20/20 In 2020
Are you thinking 2020 yet? 2020 can mean lots of things. Often, 20/20 refers to good vision. Right now, it means a New Year. In fact, it means a new decade!
With a New Year around the corner, you need 20/20 vision – and that means setting goals for your life.
Setting goals with 1. reasonable objectives, 2. adopting an annual theme to live by this year, and 3. writing these in a format that stays in front of you each day – is a great way to start the year. In fact, it is critical because this approach enables you to make –
- Each day meaningful,
- Every thrust worthwhile,
- Investment of time, money, and relationships a quality endeavor.
- Encouraging steps forward in any challenge.
Years ago, I started setting goals for my life, choosing an annual theme, and putting these ideas in front of me to see often. Of course, I had to hold myself accountable to this new endeavor. Yet, this practice helped me strive a bit higher all through the year, and I started accomplishing more than I thought I could. Having a vision and setting goals has helped a lot.
How To Set Goals With FREE “Quick-Click Access” Tools
I wrote a couple of articles to help people set goals and explain how and why goals are so helpful. The blogs provide reasoning behind setting goals. They also provide “quick-click access” free tools. If you are pressed for time, you can jump right in and start setting goals. Just click on resource links for examples, work pages, and final product templates you can download and use on your device.
People who have used these tools have said they help immensely to live intentionally throughout the entire year. Yet, they are simple, easy to use, and short. These people have urged me to make them available to others.
So that is what I’m doing now!
Goals With 2020 Vision
Start writing your goals with vision for 2020! Here are the links to the blog articles that take you through the entire process of setting annual goals – from beginning to end. These articles include all the examples, work pages, and final product templates. Setting aside time to thoughtfully begin a New Year could change the entire year. This investment of thought and time, even if you work on it into January, will help focus your mind and life – and you will benefit all year.
Step 1 – How to Set Up a One Page Goals Sheet
Step 2 – How to Finish a One Page Goals Sheet
God Cares About Your New Year 2020 Vision
God cares deeply about your life – every single day of it. He wants you to do well and live a meaningful life. Pause and ask God to help you aim well this New Year. Ask Him to give you 20/20 vision. Trust Him to guide you, train you, empower you, enable you, and encourage you. Believe Him to hold you and your world together. This is His specialty! “With man, these things are impossible. With God, all things are possible!“(Mt. 19:26)
Let God be your constant Companion during every day of this New Year. You don’t have to “do it” alone. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you. He wants to be with you and share your life. (Deut. 31:6; Ex. 33:14; Is. 30:21)
Why not live each day with 20/20 vision by engaging intentional living?