“Prepare For Easter” Devotional Focus/Activity!
You can prepare your heart for Easter! to participate!
“Prepare For Easter” is – –
Meaningful! Brief! Fun! Refreshing! Read or Listen! FREE!
Starts Monday through Easter Sunday.
Because this content is concise, quality material – busy people with full schedules can easily participate.
You Can Also Listen To This Content
Since this material is designed to help manage your busy schedule, you can just click on the player above each day’s content. It will look like this image. (This picture is not an active player.)
We’re also published on popular podcast apps, so connect with your preferred app. If you’re already signed up with the Alive and Active Life Podcast, you’ll receive each day’s content in your feed. If you need help, here are instructions to SIGN UP.
Quick overview:
“Prepare For Easter” features:
Brief Daily Focus – Using a short reflective thought to focus your heart for Easter, each day explores a special role Jesus has in your life. It’s very encouraging!
- Fun Activity – Additionally, engage a fun activity each day – by yourself, as a family, with a friend, or with a group.
- Teaching Point –By combining the Daily Focus and Fun Activity, each day’s content becomes deeply meaningful.
The reason this Easter resource is so meaningful is . . .
Because each session explores how Jesus provides for you!
Here’s a list of topics we will cover, one each day:
- Sacrifice
- High Priest
- Lover of Your Soul
- Intervener
- Intercessor
- Interconnector
As you explore these special roles, you can know without a doubt that God’s love for you is sincere!
You’ll also receive a BONUS POST –
“When You Run Out of Ideas of Where to Hide An Easter Basket.”
Since Easter brings hope, joy, and cheer . . . take this opportunity to prepare your heart!
IMPORTANT and TIMELY Heads-Up! . . .
Since Day #3 Fun Activity uses Resurrection Eggs to tell the Easter story with a little reminder token in each egg, get your set before Wednesday’s Fun Activity:
- Order NOW (amazon – or another online vendor) OR
- Visit/call your local Christian Bookstores to inquire about a set OR
- Make your own.
To make your own:
Incidentally, it’s really fun to make your own set! But it’s also simple. By filling empty plastic eggs with little items, each part of the Easter story can be told. Since the online set (above link) shows detailed pictures of items needed, use that example. And not only kids love this set, but every age!
However, if you decide not to make or order this tool, our content gives additional options for an activity.
Alive and Active Life wants your Easter week to be special by connecting with Jesus.
So – to participate! – www.aliveandactivelife.org/Easter.
You’ll be glad you did!
In addition to this Easter resource, visit our website for devotional materials, articles, podcasts, and resources to help grow your faith in God.
Incidentally, you can receive weekly encouragement in your inbox. Sign up on our email list.