Helpful “H” Words


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Helpful “H” Words

Sometimes little tricks or acronyms help you remember important things. I found some “H” words help me live my life a bit better. There are “H” words from God, and “H” words for you.


Help – God promises to help you in every detail of life. He wants you to latch onto His unlimited help. There is no greater help anywhere – from Him for you, “So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Is. 41:10) No matter what you face, God will help you. Will you ask for His help?

Hope – Too much of life is lived without hope. God gives hope. Yet, only when you choose His hope does it become yours. The Psalmist repeatedly wrote that he hopes in God. As soon as you put your hope in God, things happen: You get renewed strength. Your heart is lifted to a higher place. Weariness falls off. Weakness morphs into power. (Is. 40:31). Will you choose God’s hope?

Healing – Life is hard. Disappointments, losses, bad things happen – and you need healing. God identifies Himself as the Healer. “I am the Lord who heals you.” (Ex. 15:26) “I forgive all your sins and heal all your diseases.” (Ps. 103:3) “I heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.” (Ps. 147:3) Where do you need healing? Will you ask God to heal you?

Healthy – Health goes far beyond your body. Some people with diseases in their physical body are healthier than others who have healthy bodies. Perspective – how you see things and what you believe about God – determines whether you are healthy. Healthy people live in God’s light, not darkness. (Lk. 11:34) Is the “real you” healthy in Christ?

Holy – God, alone, is holy. Yet, He shares it with anyone who will trust and obey Him. You are a candidate for holiness. As you surrender completely to God, He transforms your character. Holiness is God’s work as you love God first and most, and as you practice faith and obedience. (Ex. 31:13; Lev. 20:8; 21:8) Are you pursuing God’s holiness?

Heaven – The wonderful place where things are done right. There is unending joy, provision, kindness, love . . . forever. Jesus said Heaven is very near, all around you. (Mt. 3:2, and many more references) Why not live by faith inside God’s Kingdom even before He brings Heaven to earth? Heaven is a real gift. Do you believe in God’s Heaven?



Honesty – To live an honest life is a choice. The character quality, honesty, is a sign of integrity and trustworthiness. It takes humility to be honest. Proverbs defines honesty continually. Do you practice authentic honesty for Christ? Or do you justify, make excuses, and exonerate yourself?

Humility – God values humility more than anything else. It is the condition needed to have a healthy relationship with God and others. Humility brings confession and repentance. That’s when you get forgiveness. Humility promotes truth rather than self. When you “humble yourself before the Lord, He will lift you up.” (Jas. 4:10) Do you humble yourself before God?

Hard Work – Bring your skill sets, abilities, and experiences as a gift back to God. He should be your first Love. (Rev. 2:4) God made people for productive, constructive, and meaningful work as they rule the earth. Start in your own personal domain. Proverbs talks often about hard work. Paul commends people for working hard for Jesus. It is my conviction that after His earthly father, Joseph, died, Jesus worked hard as a carpenter, setting His mom up for success and providing for His siblings. Will you work hard for God’s priorities?

Happiness – Choosing to be glad (practicing cheer) and rejoicing in the Lord produces quiet gladness even in hard times. (Ps. 68:3) A better word than happiness is “joy.” Yet, you could say joy is happy trust in the Lord. Are you happy in Jesus?

Maybe these “H” words will help you remember encouraging things about God and about you.

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