Turn The Light On For Direction: 7 Steps


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Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Turn The Light On For Direction: 7 Steps

One of the first things you do when you walk into a room is turn the light on. That enables you to see everything, prevents falls, and helps you find your way. A light makes your environment feel more welcome. And it’s sure easier to find a misplaced item. However, here’s the question: if it’s easy to turn a light on in a room, why is it harder to turn the light on inside you?

Turn The Light On

Have you ever experienced lack of direction? I have. Unfortunately, it’s a hard thing to feel you are in the dark. Or, feeling you’re just standing still. Hours of hard work – with little to show for it. Patiently waiting feels anti-productive. Still, it is totally possible to turn the light on.

Jesus often refers to Himself as “The Light.” Essentially, He created the human design. And so, He knows our need for light in order to live healthy lives. Since He is the Light, it makes sense to know Jesus better. So, why not set daily time alone with Him to:

  1. Read the Scriptures (get into Truth).
  2. Ponder their meaning and practical application in your life (meditate).
  3. Recite Scripture without looking at it (memorize).
  4. Journal how to apply God’s principles (personally interact).
  5. Talk to the Lord (pray).
  6. Then take all this into your day (practical application).


It helps to take Jesus into your day! That’s your partnership action step. Remarkably, God is already with you every hour, even in tomorrow. And, that’s His partnership promise. Consequently, your part and His part together makes your relationship increasingly precious.

Lover Of Light

The “lover of light” is not afraid to let light shine into their life, revealing what is there. Here’s are 7 reasons why:

  1. When you make choices that show you prefer walking in the light helps you see better, prevent falls, and find your way.
  2. Jesus stirs hope, calms fears, gives courage and confidence.
  3. As you purposefully apply your time, energy, and resources, you are able to see better.
  4. You disarm pride by increasing Christ and decreasing yourself (Jn. 3:30)
  5. God tenderly exposes things in your heart that need to change to have Christ-like character.
  6. You take ownership with deliberate steps out of a darkness and into more light.
  7. Darkness brings discouragement, disappointment, depression, and even anger. So, the “lover of light” avoids these.


Conclusively – when you lack direction, turn the light on by coming closer to Jesus by faith.

Some Logic

Christ claims He is the light of the world. Jn. 8:12 says, “I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

Notice these two critical concepts from that verse:

  1. Will not walk in darkness.
  2. Will have the Light of life.


Those incredible statements promote hope!

Thankfully, God wants some things for you:

  • He intends you to continually enjoy and benefit from His light.
  • God wants to keep you protected from darkness.
  • He intends you to enjoy His friendship.
  • God desires to give you the desires of your heart. And He will help identify the true desires of your heart.
  • Because of His steadfast love for you, His intentions toward you are good and perfect. (Ps. 37:3-9)
  • Since these things are true, it is also logical He will provide direction as you stay in the light.


So – Why The Distance?

If there is no darkness of any kind in God, why do you remain at a distance from Him sometimes? Equally, why do you feel darkness strongly sometimes?

The cross of Jesus brought the light to you. That rough, wooden torture tool opened Heaven’s light to you. Even in this imperfect world, you can choose to live in God’s light. So – why the distance? It isn’t from God.

God’s light is safe, not scary. God loves and esteems you. As you remain in Christ, nothing can take away your peace, joy, and confidence if you stay in Him. Additionally, pleasing God gives satisfaction. So, you can also relax as He helps you determine direction. Even when He reveals things you need to change, that exposure fills you with hope. God wants you to succeed.

There are reasons a person may be in darkness even when they are committed to Jesus.

