Who Can You Trust These Days?


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Who Can You Trust These Days?

Have you noticed people don’t easily trust these days? On the other hand, I’ve noticed sometimes people trust too quickly or naively. Interestingly, there are times, if we are deep-down honest, we can’t even fully trust ourselves. Essentially, we know our perspective may be skewed, our character isn’t always noble, and our judgment can be flawed. So, who can you trust these days, especially with increasing global uncertainty?

(This is Part 6 in a series on faith.  See below for the entire Faith Series articles/podcasts links.)

Who Can You Trust These Days?

I’m thinking of business dealings, community decisions, family issues, friendships, news reports, career pursuits, nations interactions. Since credibility is often in question, how is trust nurtured?

Over the centuries, we have learned to use outside “go-to” sources, third party opinions, and established trustworthy references to weigh-in on life issues. Essentially, it’s like using gold to guarantee paper money. People pick the most reliable source they can find, and that becomes their point of reference. Consequently, they may become so convinced in these sources, they even swear by them.

Generally, however, people have learned to not trust readily. And the all-too-common “breach of trust” keeps destroying what little trust remains. So, we’re back to that question – who can you trust these days?

God Doesn’t Trust Either!

Did you know God, also, doesn’t trust others. You, me, people in general. So, is that good news or not?

I believe it’s good news. Thank Heavens, God does trust someone – Himself. He is always reliable, credible, and thinks clearly. Equally, He never makes a mistake, never lets you down, always pays attention, and deeply loves – no matter what you do. God provides for creation (which includes people). Thankfully, He is aware of world catastrophes. You may sometimes wonder about His involvement, but that doesn’t mean He is aloof or unaware.

There has to be someone greater/better than you and me to put trust in. God is that Person. Consequently, you can trust Him completely because He is trust worthy! And, you can trust Him even though you do not understand or can’t define Him.

What a relief! God’s trust is soundly placed in Himself and His Word, instead of in you and me. Essentially, that eliminates the risks of the unknowns. Also, it means He is that third party, reliable, reference point that validates reality even as He holds all things together, despite the often poor choices people make.

Faith In God Is Freedom

God wants to share His trustworthy love with you. Remarkably, with consistent, faithful character – and deep, abiding love – He keeps His Word always. As the objective, “go-to” guarantor, God validates your life.

Did you know trusting God equals freedom? Faith in a worthy guarantor frees your heart from worry, fear, hopelessness, and more. So, the real questions are:

  • Have you accepted God loves you deeply?
  • Do you believe He is your source for truth?
  • Do you believe God wants to help with life problems?
  • Are you trusting His guidance and submitting to His discipline?
  • Do you swear by Him?


You can be free and at peace even in this world of heartache, disappointment, and bondage. God loves you with everlasting love. (Jer. 31:3) Jesus’ work on the cross enables you to be connected to Him. Jesus is safe.

Two Unchangeable Things

God uses Himself as guarantor of His promises. Essentially, He swears by Himself! Therefore, His children will be provided for – whatever it takes.

In keeping His promise, Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice to cover all debts against His heirs and to provide eternal care for His children. God physically carried out every detail to guarantee His promise through two unchangeable things:

  1. His Word
  2. His Oath


Heb. 6:17 reminds, “Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of His purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, He confirmed it with an oath.”

So, not only can you count on the life work of Jesus and His cross. You also have His Word (Scripture). AND you have His Oath (Guarantee).

Swear By

  • Ps. 63:11 says, ” . . . all who swear by God will glory in Him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced.”
  • In Jer. 49:13, God expresses strong trust in Himself as He speaks into the future, ” ‘I swear by Myself,’ declares the Lord . . . “


It’s the oath. God is the only One who can be fully trusted as a worthy third party. Let’s explore another Scripture. Heb. 6:13-20 is a longer passage that helps unpack this idea. God is worthy of trust.

“When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for Him to swear by, He swore by Himself, saying, ‘I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.’ And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument.

Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of His purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, He confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”

How Does God Guarantee His Word and His Oath?

God became a person in Jesus Christ. Fully God – fully human. Jesus was born, grew up, showed God’s love daily, then carried out the guarantee of God’s promise of eternal life by sacrificing His life. Born to be sacrificed. Born to pay the price for sin. What a blow for a baby! Yet, for the Son of God, what a joy set before Him. (recorded in Heb. 12:2)

After Jesus died, He ran ahead of you into the Holy of Holies in the invisible realm. He, a Man, ran into the very presence of God. Unthinkable for a human to enter the Most Holy Place, stand before Holy God, and live to tell about it. But Jesus did just that.

Jesus kept God’s Word in every aspect without sin. Subsequently, He fulfilled God’s oath and makes it possible for you to enter the Most Holy Place – and live to tell about it! In fact, His plan is that you live in His presence even as He lives inside you. 1 Cor. 3:16 says, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” You have become God’s Most Holy Place.

Jesus invites you. Follow Him into this Most Holy Place for intimate relationship with God. His life was sacrificed to spare yours. Since Jesus suffered separation from His Father, you never have to be separated from God. It’s guaranteed by His Word and His Oath. If you can’t trust this, who can you trust these days?


Jesus restored HOPE. It is firm and secure. Run to this hope and grab onto it as you would grab onto the horns of the altar in the Most Holy Place. You can even swear by it. The altar is the place where you:

  • Kneel in repentance.
  • Confess you need Jesus.
  • Die to self.
  • Give up your life to God daily.
  • Surrender to Him in all life issues.
  • Give up your agenda for God’s.
  • Rise up as an heir!


You won’t find a better offer of hope anywhere.

Be encouraged. Jesus personally guarantees all provisions you need through His Word and His Oath. You can boldly enter the throne room of Holy God. Why not respond to His deep love for you? Why not “come near to God and He will come near to you?” (Jas. 4:8)

Jn. 6:29 clearly says, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” Your work is to believe in Jesus, the Baby.

Application Thoughts and Questions

  1. Who can you trust these days?
  2. God trusts Himself fully. Do you see how this is a “game-changer” for you?
  3. Do you believe God makes Himself available and loves you very much?
  4. Are you enjoying freedom because of believing God?
  5. Do you have hope as an anchor even in hard times?
  6. How does God’s Word and God’s Oath affect your life in practical ways?
  7. Why not accept His guarantee by faith?


Your greatest work is to believe in Him completely!

Faith Series

Here are links to the entire Faith Series articles/podcasts. Lots of encouragement, help, and hope!

  1. Ever Run Out Of Heroes?
  2. Faith Jump
  3. Fresh Faith For You
  4. Grow Up In Faith – 4 Tips
  5. Faith and Family
  6. Who Can You Trust These Days?
  7. True Story Of Faith


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