The Truth About Loneliness

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Truth About Loneliness

Do you remember the film, “Cast Away?” Tom Hanks plays a systems analysist named Chuck who is marooned on an island quite unexpectedly when his flight goes down over the Pacific Ocean. In this movie, you get a front-row seat on how a person might deal with loneliness. From hopelessness, to anger, to desperation, to finding a way. He’s alone on this island for four years! Meanwhile, he’s declared dead by family and friends back home. Chuck’s only friend is a volleyball that washed ashore from the plane wreckage. This ball becomes Chuck’s only friend: “Wilson.” Chuck becomes very familiar with the truth about loneliness. 
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Time To Remember Emmanuel – Advent #3

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Time To Remember Emmanuel - Advent #3

Christmas is almost here! Whether you tend to prepare ahead – each week leading to Christmas – or you dare to load all the stress into days before, including shopping on Christmas Eve, it’s time to remember Emmanuel in your hustle and bustle.

This is the third in a series to prepare your heart for Christmas. Each week we light another candle in our hearts as a statement of preparation. (Notice each additional week’s article in this series has another candle lit in the main featured image.)

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