
Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life

As I considered this article, I decided to look up the word “upended.” The definitions made me think of a boat or canoe. Maybe a personal craft on the sea of life. Here are synonyms I found to help define upended.

  • flipped
  • inverted
  • overturned
  • upset
  • bottom-side-up
  • tipped over
  • capsized


I don’t know about you, but these synonyms gave me a mental picture of upended.

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Dissect Something Meaningful – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Dissect Something Meaningful - Scripture Dissection

Have you ever dissected something? High school biology? Perhaps college anatomy? If you’ve been following Alive and Active Life, you know you can dissect Scripture, too. Thankfully, I’m not talking about heavyduty, theological stuff. Rather, this is a lighter approach to dissect something meaningful – with practical action steps for your life.

Much like you command a kitchen knife, you must learn how to wield your Sword – the Scriptures. So, why not dissect something meaningful with me today?

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Did I Happen To Mention?

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Did I Happen To Mention?

How many times have you heard – “Did I happen to mention . . . “ and then someone finishes a thought. Indeed, every mention can become a conversation. Incidentally, this is exactly what Jesus does. He mentions things. In fact, He’s a master at mentioning critical information.

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How To Live A Healthy Life – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
How To Live A Healthy Life - Scripture Dissection

You’ve heard it now for generations: How to live a healthy life. In fact, one of the popular “sign-offs” for emails and letters now is – “Be Well!” So, what does this mean? Truly, all over the world, you hear talk shows, podcasts, seminars, and even friends talk about being healthy:

  • Use My Plate – to help eat a balanced diet.
  • Drink plenty of water – stay hydrated and promote your internal systems.
  • Stay active – keep moving with exercise, biking, jogging, tennis, golf, etc.
  • Get outside – enjoy fresh air. See the beauty of creation. Be quiet and calm. And, breathe deeply.
  • Spend time with friends – enrich and nourish your inner person.
  • Be well-read or well-listened – know what’s going on around the globe to have an accurate perspective.
  • And I add – Get into God’s Word – for key points and action steps you need to guide your life.
  • Plus – Get God’s Word into you – grow and change by doing what Scripture says. Remember, what you practice is what you become.


In conclusion, all these – and more, help you live a healthy life.

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The Game Of Life And Relationships

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Game Of Life And Relationships

Do you like chess? Surely, some of you do, while others of you . . . well, not-so-much. Perhaps you prefer checkers, scrabble, trivial pursuit, monopoly, or nertz. Regardless of your preferred game, life is like playing a board game – in some respects. For example – chess. Interesting pieces are placed in a certain order on an equally interesting board of contrasting squares. Then it starts: the strategies, choices, and patterns. It only takes a few minutes to realize you can’t play chess without being very engaged and thoughtful. Subsequently, you realize there’s an element like this in the game of life and relationships. Let’s look at helpful similarities.

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How To Live With Hope – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
How To Live With Hope - Scripture Dissection

You know the story from Lord of the Rings. Beautiful Arwen loves Aragorn. However, Aragorn left to protect Frodo on his quest. Incidentally, he’ll end up fighting a war. Unfortunately, He may never return. As a result, Arwen is overcome. And she lingers in middle earth rather than join her kin to travel to their forever home. Having remained, she has a conversation with her elf-father. Interestingly, Arwen clings to hope. And she wants to know how to live in hope.

Elrond: “He is not coming back. Why do you linger when there is no hope?”

Arwen: “There is still hope.”

Elrond: “If Aragorn survives this war, You will still be parted.”

Sadly, Arwen’s dad doesn’t sound very hopeful, does he?

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Behind The Scenes – An Interview With The Producers

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Behind The Scenes - An Interview With The Producers

We’re going to do something different this week – an interview with the producers to explore behind the scenes of Alive and Active Life articles and podcast. Actually, we’ve been publishing for 14 years and broadcasting for 5 years. But we’ll specifically cover podcast information. WHY do we do this?

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The Fifth King – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Fifth King - Scripture Dissection

You’ve heard the saying – “I feel like a fifth wheel.” Really – a fifth wheel is not much good . . . unless you’re driving a big rig – and then you need 18 wheels – all in good shape. Today’s content explores what it’s like to be the fifth king. Incidentally, this guy was exceptional! We can all learn from his choices, integrity, and passions.

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Strategies To Strengthen Weakness

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Strategies To Strengthen Weakness

Hypothetical situation. So, you meet someone. Perhaps you have conversations about strengths and weaknesses as you get to know this new person. It would be rare – but what would you think if that person said, “I don’t have any weaknesses?” Jaw drop! That’s a pretty big wow! A person with no weaknesses! Even Jesus had weakness as a human being – not weakness of character or morality but of learning, growing, and His unique skill sets. Nevertheless, as He grew up into manhood, He learned about areas He did well in – and areas He needed to build strategies to strengthen weakness. That does not mean Jesus sinned. It means He was/is like you and me in every way – fully human, while also being fully God. Let’s explore how to build strategies to strengthen weakness and follow the path Jesus took.

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Your Incredible Design

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Your Incredible Design

Look around! Everything has some kind of design and order. Calendars, language, nature, science, and medicine. Then consider fabrics, computers, business, and farming. Design includes appearance, function, and natural / man-made capacity. The world – in fact, the entire universe – overflows with amazing design. Incidentally, you are no exception. Life is more meaningful, pleasant, and manageable when you embrace your incredible design. Let’s explore how to do that.

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