Have you ever wondered if God cries? Well, He does. In fact, God weeps! I suppose most people don’t think about it. Nevertheless, it likely happens more often than you or I can imagine. When God weeps, He connects with you and me. Actually, that’s quite comforting. Plus, it gives permission to you to weep when your life overflows with disappointment.
There’s a whole section of published books called “self-help” books. Some of these resources have helpful information. Others – not-so-much. Some topics are – habits, leadership, rest, self-care, and many more. Interestingly, I happen to know a very effective book that covers the entire spectrum of your life – all topics! Further, it provides focus points to improve your character.
I remember a funny quote in the movie, “Mulan.” : “Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow . . . ” Do you remember it? Incidentally, this rebuke is spoken by Mushu, a Chinese dragon – Mulan’s companion. Actually, dishonor is something like shame. In fact, dishonor is a strong match for shame according to a thesaurus. You might wonder if I’m going to suggest – – under no circumstances should you allow yourself to experience shame. Not so. Unfortunately, too many people don’t have healthy contrition anymore. Conversely, many people don’t know what to do with undeserved shame. Let’s explore the shame thing.
When I’m driving somewhere, I always look for road markers and signs to assure I’m in the right place, ready for what’s coming. In fact, road markers help you stay in the right place in every day life. Knowing your surroundings provides perspective and management options – particularly when you’re down. Let’s explore two verses that give helpful actions steps to manage difficult times and still keep you on a good path.
In the first few months of a New Year, there’s a unique opportunity to change – or tweek – perspectives. However, to do this, you need to “turn your face toward it.”
In today’s content, we’ll explore this interesting phrase. Oddly, it comes straight out of Scripture. And actually, it applies to every new month. Each and every week. And particularly, each new day. Matter of fact, learning to do this gives you an effective and powerful tool to maintain a healthy, balanced life.
The One Thing You Need This Year - Scripture Dissection
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If you could choose only one thing you need this year more than anything else – what would you pick? That’s a hard question to answer. Actually, I’m not sure I could do it. Nevertheless, let’s see if God’s Word has any input about the one thing you need this year.
A New Year is an opportunity to let go of some things, hold onto other things, and reach for new things. That process involves various emotions. Even though a New Year can feel scary, not knowing what’s ahead, it can also be exciting with new opportunities. In some cases, it may be a relief to walk into fresh perspective. Hope for new possibilities begins to rise. Simultaneously, sadness about aging, saying good-byes, accepting losses, or letting go of previous endeavors can be painful. Even knowing there will be difficulties ahead – overall, people embrace hope as one year morphs into another. God gives hope for a New Year.
It’s Christmas week! How can you prepare your heartto receive Emmanuel in fresh new ways during busy Christmas week? In this content, we look at simple action steps to focus on Emmanuel: God With You. Preparing your heart is just as important as all the other preparations. Perhaps even more important.
You might be surprised to know Christmas sadness is a real thing. It hits when people go through difficulties that stretch into the Christmas season. Or with unexpected bad news. Sometimes, it’s an on-going, unhealthy relationship or life situation. Interestingly, Christmas sadness can sometimes appear though everything is going fine. Unexpectedly, something rises inside you without permission and surprises you. In fact, you may even wonder why it’s there because there’s no identifiable reason.
Whatever the scenario, you are not alone if you experience Christmas sadness.
Subsequently, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to manage Christmas sadness.
Most people really like Christmas. There are a few grinches who despise the annual celebration. But many more cherish this annual holiday. They lean into invisible qualities of hopeand joy connected to the evergreen tree, lights and decorations, beautiful music, giving and receiving, special goodies, and moments of reflection. Unfortunately, many of these same “Christmas-loving” people feel overwhelmed at the hustle and bustle. So, how do you prepare your heart for this beloved holiday?