Do you take the trash out at your house on a regular basis? Or is that somebody else’s job? Have you ever had a pile-up of junk and stuff that needs to be thrown out? Realistically, keeping up with trash, junk, and stuff is part of living well. This is true for your inner person, too. I’m excited to get into this content.
Category: How to
Relief And Hope – Scripture Dissection
How much can a person take? It’s hard to keep going when the onslaught just won’t stop! Nevertheless, no matter what you are going through, there’s a very “special something” that links you to relief and hope. Incidentally, you and I both know we often need relief and hope. In fact, more frequently than we might wish. So, what is that “special something” that links you to relief and hope? Let’s explore.
Stressed Out!
You Are Invited
You go to the mail box and pull out a crisp white envelope with an official seal. The exquisite handwriting specifies your name and address. Rather than ripping it open – like junk mail – you pull out your letter opener to surgically slide along the top envelope crease. From the open slot, you gingerly slip out a beautiful, heavy-weight card that says, “You Are Invited.” In surprise and wonder, you flip open the card to see – it’s the very event you’ve always wanted to attend! Up till now, you’ve never dreamed you’d have the opportunity.
As I considered this article, I decided to look up the word “upended.” The definitions made me think of a boat or canoe. Maybe a personal craft on the sea of life. Here are synonyms I found to help define upended.
- flipped
- inverted
- overturned
- upset
- bottom-side-up
- tipped over
- capsized
I don’t know about you, but these synonyms gave me a mental picture of upended.
Dissect Something Meaningful – Scripture Dissection
Have you ever dissected something? High school biology? Perhaps college anatomy? If you’ve been following Alive and Active Life, you know you can dissect Scripture, too. Thankfully, I’m not talking about heavy–duty, theological stuff. Rather, this is a lighter approach to dissect something meaningful – with practical action steps for your life.
Much like you command a kitchen knife, you must learn how to wield your Sword – the Scriptures. So, why not dissect something meaningful with me today?
Did I Happen To Mention?
How To Live A Healthy Life – Scripture Dissection
You’ve heard it now for generations: How to live a healthy life. In fact, one of the popular “sign-offs” for emails and letters now is – “Be Well!” So, what does this mean? Truly, all over the world, you hear talk shows, podcasts, seminars, and even friends talk about being healthy:
- Use My Plate – to help eat a balanced diet.
- Drink plenty of water – stay hydrated and promote your internal systems.
- Stay active – keep moving with exercise, biking, jogging, tennis, golf, etc.
- Get outside – enjoy fresh air. See the beauty of creation. Be quiet and calm. And, breathe deeply.
- Spend time with friends – enrich and nourish your inner person.
- Be well-read or well-listened – know what’s going on around the globe to have an accurate perspective.
- And I add – Get into God’s Word – for key points and action steps you need to guide your life.
- Plus – Get God’s Word into you – grow and change by doing what Scripture says. Remember, what you practice is what you become.
In conclusion, all these – and more, help you live a healthy life.
The Game Of Life And Relationships
Do you like chess? Surely, some of you do, while others of you . . . well, not-so-much. Perhaps you prefer checkers, scrabble, trivial pursuit, monopoly, or nertz. Regardless of your preferred game, life is like playing a board game – in some respects. For example – chess. Interesting pieces are placed in a certain order on an equally interesting board of contrasting squares. Then it starts: the strategies, choices, and patterns. It only takes a few minutes to realize you can’t play chess without being very engaged and thoughtful. Subsequently, you realize there’s an element like this in the game of life and relationships. Let’s look at helpful similarities.
How To Live With Hope – Scripture Dissection
You know the story from Lord of the Rings. Beautiful Arwen loves Aragorn. However, Aragorn left to protect Frodo on his quest. Incidentally, he’ll end up fighting a war. Unfortunately, He may never return. As a result, Arwen is overcome. And she lingers in middle earth rather than join her kin to travel to their forever home. Having remained, she has a conversation with her elf-father. Interestingly, Arwen clings to hope. And she wants to know how to live in hope.
Elrond: “He is not coming back. Why do you linger when there is no hope?”
Arwen: “There is still hope.”
Elrond: “If Aragorn survives this war, You will still be parted.”
Sadly, Arwen’s dad doesn’t sound very hopeful, does he?