How to Fix Perspective


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Perspectives change. You reach a level that feels comfortable and becomes your norm. The next thing you know, everything shifts right in front of you. Your relationships change direction. Your health is imminently threatened. Finances become unstable. You relocate and everything is new/different. Someone else makes a decision which drastically changes your life. And so on.

These things affect your thinking. Your thinking affects your perspective.

Tweeking thinking is the #1 skill needed each day. A renewed mind in Scripture brings strong perspective. Growth, change, and transformation are also needed, but those processes flow out of a renewed mind.

The Bible says, “Be transformed by renewing your mind.”  (Rom. 12:2)

Who Are You?

God created you to be someone special. He loves you very much and wants a close relationship with you. He also has specific things in mind for you to accomplish during your life. You can agree with Him and work to fully become that amazing person He designed. You can also disagree with Him and become your own person. Whichever option you choose, get ready. It’s gonna get tough.

Agreeing with God gets tough as you resolve to trust and obey Him. This is the path of surrender. Living sacrifice. (Rom. 12:1; 1 Pet. 2:5) This resolve helps you flesh out His ways in your life each day . . . especially when “comfortable and normal” shifts in front of you. Jesus said, “In this world, you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” (Jn. 16:33)

Not agreeing with God gets tough as you follow your own ideas and path. You “act out” that you know better than God, that you want something more than God, that you will not be content until you have what you picture in your mind. Then when you get to the other side of your own way (or get stuck in the middle), you realize you don’t know who you are anymore . . . and it’s not going well. Trashing God’s blueprint means losing sight of who you were created to be. Jesus said, “If you work to save your life, you will lose it. But if you lose (give up) your life for My sake, you will find it.” (Mt. 16:25)

This section started by asking – who are you? Who did God create you to be?


You are becoming a specific person daily resulting from perspective. Perspective influences what you do. What you do establishes what you practice. What you practice affects who you become. And God’s grace covers your process as you hope in Him. (Ps. 33:22)

This simple reality is why Scripture often talks about thinking in agreement with God. In this fallen world, most human first-thoughts are under par. God declares, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are My ways your ways. Just as the heavens are above the earth, so My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, and My ways are higher than your ways.” (Is. 55:9)

To Fix Perspective – Fix Your Thoughts. Start Here:

  1. Look to the Lord. This takes humbling yourself and admitting you don’t have it all together. You need God. Fix your eyes on Jesus. (Heb. 12:2) Look to the One who knows all things and has it all together. He wants to share Himself and His wisdom with you. His heart is filled with deep love and great compassion for you. Let go of your hardships by faith into God’s care. It’s a great trade.
  2. Ask For God’s Wisdom, Help, and Strength. You can’t change in your own strength. Patterns are hard to reconstruct. Sometimes you don’t even know where to start. God’s wisdom, help, and strength will not be yours until you ask for them. He has promised to give these, expecting you will believe and act on them. God is poised in “ready mode,” waiting for you to trust Him. The split second you turn your thoughts to Him in faith, He springs into action on your behalf. “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” (Is. 65:24)
  3. Seek His face always. God’s face? Really? When you can’t even see Him? That’s hard. But – you actually can see Him in many realities that require faith. The Bible says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” (Heb. 11:6)

Here are some ways you can see God:

  1. Nature and the universe.
  2. Scripture reveals God.
  3. The life of Jesus. God became a human – like you.
  4. His Spirit “tabernacles” in any person who believes Him for salvation.
  5. Godly people who live now – and have lived before you – portray God’s character.

Through Jesus, God created a condition where you can look into His very face! Jesus put flesh on God and lived among people all His life. A living, 3-D picture. Your virtual reality.

When you look into the face, especially the eyes, of another person, you connect. Trust is nurtured. “Seeking” a person involves active pursuit. So, start seeking God. Pursue Him.

You have experienced being in a room with another person, but not being aware of them. This happens daily with God. He’s right there. Ask God to open your eyes so you can see Him. Become aware.

  1. Remember what God has done . . . for you and others:
    • Wonders
    • Miracles
    • Judgments He has pronounced. (1 Chron. 16:12; Ps. 105:5)

Here is the progression of remembering what God has done and how that impacts your perspective:

  • Remembering is committing to be real. Look at what has happened or is happening.
  • Remember what God can do. “With man these things are impossible. With God, all things are possible.” (Mt. 19:26)
  • Ask God to change your thoughts to match Scripture. Pause. Rest. Let God’s perspective become your own.
  • Believing means making better choices. It means “doing.”
  • Making better choices is a commitment to change.
  • Choosing to change is a commitment to be healthy, building better patterns.

In this place, you have God’s fresh perspective. Now you are ready to live your life.

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