It Got Flipped!

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
It Got Flipped!

Recently, I looked at a picture and saw the most beautiful landscape. Upon further study, I realized – it was upside-down. A bit stunned, I figured out I was looking at the perfect reflection of a landscape on a calm, serene lake. It got flipped! Interestingly, God flips some things, too. 

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As Your Life Goes On – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
As Your Life Goes On - Scripture Dissection

Growing older? Me, too. We all are. The days seem to fly by. And over time, people change. As your life goes on, are you the same person you were as a youngster? I know I’m not. Recently, we explored an all-around good guy who had lots of troubles. Remarkably, he’s given 3 chapters in Scripture – very unusual. So, he deserves another look as he grows older.

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Strategies To Strengthen Weakness

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Strategies To Strengthen Weakness

Hypothetical situation. So, you meet someone. Perhaps you have conversations about strengths and weaknesses as you get to know this new person. It would be rare – but what would you think if that person said, “I don’t have any weaknesses?” Jaw drop! That’s a pretty big wow! A person with no weaknesses! Even Jesus had weakness as a human being – not weakness of character or morality but of learning, growing, and His unique skill sets. Nevertheless, as He grew up into manhood, He learned about areas He did well in – and areas He needed to build strategies to strengthen weakness. That does not mean Jesus sinned. It means He was/is like you and me in every way – fully human, while also being fully God. Let’s explore how to build strategies to strengthen weakness and follow the path Jesus took.

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Four Successful Generations – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Four Successful Generations - Scripture Dissection

“Generations” is not only the title of a Star Trek movie. It’s also an important dynamic for families and individuals. Whether or not you are a Star Trek fan, you must agree there’s something important about generations – for family, country, businesses, royal lines, and franchises. Generations can be blood relatives or simply the next legitimate persons. Today’s content focuses on four successful generations of a royal family – with one exception. It’s fascinating.

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God Purposefully Picks You

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
God Purposefully Picks You

Do you remember that funny scene in Shrek? The donkey is behind a group of people in a crowd. Shrek is going to choose a companion. And as Shrek considers his options, all you see is the donkey jumping up – over and over in the background. You don’t see him – and then you do! Over and over. As he jumps high enough to be seen above the group, he’s yelling something – “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” Interestingly, all people feel this way at times. Subsequently, it’s noteworthy and meaningful to remember God purposefully picks you.

So what does “Pick me!” really look like?
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Double Portion – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Double Portion - Scripture Dissection

If ever there was an Old Testament story that beautifully exemplifies the Spirit of Jesus, this is it! Not only does it show a man’s healthy choices and conduct. It also portrays the very spirit of Jesus Christ in a person who lived long before Jesus came to earth as the God-man. And further, this story is a strong statement – you and I can ask for a double portion of the nature and character of Christ if we fully surrender to God.

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How To Prepare Your Heart For Christmas – Advent #1

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
How To Prepare Your Heart For Christmas - Advent #1

Most people really like Christmas. There are a few grinches who despise the annual celebration. But many more cherish this annual holiday. They lean into invisible qualities of hope and joy connected to the evergreen tree, lights and decorations, beautiful music, giving and receiving, special goodies, and moments of reflection. Unfortunately, many of these same “Christmas-loving” people feel overwhelmed at the hustle and bustle. So, how do you prepare your heart for this beloved holiday?

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It Had To Be You! – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
It Had To Be You! - Scripture Dissection

You’ve heard of the song “It Had To Be You,” haven’t you? It’s a popular song composed by Isham Jones, lyrics by Gus Kahn, published on May 9, 1924. So, it’s an “oldie-but-goodie.” It’s been covered by many people, including Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble with Barbra Streisand. Well, I’d like to cover “It Had To Be You” in today’s content.

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To Fail Is Not To Be A Failure

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
To Fail Is Not To Be A Failure

I want to share an incredible story about a man who figured out – To Fail Is Not To Be A Failure. See if you can guess who this person is. He failed many times, yet had critical impact on history.

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