If you could choose only one thing you need this year more than anything else – what would you pick? That’s a hard question to answer. Actually, I’m not sure I could do it. Nevertheless, let’s see if God’s Word has any input about the one thing you need this year.
Tag: depression
Hope For A New Year
A New Year is an opportunity to let go of some things, hold onto other things, and reach for new things. That process involves various emotions. Even though a New Year can feel scary, not knowing what’s ahead, it can also be exciting with new opportunities. In some cases, it may be a relief to walk into fresh perspective. Hope for new possibilities begins to rise. Simultaneously, sadness about aging, saying good-byes, accepting losses, or letting go of previous endeavors can be painful. Even knowing there will be difficulties ahead – overall, people embrace hope as one year morphs into another. God gives hope for a New Year.
Let’s explore what this looks like.
Manage Christmas Sadness – Advent Week 3
You might be surprised to know Christmas sadness is a real thing. It hits when people go through difficulties that stretch into the Christmas season. Or with unexpected bad news. Sometimes, it’s an on-going, unhealthy relationship or life situation. Interestingly, Christmas sadness can sometimes appear though everything is going fine. Unexpectedly, something rises inside you without permission and surprises you. In fact, you may even wonder why it’s there because there’s no identifiable reason.
Whatever the scenario, you are not alone if you experience Christmas sadness.
Subsequently, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to manage Christmas sadness.
Joy of Anticipation – Advent Week 2
You know the little kid in the back seat on a long trip? Every 15 minutes, they ask (with a tired sigh) – “Are we there yet?!” That’s the same little cherub, along with a host of other little kids and just as many adults, who asks, “Is it Christmas yet?” The first exclamation – “Are we there yet?” – is more like – “Gosh! How much longer?!” An impatience and a feeling of being confined. The second exclamation – “Is it Christmas yet?” – is more like – “I’m so excited, I can hardly wait.” An expression of the joy of anticipation.
When You’re Down – Scripture Dissection
You’ve been there. I have, too. In fact, pretty much everyone has. When you’re down, it’s hard to function at your best. Things don’t look normal, and you can’t quite get your bearings. Things may not be going as you expected. Or, you’ve had a disappointment – possibly a piercing loss. Perhaps you lack energy from carrying your load a long time. Often, there’s a pile-up of things. “Stuff” is going on in your heart – and in your world. Regardless, you need to manage this stuff!
However, it’s not those things, alone, that get you down. Something else is going on – and you can’t quite put your finger on it. Matter-of-fact, if you could put your finger on it, you’d know better how to address being down. So, it’s tricky to to be your best when you’re down.
Know And See God! – Scripture Dissection
Recently, we entertained special guests – dear friends of many years. It was great to see them again. But – people change. Incidentally, this is exciting. Why? Because it means there’s more to know about them. In contrast, God never changes. (Heb.13:8) Remarkably, there’s always more opportunity to know and see God in life. In fact, this continues through eternity. God is incredible!
To know and see God is a privilege to celebrate even in difficult times.
Relief And Hope – Scripture Dissection
How much can a person take? It’s hard to keep going when the onslaught just won’t stop! Nevertheless, no matter what you are going through, there’s a very “special something” that links you to relief and hope. Incidentally, you and I both know we often need relief and hope. In fact, more frequently than we might wish. So, what is that “special something” that links you to relief and hope? Let’s explore.
Will Power – A Skill You Need
You’ve seen it in a parking lot. Or even on your driveway. Perhaps in a community park. A tiny green “fragile-looking” plant pushes up through pavement, concrete, or asphalt as it reaches for the sun. That’s power! And it’s impressive. In fact, it’s a good picture of will power – a skill you need daily. Many people have lost this critical skill. At the same time, others break through concrete on their way to healthy living. Thankfully, will power is a skill you can pick up again any time.
Last article, Upended, we talked about will power. But, today’s content explores how will power helps you each day in everything you do.
As I considered this article, I decided to look up the word “upended.” The definitions made me think of a boat or canoe. Maybe a personal craft on the sea of life. Here are synonyms I found to help define upended.
- flipped
- inverted
- overturned
- upset
- bottom-side-up
- tipped over
- capsized
I don’t know about you, but these synonyms gave me a mental picture of upended.