At Your Edge


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
At Your Edge


Short Stories – At Your Edge

I have a few short stories referencing “at your edge.”

When I was a child in gym class, we practiced walking on a balance beam. It was a bit nerve-racking! Apparently, if you walk a beam only two or three inches off the ground, it’s easier. But walking a beam four feet off the ground takes a bite out of your confidence. I tried to be confident four feet off the ground. But it was still tricky.

When I was a young mom with little ones, we visited a state park. We climbed a high cliff and came to an edge with a very long drop. It was roped off – but ropes don’t stop little kids. They started right for the edge! As my stomach turned somersaults, I quickly intervened and pulled them back from the edge.

During another season of life, I experienced being at my edge when difficulties and losses piled high. I was at the edge of my endurance. Incidentally, it was terribly uncomfortable. And it was at this edge I learned some critical skills and maneuvers. I grew into a “new maturity” as I realized from God’s point of view – life’s beam is only a few inches off the ground. He stabilizes my balance, closely spots my walk, and keeps me safe. This gave me hope.

At Your Edge

Do you know how it feels to be at your edge? Have you ever been there? Perhaps you’ve been living at your edge a long time. It’s scary to live at the edge of what you think you can manage and cope with, not knowing what’s beyond.

To be “at your edge” is often an “up – down” phenomenon – a “come – go” experience. Some days you feel you can’t take any more, and the next day you’re more “OK.” Sometimes in one day you can bump up and then down again.

Human Nature – At Your Edge

There are people in this world who do daring performances. From self-video of dangerous maneuvers on a mountainside ledge to share on social media (and a plunge to that person’s death) to a tight-rope over Niagara Falls (with someone on their back) to trapeze stunts in a circus.

Some people like living at the edge of what is safe – or flaunting their ability to endure with nerves of steel and a dare-devil lifestyle. And I have to add – living at the edge of God’s warnings.

Did you know you can step away from living unsafely at your edge?

Personal Edge

Living at the edge of all you can endure is something most people don’t want to do. It’s not only scary. It’s also heart-breaking. Why do I say that? Because if you continue to live at the edge of what you can endure – you’ve likely endured a lot.

People who have gone through losses and severe grief know the edge well. This is the place where hope is either lost – or re-discovered. It could be a death, betrayal, severe illness, divorce, financial ruin, or even a huge pile-up of too-many-little-things!

So, what have you found at your edge? Hope, or no hope?

Hope, Or No Hope

If you stay on the edge, frozen in fear or perhaps imprisoned in grief, gazing at the drop below, you feel hopeless. You may feel frustrated. Maybe even angry. Sometimes you lose focus in this predicament.

Face to face with reality, at your edge, you don’t see a way across to better days, to renewed hope. In fact, it seems impossible.

But you’ve been told God’s power can make a difference in your life. You’ve also heard the next step is a leap of faith.

!! Right !!

But what if! Yes, what if the beam is only a few inches off the ground. If Jesus is all around on every side, underneath, over, and inside you . . . then you are truly less than inches away from support and safety! Right? Even if you are suspended on a precarious precipice. Right?

That’s Right! Don’t give up!

Change your perspective to this thought – by faith. Incidentally, taking up this kind of thinking puts your hand back into the hand of hope. If you choose to grab onto hope through Jesus – hope is yours!

God’s love, presence, and hope are abundant at your edge.

Redemption At Your Edge

Jesus promised never to leave or forsake you. (Deut. 31:6) He also promised to redeem all things – make all things new. (Rev. 21:5) And He says all things work together for good to those who love God. (Rom. 8:28)

These promises and so many more, give you a beam to walk on. Though it seems so narrow, keep remembering that in Christ, it’s only a few inches from safety. Jesus will catch you. It’s time to step forward.

Rom. 5:3-5 says, “. . . we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” 

This Scripture talks about deeper, richer, “good stuff” that happens at your edge. But you must participate to re-connect with hope. In Christ, you can do all things! (Phil.4:13)

At your edge, you can re-connect with God’s hope.

Everything You Need

Apparently, you have everything needed to live confidently, safely, and with hope at your edge. 2 Pet. 1:3 says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” This verse is saying . . . at your very edge, you still have what you need! In fact – everything you need!

Will you choose to accept this and think like this? Change your perspective at your edge. Please – just come near God and He promises to come near you. (Jas. 4:8) He will help you at your edge. You will get to know Him. Truly, He will keep you safe at your edge.

When you stay hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3) – God’s power changes you. Your character becomes rich, stable, strong, and full of hope. You become more like Jesus – with courage and confidence.

So, you have a choice. Trust Jesus and take a leap of faith. Or remain incapacitated at your edge. So, why not trust God fully? Let go at your edge, and fall less than a few small inches into His great provisions. It’s a very good place to be.

Easy-To-Remember Action Steps

So, how can you remember basic action steps when you are at your edge?

  1. Believe Jesus and His promises. He is with you.
  2. Obey His Word. It holds secrets of well-being (when they’re put into practice).
  3. Rest in Him. Watch Him do what only He can do.
  4. Rejoice and walk forward at your edge. Choose eager expectation as your loving, powerful God handles your situation.


Believe . . . Obey . . . Rest . . . Rejoice – Walk Forward!

If you follow these actions steps, you will g-r-o-w tremendously in the following ways:

  • Perseverance Live your life with courage, even at your edge and gain perseverance.
  • Character Measure your heart to be like the heart of Jesus. Whatever doesn’t match, change your actions and ask God to change you as you obey.
  • Hope God’s invisible power makes life meaningful and worth living.


Why does hope in God accomplish so much? Remember what we explored earlier from Rom. 5:5? “And hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

Hope does not disappoint us! Why not? Because God’s love is literally poured into your heart. His very own Spirit lives inside you. God wants you to succeed – His way. He is at your edge with you – very invested in your safety, growth, development, and training.

Scriptures – At Your Edge

When you are at your edge, staring at threatening emptiness and a possible fall in front of you, PAUSE! Take a moment to reflect on these Scriptures – from your heart – with resolved faith in God who loves you!

  • “I calm and quiet my soul.” (Ps. 131:2)
  • “Be still and know He is God.” (Ps. 46:10)
  • “With man, these things are impossible. With God, ALL things are possible.” (Mt. 19:26)
  • “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (Jas. 1:5)
  • “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” (Ps. 111:10)  [click for more about fear of the Lord.]
  • “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” (Phil. 3:12)


God keeps you safe on every side – only inches away – at your edge. 

Application Thoughts And Questions

  1. What’s your story at your edge?
  2. Have you grabbed onto renewed hope?
  3. Incidentally, if hope, help, and safety are inches away, will you receive them? If not, why not?
  4. Why not grab onto the promise you have everything you need?
  5. Do you Believe . . . Obey . . . Rest . . . Rejoice – Walk Forward?
  6. Are you training in perseverance, character, and hope?


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