Your Words Matter – Scripture Dissection


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Alive and Active Life
Your Words Matter - Scripture Dissection

I’ve known a handful of people who know just what to say in any given moment. Their words are refreshing and fitting.  Afterall, “The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.” (Prov. 25:11) But I’ve also known people who definitely do not have that skill.  So, it’s reasonable to conclude – your words matter. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to express words of strong gratitude to family, friends, to God, and into your own soul. Today’s content explores how your words matter.

Your Words Matter

Think of someone who always seems to lift you up. They have the knack of directing words into a scenario – or into a heart – that helps channel the outcome into a healthy direction. That’s a desirable power! Did you know you have power to make words golden? In fact, your words can make a significant difference.

Tear Into It – Your Words Matter

First, I suggest – take a look at Tear Into It. That article explains how and why we introduce Scripture dissection exercises every few weeks in our article rotation.

For today’s content, let’s tear into Eph. 4:29. Especially as we go into Thanksgiving, this message is full of instruction. Incidentally, did you know Scripture takes a strong position about what you say?

Eph. 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Apparently, what comes out of your mouth matters to God. So, let’s look at each phrase of this verse and pull out helpful directives for Thanksgiving . . . and every day living.

Eph. 4:29

  1. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
  2. But only what is helpful for building others up,
  3. According to their needs,
  4. That it may benefit those who listen.


Now Let’s Dissect – Your Words Matter

With each Scripture dissection, we engage four focuses:

  1. What Does It Say?
  2. What Does It Mean?
  3. Make It Personal
  4. Make A Commitment.


1. What Does It Say?

Simply put, this verse says your words matter. But they matter in very practical ways each day. The verse identifies what not to talk about. “Any unwholesome talk” should not come out of your mouth. But it also says what to talk about. Incidentally, it gives some pretty interesting and creative descriptions of what is good to say.

  • Only what is helpful for building others up.
  • According to their needs.
  • That it may benefit those who listen.


So, that’s what this verse says.

2. What Does It Mean?

Let’s start with unwholesome talk. And – to do justice to this question, I’m pulling a variety of translations of this verse to see how they express ideas of unwholesome talk.

  • Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth. (AMP)
  • Let no harmful language come from your mouth. (CJB)
  • When you talk, don’t say anything bad. (ERV) (KJV)
  • Don’t use bad language. (TLB)
  • Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. (MSG)
  • Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. (NIV)
  • Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. (NLV)
  • Don’t use foul or abusive language. (NLT)
  • Let no worthless word proceed out of your mouth. (RGT)
  • Let no evil talk come out of your mouths. (RSV)
  • Don’t let even one rotten word seep out of your mouths. (VOICE)


Well, those various translations (and there are many more) give a picture of what not to talk about.

At the same time, what to talk about looks more like this:

  • Only what is helpful for building others up – Words are supposed to be helpful to others – to quite literally build them up into who God created them to be. That takes wisdom.
  • According to their needs The words spoken need to be specific to another person’s needs. What will help them be more like Christ. Be encouraged. Be refreshed. And so on. That takes discernment. 
  • That it may benefit those who listen – What you say is for the “hearer’s benefit.” Not yours. So, don’t say something to make yourself look or feel better. Say whatever God wants spoken into another person’s life. That takes listening to God’s “still small voice.” 

So, that’s what this verse means.

3. Make It Personal

Golden Words

Beautiful, golden words bring honor, a positive outlook, and positive energy to a situation. Consequently, blessed is the person who trains daily to speak this way sincerely.

It’s noteworthy God’s Written Word is filled with golden words. And God’s Living Word – Jesus (the God-man) – always speaks wisdom, healing, understanding, compassion, hope, and power. The very idea that God spoke all creation into being is incredible. Consequently, shouldn’t your words match the flavor of God’s words? Afterall, you are formed in His image.

You have capacity to speak in ways that persuade, inspire, include, define, provide justice, and advocate for others. Why not bring some gold into every interaction?

