how and why you refused to obey God.
- Freedom is the power to respond well and have great influence. How are you exercising your freedom?
- When God asks – “Who shall I send? Who will go on our behalf?” – what’s your response?
- What kinds of things can you proactively do to grow your relationship with God? Do you respectfully discuss anything with Him?
- Why not respond to the incredible invitation from God to spend regular time with Him – to “reason together” about everything in life? Surely, you’ll benefit by taking His invitation to heart and saying, “Yes. I’m here, Lord. I long to know You. Teach me. Train me. Use my life. Send me.”
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