Happy Thanksgiving!


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I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. We have so much to be grateful for even when life is difficult or painful. The blessings co-exist alongside the difficulties.

I encourage you to take a moment this week to reflect on the many blessings that fill your life each day.

Sometimes it helps to try to picture what your life would be without those wonderful gifts. Imagining the absence better defines a life overflowing with good things. It also stirs up gratitude in your heart.

How to Identify Blessings in Difficult Times

In the stresses and disappointments of every day, and even in the middle of painful experiences, you can still choose to be thankful. This is not a feeling. Rather it is remembering good things are still present in your life. Get in touch with these things by engaging 2 simple steps: pause to contemplate, and discipline to make a list. This is the very spirit under this holiday of Thanksgiving.

Fun Activity for a Thanksgiving Gathering

My family has participated in a very fun activity for many years at Thanksgiving. Whether we are by ourselves a particular year or the house is crowded with guests, this activity has become a tradition. Little ones and big ones all enjoy it. Teens even get creative with the activity.

Tape a big paper or poster board on a wall or door. It can even be the size of your door if you have a large roll of paper. Then put out a jar or basket filled with color pencils, crayons, or markers. Put some kind of title at the top, like “Our Blessings,” or “Grateful Poster,” or “Things I’m Thankful For.”

Then encourage all your guests to write as many blessings as they can think of on this poster all through the day. Plant an idea with kids and teens to draw pictures of what they are grateful for. Lead by example and start writing your blessings.

You will have joy as you watch everyone visit this posting several times to add more things. Make a promise to your family/group that after it is filled, you will make a big batch of popcorn for everyone to enjoy. You might even make caramel corn. It’s a lovely way to end a full day of feasting – with a thoughtful light snack. While the corn is popping, have the kids read out the many blessings to everyone. Ask everyone to bow in a prayer as an adult thanks God for incredible blessings.

Holiday Season

Now that most of the leaves have fallen in many climates, we enter the holiday season. We are getting to the end of another year, closing in on the special celebration – Christmas. The candles, spices, goodies, and gifts are right around the corner.

These traditions and special moments remind us God became a human baby to be our substitute sacrifice for sin. Our greatest gifts are forgiveness, freedom, and friendship with the loving God of the Heavens. What better way to enter this time than to have prepared your heart through thanksgiving!

I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Pause and thank God! Feast and have fun!


Christmas Right Around the Corner

With Christmas and December right around the corner, I want to mention my book Celebrate Advent: A Life Response to Emmanuel. This small, beautiful holiday book gives you a short inspirational thought for each day of December to prepare your heart for Christmas. The week between Christmas and New Years guides you through action steps to go into the next year with purpose and goals. This little book even includes the Scriptures written on one side of the page. In a busy month, you don’t have to look them up. There is a short section where you can journal your thoughts about the brief reading. The beautiful pages invite you to participate. This is my most popular book.

Order your copy of this little book to help you focus on the reason for Christmas in the midst of a very busy month. To get it before December, order now! This book is a wonderful gift to help someone else navigate the holiday season and stay intentional in celebrating God’s gift of Jesus.


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