God Purposefully Picks You


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
God Purposefully Picks You

Do you remember that funny scene in Shrek? The donkey is behind a group of people in a crowd. Shrek is going to choose a companion. And as Shrek considers his options, all you see is the donkey jumping up – over and over in the background. You don’t see him – and then you do! Over and over. As he jumps high enough to be seen above the group, he’s yelling something – “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” Interestingly, all people feel this way at times. Subsequently, it’s noteworthy and meaningful to remember God purposefully picks you.

So what does “Pick me!” really look like?

God Purposefully Picks You

Too often, people don’t believe they are valuable. Do you believe you are important? Make a quick mental list of how you see yourself?

What did you come up with? Hopefully, you listed your unique qualities and skill sets. However, those things are not the essence of your value. Incidentally, your value depends on something outside you. God determines your value, and then He purposefully picks you.

So, adopt God’s view for an accurate assessment of your life value. Incidentally, this helps when you face hard times. Additionally, it helps when others reject you.

Choose the truth about yourself. Choose the truth about God.


Scripture is packed with themes that you are picked, chosen, wanted. God says your life is precious. Scripture proves God purposefully picks you!

  • “But you, [substitute your name here instead of Jacob], whom I have chosen . . .” (Is. 41:8)
  • “I have chosen you and have not rejected you.” (Is. 41:9)
  • “I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge Me.” (Is. 45:4) Wow. That sounds like grace.
  • ‘I will take you, my servant [substitute your name here instead of Zerubbabel] . . . and I will make you like My signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” (Hag. 2:23)
  •  I have chosen you out of the world. (Jn. 15:19)
  • ” . . . as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved . . .” (Col. 3:12 – portion)
  • But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” (1 Pet. 2:9)


I especially want to focus on the point God has chosen you as His signet ring. Incidentally, do you know what a signet ring is?

Here’s a common definition –

A signet ring is a finger ring containing a small seal, one’s initial, or the like.

God wants to adorn His hand with your life – your initials – your very purpose for being alive. Yes, you are chosen!

Your Choice

Yes, you are chosen by God. But you have choices to make, too.
  • Do you see yourself accurately?
  • Have you responded to God’s high esteem of your life?
  • Do you believe He loves you and has “drawn you” with unfailing kindness? (Jer. 31:3)


Because God picks you, it’s time to live in that knowledge. And it’s also time to pick God back. So, a few more good questions –
  • Do you believe God is working all things for your good?
  • Are you resolved to love and obey God, no matter what? (Jn. 14:15)
  • Will you purposefully trust God, even in troubles and trials?
  • Will you pick God and His ways in your conduct, attitudes, words, and character?


It’s your turn. You need to make good choices!

Pick Purposefully In Hardships

Sometimes, life leaves you feeling slammed, disregarded, and even misjudged. Other times, you are just tired. Plus, there are times you’re deeply disappointed. Interestingly, things rarely turn out as you picture in your head. What then?

During challenging situations, ask yourself the same previous questions –

  • Do you believe God is working all things for your good?
  • Are you resolved to love and obey God, no matter what?
  • Will you purposefully trust God, even in troubles and trials?
  • Will you pick God and His ways in your conduct, attitudes, words, and character?


You are chosen. And you need to make good choices.  

So, be – Focused. Disciplined. Resolved. Subsequently, these three choices open doors to fresh perspective and inner power. As a result, you start living inside the value God pre-established for your life.

  • Focus and stand firm in hardships because God is faithful.
  • Discipline yourself to adopt gratitude since God values you.
  • Resolve to do your part. Simultaneously ask God to do what you can’t – to form Christ’s character in you.


Focus, Discipline, Resolve help you agree with God’s purpose for your life.

You Need To Choose

Jesus purposefully picked God’s character as a human person living on earth. And He did this in front of the world in the worst of circumstances. Incidentally, He was slammed, disregarded, misjudged, persecuted, and wrongfully put to death. Simultaneously, He chose joy and peace. Why? He trusted Himself to God’s faithfulness. So, He is your example.

Because Jesus elevated humanity to a highly-esteemed position through His life, death, and resurrection, you now have options. Pick character like His. Enjoy His love. Live with purpose. Afterall:

  • Jesus chose to be your older Brother in God’s family.
  • He endured harsh realities to model how to respond to God when you feel crushed, broken, afraid.
  • Jesus accepted suffering to save you. He purposefully died for you and rose from the dead for you. Stunningly, He picks you to live forever with Him.
  • Jesus daily picks you to transform your life. Here are some examples:
    • He provides opportunities for you to practice His teachings.
    • You have the Fruit of His Spirit.
    • God wants to heal your heart and comfort you in sufferings and sorrows.
    • Jesus teaches you how to forgive.
    • He trains you to pick hope.
    • God’s Word gives you power.
    • God protects your heart and shelters you in the shadow of His wings. (Ps. 57:1)
    • Finally, He provides counsel and direction for your future.


These points prove God purposefully picks you. 

Scriptures Show God Purposefully Picks

Jer. 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”

God loves you and wants you. He designed and created you. Additionally, God treasures your life. He purposefully picks you!

So, live with purpose.

Eph. 2:10 “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

God has individual purpose for your life. You are designed to carry out good works selected before you were born. God purposefully picks you.

So, live with purpose.


It’s simply not true to conclude your life is not precious.

It’s equally erroneous to say your life has no good purpose.

God’s Word says differently. Agree with Scripture.

Live with purpose.

You can confidently live in:
  • God’s love.
  • Courage and hope.
  • The power of Scripture when you’re discouraged or experience trials.
  • God’s promises to help you be a healthy person with purpose.


People Around You Say – Pick Me!

You want to be picked. And so do others. People seek purpose. They want to matter. Additionally, they desire to be special to someone.

You can make a significant difference for others. Because you have opportunity to purposefully pick people, you have power to encourage a friend, to invest in someone’s life, to honor a needy person’s value by providing for them in practical ways.

Simultaneously, you spread the high value of Christ over others as you pick them.

Here are some examples of ways you can purposefully pick others:

  1. Pick your kids and grandkids, lovingly, in their daily details. Treat them well. Be good to them. Tell them – “I love you!”
  2. Choose friends carefully and purposefully. Show them they are dear to you in creative ways.
  3. Exercise discernment with leaders. Look at their character before selecting them.
  4. Let neighbors know they’re important to you. Show them in practical ways – “I’m glad I live near you.” 
  5. Purposefully pick your own character in daily responses. Be a good representative of Jesus.
  6. Explore ways to help needy people in your community. Purposefully pick them.


Some things are already decided for you. For instance, you don’t generally pick your neighbors. You pick your new home and get to know neighbors. However, purposefully connecting with them is a way of “picking” them.

You can creatively and purposefully pick others around you, following God’s example of how He picks you.

Application Thoughts And Questions

  1. Do you believe God purposefully picks you?
  2. In your current suffering, are you coming close to Christ and trusting Him with your troubles?
  3. Will you place any doubts you have in His care?
  4. Plant yourself in “faith answers” from Scripture even when you’ve been hurt. 
  5. Choose to glorify God with your life. You are created with purpose and unique design. You’re not a mistake.
  6. How will you think better of yourself going forward – the way God sees you?
  7. Will you give your life completely to Christ in agreement with Him of your value?


As we close, check these recent articles to help you effectively be yourself:


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