Will 2020 be a 666 Year or a 777 Year For You?


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Alive and Active Life
Will 2020 be a 666 Year or a 777 Year For You?

666 Year or 777 Year

Will 2020 be a 666 year or a 777 year for you? Numbers mean things. You can put them together in various ways to increase meaning. They measure things, identify patterns, and organize systems. Numbers point to specific events. For example, 2020 not only points to the new year, but also to a new decade. 2020 can mean excellent vision (2020 Vision for the New Year: Setting Goals).

The number 2 often means a companion. 3 can be a trio or a triangular endeavor. It also makes a sturdy stool on uneven terrain. 12 can refer to a dozen. 6 and 7 mean things, too.

Let’s build with 6’s and 7’s a bit. Put into math terms, lining 6’s up looks like this: 6 + another 6 + even another 6 = 666. The number 6 in Scriptures stands for “man.” So a person with a 666 heart has a “man-man-man” heart. Another way of saying that is “me-me-me.” This is the sign the Bible says is against Christ. Anti-Christ. 666. Are you a 666?

What is a 666 Heart?

A 666 heart tends to focus on itself. It looks more inwardly than outwardly. A 666 heart has some identifiable qualities:

  • Forgetting to be thankful.
  • Expecting you are “owed.”
  • Wanting to be seen a certain way, so you give a convincing presentation.
  • Becoming a stumbling block to others.

Let’s face it. Most of us struggle with one or even all of the above qualities. We tend to be self-centered, self-focused, and self-serving. But there is hope! A 666 heart can change.

God’s Number Changes Things.

The person who lives a 666 life needs God’s grace and power. Focusing on God’s love shifts perspective: we are so indebted to God! It’s a life changer when a 666 person stops talking about their rights and coddling their reputation. Jesus died for a 666 person. That person is you and me.

When a person receives and begins to live inside God’s grace, they change. Pleasing God becomes a priority, and being a good influence on others gets on their radar.  This person becomes a 7. In Scripture 7 means perfect. Holy. 7 is God’s number.

Becoming a 7 starts by accepting God’s gift of forgiveness and eternal life accomplished through Christ’s cross. Then it means matching every thought, attitude, word, and deed with the undeserved 7 of God’s holiness given when trusting Jesus for salvation. This person becomes grateful and invests energy to be a 7. Then they add another 7, and many more 7’s – to be more like their Heavenly Father, who is a 777. Having something repeated 3 times in Scripture often means “whole, complete, or fulfilled.”

“Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Mt. 5:48)

Jesus said, “You are either for Me or against Me. You cannot be in the middle. I wish you were either hot or cold. Lukewarm, the tepid Christian, is an insult. I will spit lukewarm out.” (Mt. 12:30; Rev. 3:16) That person is a 666 and does not represent Jesus Christ.

What is a 777 Heart?

A 777 heart has some identifiable qualities, too:

  • Being grateful for God’s gifts and blessings, even in hard times.
  • Serving cheerfully as one who owes their very life to God.
  • Representing Jesus Christ in the best possible light.
  • Having incredible influence over others. No more stumbling block.

There is a danger becoming a 777, however. You become a target for the enemy. Remember the enemy, the spirit of anti-Christ, is 666. But you are choosing to be 777. You become a threat to the enemy’s evil plans, so he attacks.

He’s Ahead of You

But no worries. Jesus has pioneered this path. He is ahead of you, smiling, reaching back to you and saying, “C’mon. It’s OK. I know the plans I have for you – for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. I promise I will never leave or forsake you. All is well. Be still and know I AM God! I love you!” This is when you remember God’s power is so superior to all other powers. There isn’t even a competition!

As a 777, you will find greater endurance has stabilized your heart, and joy has stolen into your soul. And you will be stunned to realize you really do have a wonderful life. As you practice more 7’s, you will possess more of Christ’s beautiful character, willing to suffer for God’s agenda – because you love Him back with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

So will this be a 666 year or a 777 year for you? Why not be a 7? Why not make God your number 1?

In what ways are you being a 6? What can you do today to add more 7’s to your life?

This idea of 666 and 777 is developed in a devotional thought from my book: e-pistles For An i-Generation: Relevant in a Digital Age. (This article from 2 Cor. 6:1-18.) Order your copy and enjoy a fresh approach to studying 1 and 2 Corinthians in 2020!


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