Strategies To Strengthen Weakness


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Strategies To Strengthen Weakness

Hypothetical situation. So, you meet someone. Perhaps you have conversations about strengths and weaknesses as you get to know this new person. It would be rare – but what would you think if that person said, “I don’t have any weaknesses?” Jaw drop! That’s a pretty big wow! A person with no weaknesses! Even Jesus had weakness as a human being – not weakness of character or morality but of learning, growing, and His unique skill sets. Nevertheless, as He grew up into manhood, He learned about areas He did well in – and areas He needed to build strategies to strengthen weakness. That does not mean Jesus sinned. It means He was/is like you and me in every way – fully human, while also being fully God. Let’s explore how to build strategies to strengthen weakness and follow the path Jesus took.

Weakness Is Real And Common

One of my favorite scenes in the “Matthew Film” is when Jesus and His fishermen disciples set out to sea in their boat. Jesus is working the ship’s heavy ropes, trying various methods of winding them up – and fumbling. One of His experienced disciples kindly shows Jesus a “tried-and-true” way to wind the ropes. Jesus – with “eye-to-eye” contact – smiles with gratitude to that fisherman. He’s not threatened at all! And the disciple smiles back, grateful Jesus accepted his correction and experienced techniques.

Sooner or later, every person comes face-to-face with weakness, limitations, or inexperience. The key: Admit them. Face them! Otherwise, you could –

  1. Start living in a fantasy world where actions and reality don’t match up.
  2. Give in to deceptions while working to convince others you are what you aren’t.
  3. Become hardened – even angry.


None of these promote healthy living. However, there is one approach that helps.

Real people – authentic, honest, committed folks – get in touch with their weaknesses. They –

  • Admit them.
  • Face them.
  • Learn to strengthen and manage them.
  • Grow through them in healthy ways.
  • Sometimes they strategically navigate around them – and that’s also a reasonable tactic.


For example – if you desire a particular career. But that job requires skills and experience in areas you are weak. You have to choose. Either shore up your weaknesses with courses of study or an apprenticeship – or – realize you need to focus on a different occupation.

When you get real about limits and weaknesses, you discover an amazing secret. “When I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor. 12:10) Interesting mystery, don’t you think? How, practically speaking, does a person find strength in weakness?

Weakness Provides A Platform

Weakness isn’t necessarily a negative thing. Many times, it simple “is.” Subsequently, the question becomes – what to do with weakness.

Interestingly, weakness is really a stage on which to grow. That’s a healthy, positive perspective. In fact, it’s a platform on which to be the person God created as you grow into your original design. To become increasingly like Jesus Christ by agreeing – He must live in you and empower you.

This is much like a beautiful baby grows into toddlerhood, then into teen years, and finally into adulthood. That process is saturated with turning weakness and limitations into compatibility and strengths. It explores weakness by –

  • Admitting them.
  • Facing them.
  • Learning to strengthen and manage them.
  • Growing through weakness in healthy ways.
  • Sometimes strategically side-stepping weakness – a reasonable tactic.


Strategies To Strengthen Weakness

Here are eight strategies to help turn weakness into strength.

First: Scripture’s Commands and Promises

Start with God’s Word. Obey Scripture Commands to build a solid base of strategies to strengthen weakness. Claim Scripture Promises that ensure hope, help, success, and partnership with God.

All this happens in your heart by faith. Now you’re ready to integrate the remaining seven strategies.

Second: Adopt Christ’s Character

Adopting Christ’s character keeps you from sin as you eyeball your weakness. Be honest, real, and humble. Admit you need to learn and grow. Welcome help. Subsequently, begin to see yourself as healthy, moving forward into success adopting character Jesus chose.

Practice noble character first. Skills will come.

Third: Work Hard

Work hard. Be hard on yourself in the right way to strengthen weakness.

  • How can you master an instrument if you don’t work hard and practice in your beginnings?
  • What cook becomes proficient without embracing training and hard work?
  • Who excels in a sport if they don’t work tirelessly – mind and body – to become skilled?


Work hard in every area to strengthen weakness.

