Live Between the Dots This New Year: 7 Tips


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Live Between the Dots This New Year: 7 Tips

The end of one year morphs into a new one by the simple passing of time. Days slip by all year, but when the passing of days ends one thing and begins another, it is noteworthy. Like dots on a graph that connect to form a line, your life line is formed by connecting dots of days. Therefore, it’s critical to live between the dots in a way that exemplifies the noble character of Jesus.

Live Between The Dots

Your life line is made up of segments of time – the spaces between dots that form a line. This is where time passes.

Time Dots are:

  • Seasons
  • Years
  • Months
  • Weeks
  • Days
  • Minutes
  • Seconds.


At this very moment, you are living between two dots. As a result, the space in this special week, sandwiched between Christmas and the New Year, is significant.

This week ends one year and begins another. You need a whole new calendar! In this critical week, I encourage you to be thoughtful about how to live between the dots next year.

“Live Between The Dots” Is Important

We mentioned Time DotsWell, what about Life Dots?

Life Dots Are:

  • To-do lists
  • Goals
  • Responsibilities
  • Dreams
  • Plans
  • Relationships
  • Careers
  • Ministry, etc.



There’s only one thing that connects these dots to represent God’s purpose for you. What is that one thing?

The One Thing

The life of Jesus in your life connects all the dots of your life each day. That’s it right there! It’s the one thing. However, His life also connects you to Himself through His Spirit that lives in you. So, it’s a double kind of connecting. That’s two things so far.

There are two more things God multiplies in your life as you stay connected to Jesus. He brings glory to His great name. And He accomplishes much good through your life in the world.

Subsequently, one thing has now been multiplied into four things:

  1. The life of Jesus in your life connects all the dots of your life each day.
  2. His life also connects you to Himself through His Spirit that lives in you.
  3. He brings glory to His great name.
  4. And He accomplishes much good through your life in the world.


Jesus always blesses and multiplies whatever He touches.

Live Between The Dots – How Exactly?

The previous four things mentioned transform your thinking, perspective, and daily living. So, how can they be yours?

Simply said? Open your heart and say “yes.” However, I would add – saying yes means doing three things:

  1. Trusting Jesus completely.
  2. Obeying Jesus completely.
  3. Resting in Jesus completely.


Are you willing to commit to those three? Especially since it’s not outside your ability to do. You can do them!

Three Scriptures Paint A Picture

As you consider three Scriptures, you see a picture of Christ in you:

  1. “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” (2 Pet. 1:3)
  2. “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.” (Rom. 8:11)
  3. “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” (Jas. 4:8)


Verse one promises absolutely everything you need for life through knowing the Lord.

The second verse says Jesus’ Spirit lives inside you.

Verse three emphasizes you must come close to God to know Him.

Therefore, you have three Scriptures you can now apply. Now you have a line started to connect your dots this next year.

That “Something Else”

With all those resources available to you, what might stand in your way?

Some people struggle because of “something else.” So, what is that something else that prevents some from trusting, obeying, and resting in Jesus completely? Well, it’s the “biggie.” But the good news is this. You have absolute control over this biggie.

Your Portion And The Biggie

What is the biggie? That question is best answered with a bullet list of your portion. To overcome the biggie means you:

  1. Die to self.
  2. Become a living sacrifice.
  3. Choose Christ’s interests over your own.
  4. Agree with God.
  5. Surrender to God’s ways.
  6. Align every detail of your life each day with Christ’s character.


That’s your portion. It’s the biggie! But it’s the secret to meaningful life in Christ.

As you give your life to God, He “saves” your life – not only from sin and death. The One who multiplies blessings also saves your life each day in every issue and circumstance. You start understanding things you didn’t before, once you surrender to Christ. Habits and patterns that used to hold you captive, fall off as you obey in the moment. It’s a daily saving.

But if you hold onto your life to preserve and protect it, you’ll lose your life. (Mt. 16:25, Mk. 8:35, and Lk. 9:24.) Consequently, you have a decision to make between Time Dots and Life Dots each moment where you live.

Dot To Dot Fun

You know those fun dot to dot activities you did as a kid where you find out the whole picture once you connect final dots? That’s similar to how you live your life between the dots.

You were designed to be a kind of “dot to dot” creation. The whole picture isn’t known to you now. Just some of it. At the same time, you can be sure it’s a glorious picture. God always does exceptional work as Creator. So, your life is very special.

Live between the dots by Trusting God . . .

Doing your best to Obey Him . . .

Take time to Rest in His great love.

Seven Helpful “Live Between The Dot” Strategies

Whether you are an organized person or not, it helps to have some strategies as you go into a new year. So, I’m sharing seven helpful strategies.

1. Resolve

Go into the New Year . . . not with resolutions, but rather with resolve to trust, obey, and rest in Jesus.

2. Dedicate yourself to God’s purposes

God wants you to be the person He designed. He also wants to impact the globe through your life, even your small corner. So, dedicate yourself to God’s purposes. As you draw attention to Jesus by your daily conduct, you make a difference in this broken world.

3. Right Hand

Your right hand symbolizes your abilities, strengths, and power. Because God promises to put His right hand on your right hand, you have protection and resources you lack on your own. So, picture God putting His right hand on yours. (Read Is. 41: 9-11 and 13-14 about right hand.)

4. Purpose And Design

Keep identifying your purpose and design. Learn more about God’s design to live with passion. Each day, ask yourself – “What can I do today to draw attention to Jesus? In my community? Around the world? How can I impact the Kingdom of Heaven?”

5. Peace And Power

Jesus, promises to bring 2 “P’s” into every day: peace and power. However, you must trust Him for these “P’s” and take them.

6. Hidden With Christ In God

The title “Extraordinary Strategist” describes God. He can do anything with no limits. You portion? Stay hidden with Christ in God  by faith. (Col. 3:3)

7. 365 Short Strokes

The entire year gives you only 365 short strokes. You often do more than 365 steps in a day. A year is only 365 strokes in your life. So, live the 365 short strokes intentionally, with passion, with purpose.

Summary To Live Between The Dots

Time Dots and Life Dots are present in each day. Your life is the line that connects these dots.

If you trust, obey, and rest in the Lord, He will place His right hand on yours and share secrets to live between your dots. Additionally, if you do the “biggie” and surrender to the Lord, you’ll have influence in this world for Jesus!

2 Pet. 3:11-12 says, “Live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God – and speed its coming! Why not choose to make a difference in the timeline of Christ’s return?


Application Thoughts And Questions

  1. What kind of Time Dots and Life Dots do you have in your life?
  2. What are you doing to stay connected to Jesus, the One who multiplies blessings?
  3. Have you addressed the “biggie” in your life? Are you completely surrendered to Jesus?
  4. What issues do you need to be more resolved in?
  5. Have you dedicated yourself to God’s purposes?
  6. In what areas do you need to let Jesus put His right hand over your right hand?
  7. What new things are you learning about your purpose and design?
  8. Where do you need to invite Jesus’ peace and power?
  9. In what area are you exposed because you are not hidden with Christ in God?
  10. After considering all this content, how will you approach the next 365 short strokes in this New Year?


To live between the dots this next year, check out how to set up a One-Page-Goals Sheet, Step 1 and Step 2. It’s like an “online mini-class” you can participate in at your own pace.

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