God created and equipped you in a unique and beautiful way. No matter who you are, God sees you as a special treasure! Not only that, but your life on this globe during this timeline of history is no accident. You are here for a reason, and God is pleased you are alive – for such a time as this.
What Difference Does It Make That You Are Special?
During this scary global COVID-19 pandemic, what difference does this information make? How does your presence on the globe affect anything? Most people are mandated to stay home. Some can work from home. Yet, the instability of companies, stock market, and global economy poses credible threats that affect jobs, incomes, provisions. This global raw reality finds us stumbling at worst, and hobbling at best. It should also find us praying for wisdom, guidance, comfort, healing, and help.
Some of you are quarantined to determine if you have contracted COVID-19. Others are sick and fighting to get better. Some of you have lost loved ones and are grieving. And many of you are staying put . . . waiting for better days. The sobering reality is that life is standing still. Everything has shifted into the “unknown category” as everyone hopes for an answer and a turn for the better. The waiting game is hard to play, especially when it involves a serious life and death scenario. So we patiently wait the outcome as we fight for health.
Managing Anxiety or Concerns For Such A Time As This
If you are still healthy and locked down, you might feel helpless. Anxiety is probably lurking in your every thought. An “invisible enemy” is really hard to fight. Plus, much of the front-line fighting is out of the general public’s control. Very fine-tuned, specialized organizations are working night and day to refine a possible vaccine. They are also hoping desperately to find a cure for COVID-19. Hospitals and clinics are doing their best to stay ahead of this brutal invader. They are engaging every good practice possible – and many are hoping for a bit of sleep as they care for the sick and dying in the war zone.
So with such a state of affairs, what – WHAT – can you do of value, stuck at home, immobile and limited?
I said at the beginning of this article that you are no accident. You are here in 2020 for a reason. Your unique personality, skill sets, perspectives, and resources are important to your family, community, and the globe during this pandemic. Instead of thinking you are limited, try to think outside the box. Color outside the lines. Get creative to see what you can do and how you can do it. Whether it’s a practical provision, a form of encouragement, a reasonable application of supplies, an online fun activity for children – whatever it is, this is the time to share it! You are part of this human family, and right now we need one another. I’m positive you have something to offer!
There are practical things you can do to manage your worries and concerns and hold a positive, healthy perspective. You can also take advantage of this global pause in purposeful strides. These linked articles are filled with practical action steps and excellent content for difficult times.
How A Queen Made A Difference For Such A Time As This
In Scripture, Queen Esther* was placed in the palace of King Xerxes for a purpose critical to the survival of her people. She was desperately anxious about doing something to help. She also knew her portion would involve certain risks – even her own survival. Esther asked people to fast and pray as she developed her strategy and plan. Then she took a deep breath, rolled up her sleeves, and rose to the opportunity to get involved. She took the risk and went after something that mattered. Queen Esther realized she was alive in her timeline and current circumstances for such a time as this.
What About You?
What creative way can you engage your skill sets? How can you apply your knowledge or resources in this season of immobility? What can you do, as small as it might seem, to add something of value to this global pause – something of value to someone else’s life?
You, like Esther, are alive right now for such a time as this. Why not ask God for wisdom to know how to serve for the greater good, starting in your own family and home? Your life matters, and God loves you – so much! Knowing this, maybe it’s time to take a deep breath. Roll up your sleeves. Rise to opportunities in front of you . . . as tiny as they may seem.
You can do this! Partner with God! Engage Intentional Living!
*Check out the Old Testament book of Esther for awesome details of a fascinating story! It’s a great read . . . and chances are – you have time to read it!
Coronavirus Resources
Directly below are helpful websites with great information about COVID-19. CDC and WHO have up-to-date information and helpful action steps to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Our libraries of Articles, Podcasts, and Shareable Images are loaded with encouragement. They are all written, recorded, and developed for such a time as this. Why not explore them?
Sign up on our email list to stay connected to helpful resources as you walk with God. Share Intentional Living with others.
And don’t forget to pray and draw close to God. Trust Him in this difficult time. Jesus loves you!