There was a man who lived many years ago. Centuries ago. He knew living a good life was critical. So he worked hard to live such a life. Yet, he did not know God personally. It wasn’t until God made the first move to him (God always does) that relationship with God became an option for this man. God reached into his life, his world, His reality and invited him closer. This man believed and responded. Even though he was already living a good life, it wasn’t until he actively believed God that he had the reality of living a holy life. This man decided to reach back to God.
Who Was This Man?
This man did not have the Law or the Prophets that are now in the Bible. The invitation God gave him happened way before those blessings were given by God to people. God just sliced into this man’s life to call him, to extend a hand of fellowship, and to invite him into relationship. Even though there was no Law, no Prophets, not a Bible, not even a Pentateuch, this man so wanted fellowship with God. He was hungry for God. So, with little more than a shoestring (really – a leather sandal string), he grabbed onto that invitation. He embraced the opportunity to know God. To please God. To have a real relationship with the living, eternal God Who created all things.
In those moments of reaching back to God, accepting the offer by faith, this man’s obedience became a proof of a credible life e-pistle. A life story. People have been “reading” his life letter ever since. His good living took on meaning. His righteous works became full, rich, and real because of his faith in God’s love. God considered him as righteousness. And he was called – “God’s friend.” (Jas. 2:23)
Reach Back! Be My Friend!
Many years passed before the Law, the Prophets, and the Christ were introduced in human history. God’s timing for each of these events “came to pass.” Jesus Christ came in the most extraordinary way! He entered the human race as a “fully God – fully man” kind of guy. He was, is, and always will be the only being of His kind. Jesus is the God-man . . . born of a virgin, yet, alive before the beginning. In fact, He created the beginning. He is the God who became a man and lived a perfect life, died in place of every person, and rose from death as our Champion. This God-man completed God’s reach to mankind. It’s a reach of love, friendship, family, eternal life!
But this all happened after God slipped into Abraham’s life with an unbelievable invitation – “Be My friend.” It is a forever offer to all people through Abraham. What amazing grace!
The response to such an invitation? Well, Abraham totally took it! He knew less than you and I about God. But he had bold faith! What were the results? Intimate relationship with the living God. A good life well-lived with deep and rich meaning – all through faith. Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness – by God.
Reach Back to God By Faith
Ever since then, it’s faith in an extraordinary, loving God that brings salvation. Yes, even back in Abraham’s day – it all hinged on faith in Jesus.
So what’s the value of working so hard at living a godly life? Why go after that? Well, good living by faith in Jesus proves you believe God and love Him back. That you trust Him enough to Reach Back.*
Application for a Good Life
Have you accepted your invitation into intimate relationship with God? Have you received Jesus’ incredible offer to believe on Him? How are you reaching back to God?
You have a shot at knowing God, who loves you. You have opportunity to live every day richly blessed, even in terrible times. The presence and glory of God will reside inside your soul if you Reach Back.*
Why not draw close to God? Respond increasingly to His amazing invitation into intimacy. Make Jesus Christ your first love (Rev. 2:4) “The righteous will live by faith.” (vs. 11; Hab. 2:4) “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.” (v. 13) God intends to live inside your body. Will you Reach Back* each day for more of Christ and the peace and joy He promises? Will you be God’s friend. Why not go after this life of faith in Jesus?
Article developed from Gal. 3:1-14.
* Reach Back is a wonderful study book to help you live a godly – holy – life. Order your copy and dig in. Ask a friend to join you in this encouraging study.