Fourth: Learn To Forgive Yourself

Learn to forgive yourself takes time and effort to build strategies to strengthen weakness. You’ll make mistakes. Face them. Forgive yourself. Get up and get back in the game.

Incidentally, when you learn to forgive yourself, it’s easier to forgive others.

Fifth: Learn From Others Around You

Learn from others around you and from good resources. Life is filled with opportunities. Be a sponge. Soak up strategies to strengthen weakness.

You can learn so much from others in your life.

Sixth: Build Others Up 

When you notice strengths in others, build them up. Comment publicly about their abilities. This strategy strengthens weakness in yourself as honesty opens your eyes to patterns that succeed for others. Plus it builds strong relationships. Additionally, it keeps pride in check.

Learn to build others up. (Eph. 4:29)

Seventh: Be Honest

Be honest about weakness. This essential step launches healthy exploration into strategies to strengthen your weaknesses.

Incidentally, honesty helps you be healthy in many ways. 

Eighth: Accept Some Weaknesses

There are some weaknesses you may never conquer.

  • If you’re shorter, you will likely not be a famous basketball player.
  • If you’re artistic by nature, you may have some weakness in mathematics or certain sciences.
  • A one-on-one relationship-builder may not become a famous public speaker.


When you accept a weakness that cannot be changed, you actually turn it into a strength.

Weakness Invites Strength

We said accepting weakness that can’t be changed can become a strength. Actually, when you “sculpt” both weakness and strength by asking God for wisdom, discernment, and power – you are well on your way to invite strength into weakness.

In your weakness, turn to the Lord. Since God is for you, He honors you with power and nurtures your growth.

Keep inviting strength from God (and from others) in your weakness.

Specific Action Steps

Here are action steps to develop strategies to strengthen weakness. Consider: if you think you don’t have any weaknesses, you’re like the person I mentioned early in this content: Jaw drop! A person without weakness?!

1. Ask God For Help

Ask God for help. He wants to share resources – wisdom, ideas, guidance, options, opportunities, perseverance, resolve, power, ability to forgive, a change of heart, insight. Incidentally, God already knows all about you – and loves you. Consequently, He wants to teach you strategies to strengthen weakness. He is for you. Interestingly, God’s help is critical to your strategy.


2. Trust And Obey

Trust and obey God no matter what. Since this keeps you on the path Jesus chose, you become more efficient in adopting strategies to strengthen weakness. His path is part of your success strategy.

3. Praise God By Faith

Praise God by faith, even before you see what He’s doing on your behalf. Additionally, remember who you are talking to. Adopt reverence, respect, and worship. Even as praise elevates your heart, gratitude makes it hard to sin. Consequently, these are important elements of the strategy you are developing.

4. Wait For His Answer

At times you must wait for God’s answer. So, be faithful as you wait. Let your testimony be: “I trust Him – and will wait for His answers.” Consequently, waiting is elemental to your strategy.

5. Reach Back

When you earnestly connect to God, an eager expectation rises up. Reach Back to Him daily. Because Jesus cares about you even in your weaknesses, He prays for you with groans from His heart. (Rom. 8:26)

Jesus said, “I will never leave or forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5) Since God sticks with you and wants you to be healthy, reach back to Him.

6. Make Choices That Align With Scripture

God will never force you to do right. But because He gives you everything for life and godliness, (2 Pet.1:3) He intends to help you build excellent strategies to strengthen weakness. However, your part is to make choices that align with Scripture.

7. Pursue Strategies To Strengthen Weakness

It’s your life we’re talking about. Go after these strategies! Consequently, you have a lot of “say” about this. It’s up to you to pursue healthy options to strengthen weakness. So I ask you – do you want to be the person God created and enjoy your original design? Pursue strategies to strengthen weakness – and let your God-given strengths explode into reality.

Application Thoughts And Questions

  1. Have you confronted your weaknesses and admitted your limitations?
  2. What strategies have you developed to strengthen weakness?
  3. How will you engage action steps from this content in your life?


Before we close today’s content, I want to make an announcement. Some of you may already know Google has announced their podcast is going away end of February. If you currently listen to us on Google podcast, you have options:

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