Look around! Everything has some kind of design and order. Calendars, language, nature, science, and medicine. Then consider fabrics, computers, business, and farming. Design includes appearance, function, and natural / man-made capacity. The world – in fact, the entire universe – overflows with amazing design. Incidentally, you are no exception. Life is more meaningful, pleasant, and manageable when you embrace your incredible design. Let’s explore how to do that.
Your Incredible Design
When did you last consider your incredible design? That may seem like a futile waste of time and energy. Just focus on urgent stuff – right?
When you connect with your incredible design, your busy life takes on fresh purpose. Then time and energy become effective resources. Functioning effectively inside your design, it’s easier to set boundaries, eliminate “time-sucking-black-holes,” and propel forward.
Yes, you are important, even if you have a limited circle of influence. God’s extraordinary gift to you and to the world is your incredible design.
Your incredible design affects:
- Daily living.
- History.
Your Incredible Design Affects History
First, have you pondered what God thinks of you? Ps. 8 says – He “. . . made (you) a little lower than the angels and crowned (you) with glory and honor. He made (you) a ruler over the works of God’s hands and put everything under (your) feet.”
God created you in His image with eternity in mind. He designed you with beauty, grace, intelligence, and strength. Additionally, He made you upright – like Himself.
God also gave you unique abilities, special skills, and amazing talents. He even granted you a unique perspective. Then there’s your heart – designed to express passions only you can. Incidentally, all these qualities are seeds planted inside you.
Since God created you to have an Alive and Active Life on the current timeline in history, you’re not a mistake. God values your life. As you embrace your incredible design, you find unique, effective ways to serve Him and others.
This perspective changes everything. It opens a door to make a mark on history.
Let’s look at the four previously-mentioned phrases from Ps. 8.
1. Made you a little lower than the angels.
Most people think superheroes are pretty awesome. And angels are generally considered even better. Scripture says one angel is so powerful, he can wipe out huge portions of the earth.
Angels can be messengers. Consider angel encounters with:
- Moses.
- Gideon.
- Shepherds.
- Joseph (Mary’s betrothed) – first encounter.
- Joseph – second encounter.
- Joseph – third encounter.
- Peter in prison.
Then consider the Easter Angel – so electric and powerful – he made superheroes look like children at play. His landing on earth likely shook the planet.
Conclusively, it’s amazing you are created just a little lower than angels!
But here’s an “eye-catcher.” Some Scripture translation footnotes for Ps. 8:5 say – “God made you a little lower than God!” That’s stunning! In fact, it completely changed my view of myself when I read the footnote years ago.
You have been made a little lower than the angels – than God.
2. Crowned you with glory and honor.
Maybe you don’t feel glorious. Perhaps you think your honor is in the ditch. Well, that’s not God’s view of you. Maybe circumstances, others’ choices, or your life decisions developed your conclusion. But God disagrees this is your “end place.” He has glory and honor in mind for you – since He lovingly designed you and tenderly created your life with His protective, kind heart.
You are intended for great things. For most people, “being great” happens in small ways each day. One life lived well in small daily details creates a cascade of power that changes lives.
Consider St. Nicholas (a real person) who became famous by simply doing good for others. He did this anonymously – but was “found out.” He poured his riches and life into providing for the poorest and neediest people in his community. Essentially, he followed his design. As a result, his glory and honor to serve others became the very spirit of Christmas.
Glory and honor crowns your incredible design.
3. Made you a ruler over God’s works.
Have you wondered how to manage the many details in your life? How can you possibly “rule well” over it all? What happens if you drop the balls you consistently work to keep in the air?
May I just say – “You are destined to rule!” And of course, this is very different from when Loki says that about himself (superhero movie). God destined you to rule over His works. This includes –
- Details of your life.
- Family care.
- Community relationships.
- Opportunities.
- Career.
- Creation.
Stewards. That’s the word Scripture uses for a person in charge of a “master’s” affairs. This kind of “ruling” does not mean doing whatever you want. It means faithfully carrying out what the master wants. Accomplishing the master’s desires.
Believers have a Master – Jesus. Because His desires are good, wise, kind, interventive, provisionary – as you serve His interests, your service transforms to be like His.
Are you surprised to know you are created to manage what God delegates to you? It’s not scary – as it may sound. Nor is it controlling over your life. Instead, it’s a privilege, and it’s your incredible design. In fact, living outside your design severely limits your life and your influence.
Consider 2 Pet. 1:3. “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.”
That promise includes everything you need. Claim it by faith and enter fresh discovery of your incredible design. Even if you feel small, limited – your faith in this promise unlocks the door to an effective, powerful stewardship.
You are made to rule over God’s works.
4. Put everything under your feet.
Normally, we think of world leaders having position and power. People and nations are under their leadership. However, that’s a small view. Strategically and brilliantly, God gives purpose and power to every person – great and small. Subsequently, whoever responds to His love – and their incredible design – can wield influence and make a mark on history.
Consider who was on the “low rung of the social ladder” in Jesus time on earth. Shepherds. They were “below” others in society. Yet, God chose them to discover His Son’s lowly birth in a stable. They received a glorious message of hope from angels. And it was they who gained a significant, endearing, permanent part of the magnificent Christmas story.
What’s your situation? What lowly station do you have? Perhaps you are submerged in a trial or suffering – and you feel helpless. Lonely.
God calls you His child and friend. He will help you. So, what’s your part?
- Let go of everything that interferes with God’s design for your life.
- Obey Him in every command He gives you.
- LO – “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Mt. 28:20b)
Interestingly, humble beginnings (humanity created from the earth) is God’s strategic, unthinkable scenario to make you great as He lives His life inside you.
Rise up and take charge of whatever God has put under your feet.
Your Incredible Design Affects Daily Living
Now let’s explore how your incredible design affects each day. If you’re like most people, you can use a little help to embrace an accurate view of your life – and of others’ lives – in daily living.
Start here. You are a special person, loved with everlasting love by God. On your birthdate, an amazing event took place years ago: you were born! God delights in you. (Zeph. 3:17) To love Him back and to love others well, learn how to love yourself.
Mk. 12:31 says, “Love your neighbor as yourself . . . ” If you don’t love and value your life, how can you love and value another person. How can you love God?
People who embrace their life as precious (like God does) wield influence and make a difference every day. Partner with God to daily impact your world.
Application Thoughts And Questions
Here are some steps to help you embrace your incredible design:
- Spend time in His Word, daily. Scripture transforms you as your mind is renewed. (Rom. 12:2) Additionally, Scripture gives a good baseline for life. It aligns your ideas with God’s.
- Engage your strengths and abilities. Explore hopes and dreams God planted in you.
- Explore Scripture strategies for good “next moves” in your troubles. God’s Word helps you find solutions while you become stronger and experienced.
- Since you are destined for greatness, be a good representative and steward. And be God’s dear friend.
- Always agree with God. Then – “calm and quiet yourself” in Christ. (Ps. 131:2)
For more content to be the person God designed and created, check out:
Explore strategies to live well and embrace your incredible design using the daily devotional – It’s Your Move: Strategies in Thinking From Romans. This study has been highly enjoyed and praised by people.
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