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If you were to say – “this is it!!” – when would you say it?
- After looking for years, you meet the person you want to marry.
- You just found the house of your dreams.
- Your friend serves the most mouth-watering dessert.
- Political parties finally decide to work together for the good of a nation.
- A tool you only dreamed about – but needed on occasion – is on the store shelf in front of you.
- You made it to your 65th birthday and can retire.
- The job of your highest hopes becomes yours.
- The weather cooperates enough to “get out there and pull your crops in.”
- After years of caring for patients, science finds a cure your patients need.
- You find the perfect puppy for your kids.
- After shopping for weeks – you find the exact outfit for a special occasion.
- Plus – so many other times in life!
That’s right! This is it!!