How To Become A Jesus Follower

God loves you! And He has purpose for your life. Do you know Him?

When you invite Jesus Christ into your life, several special things happen:

  • Jesus becomes your bridge directly into the heart of God.
  • He becomes your Savior and Lord.
  • You are immediately forgiven of all your sins.
  • And you receive the gift of eternal life! 


Deciding to become a Jesus follower changes your life. But how do you make this decision?

You have probably discovered how hard life can be. If you are like every other person, you need help.

Guess what! Jesus brings help and an Alive and Active Life. Jesus also brings purpose and meaning into your life. So, you begin to live with passion and conviction. And your broken heart begins to know peace and joy. 

You’ll never regret making this decision. In contrast, I can say with absolute certainty you will regret not making this decision. 

Below are steps to help you make this decision. Let God’s Spirit speak to your heart. 

How to Become A Jesus Follower

  1. God loves you – very much! (Jer. 31:3; Jn. 3:16)
  2. He became a man, Jesus Christ, to re-connect you to Himself. Sin creates a barrier between you and Him. (Jn. 1:1-5; Lk. 2:10-12)
  3. He died in your place to pay the penalty of sin. At the cross, a great exchange took place:
    • Jesus took your sin off of you and onto Himself.
    • He took His holiness from Himself and put it onto you. (Is. 53:6; Heb. 10:10&14)
    • In essence, Jesus (without sin – perfect, pure, holy) became your “stand in” to die in your place to pay the penalty of sin. (Is. 53:6; Rom. 6:23) To this day, Jesus remains the “God-man.”
  4. So you can now ask Jesus to forgive and cleanse you from all wrong-doing. In other words, receive this exchange.
  5. Humbly admit you are a sinner and you need a Savior. (Rom. 3:23)
  6. Be truly sorry (repent) for your sins. (1 Jn. 1:9)
  7. Receive Christ’s forgiveness. At the same time, let go of
    • your past,
    • sinful patterns,
    • self-driven thoughts, 
    • fears,
    • pride.
  8. By faith – live your new life.

In Conclusion:

When you go through those action steps and mean them with all your heart – you are a child of God, part of His royal family. Plus, you will live forever.

Jesus says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (Jer. 31:3)


Now As A Jesus Follower

It’s very important to talk to God every day. This is called “prayer.”

Spend time in His Word – each day. The Bible provides guidance, instruction, encouragement, and power you need.

Find a good church where you hear God’s Word taught accurately.

Prayerfully seek good fellowship with others who have become Jesus followers.

Your Best Decision

May God bless you richly. You’ve made the best decision you will ever make. Jesus, Himself, is praying for you! (Jn. 17:9; Rom. 8:34)

To grow as a new Jesus follower, you can receive on-going encouragement in your email box. Just SIGN UP on Alive and Active Life’s email list.


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