Terrible Words

Poorly chosen words create another kind of power. But it does not lift others up. Those words create tension, upset, and confusion. As you know, our world is full of terrible words. Yet, friendships, family, and community interactions are valuable. So, shouldn’t we bring our best words into those places?

You’ve known people who use terrible words. And they can make those words sound so good – smooth, slippery, slathered with too much of nothing-that-helps. Or they sound cutting, cruel, rude, and unkind. They sound self-serving and self-promoting.

Scripture is full of warnings about words. Prov. 29:20 says, “Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them.” So, even hasty words are unhelpful.

Poorly chosen words mess with your heart, your attitude, and your purpose. And I can confidently say they also mess with another person’s heart, attitude, and purpose. You know what I mean from your personal experience when poor words have been spoken into your life.

You have power to avoid terrible words. Clip it! Hold your tongue. Go to prayer, even right in the moment, and humbly ask for God’s words in place of your own.

Thanksgiving Words Matter

Yes, Thanksgiving is an opportunity to take inventory of your words. Subsequently, how thankful are you? How kind, gracious, solution-oriented? When things go poorly or others sin against you, do your words slip away from a platform of gratitude? Interestingly, even in conflict, a thankful heart has power to solve problems. And so, if another person responds poorly, you have the power to keep your own heart from sin.

God commands to give thanks in all things. (1 Thess. 5:18) So, that’s your platform of gratitude and word usage.

Words Of Power

God’s Word says, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” (Ps. 19:14) So, golden words don’t just flow out of your mouth. They flow from your thoughts and heart. Therefore, words have yet another power. They give away what’s going on inside you.

Desiring to please God with what you say is a gift you give back to Him. Besides being golden to Him, you become one of those people who just knows what to say.

This Thanksgiving, will you join me in taking inventory of words, attitudes, thoughts, and actions?

Jas. 3:2 says, “We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.”

Let’s make it our goal to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. (Mt. 5:48)

4. Make A Commitment – Application Thoughts & Questions

  1. So, as you take inventory of your words – what do you notice?
  2. Have you wielded the power to be one of those people who just knows what to say no matter what?
  3. Wouldn’t that be a great target to aim for? Not only would you benefit from such an endeavor. So would everyone who knows you.
  4. Since words represent meditations of your heart, what do you think about during most of your day?
  5. Do you keep thought and word standards high – or do they slip under pressure?
  6. Why not take inventory this Thanksgiving to test your words and thoughts. Let them be pleasing to God.


Special Announcement For November

Now, I want to invite you to participate in a FREE online course we are offering during the month of November. It’s called – “Prepare For Christmas Without Missing It.” You can jump in all month for tips and ideas to navigate busy Christmas days. You’ll find step-by-step strategies and practical ideas. The content shows how to enjoy a peaceful yet meaningful Christmas.

You may be the “Christmas Point Person” at your house. Be ready to create an atmosphere of excitement, richness, magic, and fun memories. Set aside stress and frustration that often accompanies the holiday season.

And instead, connect with Emmanuel (“God With Us”) in a deeper way. See how to create time and energy to connect with people and special traditions.

If you experience sadness, depression, or grieving, there is even a session designed to help you find fresh hope, and a bit more joy. So sign up for this FREE resource today! And “Prepare For Christmas Without Missing It.”

It’s not too late to sign up because you have to the end of November. Go to this page:

Additional Resources

REMEMBER – Holidays are coming quickly. Celebrate Advent: A Life-Response to Emmanuel is a wonderful, devotional tool to use Dec. 1-31 to prepare your heart for Christmas. Short, simple, meaningful each day. And content principles are “keepers” every day of the year. If you order now, you’ll be ready to use on Dec. 1. (paperback and ebook) It is featured in our FREE online course.

Another great Holiday Tool is Prepare For Christmas Without Missing It. It is an ebook that features so many things we talk about in the FREE online course in November. This tool has helped people break out of holiday busy-ness and into hope and meaningful celebration. (ebook) It is featured in our online course.

Both books make beautiful gifts. Check them out in our online store.


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