
Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life

As I considered this article, I decided to look up the word “upended.” The definitions made me think of a boat or canoe. Maybe a personal craft on the sea of life. Here are synonyms I found to help define upended.

  • flipped
  • inverted
  • overturned
  • upset
  • bottom-side-up
  • tipped over
  • capsized


I don’t know about you, but these synonyms gave me a mental picture of upended.

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Do You Have an Alive and Active Life?

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Do You Have an Alive and Active Life?

Would you say your life matters? You have great value. God intends you to have an Alive and Active Life. Did you know Scripture teaches specific qualities of that kind of life?

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