  1. There could be sin present you can be freed from. So, confess any sin and receive immediate cleansing. (1 Jn. 1:9)
  2. Fear could still linger in your relationship with God. But He says, “Perfect love (His love) casts out fear. (1 Jn. 4:18)
  3. You may be walking through a depression – a deep sadness – of soul. Tenderly, Jesus says He will never leave or forsake you. (Deut. 31:6) Additionally, He is close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. (Ps. 34:18)
  4. You may be in a season of deep grieving. God promises to heal you. He also promises He is making all things new. (Ex. 15:26; Rev. 21:5)



Turn The Light On For Direction

Why not invite God’s light into every corner of your life? Wake up to the warmth of His love and kindness, even in dark seasons. “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.” (1 Jn. 1:7) Let Jesus forgive, strengthen, encourage, and renew your inner soul, even before you get direction. It is likely your renewal is necessary before getting new direction.

There are some things you can do to partner with God and turn the light on – even as you wait for direction.

7 Action Steps To Turn The Light On

1. Pray

Pause and pray. Ask God for the following things:

  • Wisdom.
  • Clarification.
  • A path in front of you.
  • Redirection, if needed.
  • His blessing over your work.
  • A “check” if you need to do something differently.


2. Listen

Now pause and listen. Be open to new direction. Listen for anything new and fresh. Sometimes the discomfort of being unsure helps you find a new direction. Being open helps you see, hear, consider, and research things you may not have before.

3. Stay The Course

Until you hear something new from the Lord, until He guides you in a different direction, until He brings people and circumstances into your life to alter your direction, stay the course.” Keep doing what you have been. The temptation is to think waiting isn’t worthwhile. But it is a way you can say, “I love You back, Lord.”

4. Believe God Is Working

Choose to believe God is already laying “track” ahead of your steps. He is directing in ways you can’t see.

5. Keep Pursuing Personal Growth

Work to creatively keep developing as you wait. This investment of your personal growth increases your own resources – a library of practical ideas you can take forward with you when you get a new direction. This can build momentum. Don’t underestimate the value of your increasing experience.

6. Hang Onto Previous Direction

Start a bullet list of things that were clear before. It renews you to remember how God led previously with fresh clarification of your life purpose and goals. He will do it again.

Sometimes God uses this simple re-evaluation process to reveal that His new direction requires only some “tweeks.”

Reflect over your life with cheer and hope. This perspective is a testimony of God’s faithfulness. And keep developing your skills and abilities.

You might be surprised to realize the very things you do by faith during this awkward season are forming a foundation under your next season. Resolve and courage form as you actively wait on God.

7. Resolve To Think Positive, Not Negative

Choose to:

  • Ignore all discouraging thoughts!
  • Disregard thoughts that your life or work doesn’t matter or is “less than.”
  • Take pride in your successes and be honest about your failures. It’s all for God’s glory. He knows how to redeem all things and let it work for good.
  • Remain professional in attitude, demeanor, and communications with:
    • General public.
    • Your followers, investors, partners, support base.
    • Friends who walk with you.
    • Family. Never make family suffer for the uncomfortable season you are in.
    • Never let a “no” discourage you to quit.


Application Thoughts and Questions

  1. When you think about living in God’s light, are you afraid? Do you feel vulnerable?
  2. Perhaps you wonder if God will be fair. Will He take care of your needs?
  3. Maybe you doubt His love. Why not trust the warmth of His light and the safety of His love? In Him there is no darkness at all (1 Jn. 1:5) which means you are protected. He won’t let you down.
  4. What practical things can you do today to enjoy and stay planted in God’s love?
  5. How can you show His love to others in your life? How can you turn on the light for them? Are you praying for them?


Content for this article/podcast is partially contained in More e-Pistles For An i-Generation – Sess. 31. This is one of many resources we have developed for you.

Visit our website for excellent devotional materials, articles, podcasts, and resources to help grow your faith in God. Pursue noble character and an Alive and Active Life.

Faith Series

Why not enjoy these articles/podcasts from our recent “Faith Series?” Lots of encouragement, help, and hope!

  1. Ever Run Out Of Heroes?
  2. Faith Jump
  3. Fresh Faith For You
  4. Grow Up In Faith – 4 Tips
  5. Faith and Family
  6. Who Can You Trust These Days?
  7. True Story Of Faith


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