
Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life

As I considered this article, I decided to look up the word “upended.” The definitions made me think of a boat or canoe. Maybe a personal craft on the sea of life. Here are synonyms I found to help define upended.

  • flipped
  • inverted
  • overturned
  • upset
  • bottom-side-up
  • tipped over
  • capsized


I don’t know about you, but these synonyms gave me a mental picture of upended.

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How To Live A Healthy Life – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
How To Live A Healthy Life - Scripture Dissection

You’ve heard it now for generations: How to live a healthy life. In fact, one of the popular “sign-offs” for emails and letters now is – “Be Well!” So, what does this mean? Truly, all over the world, you hear talk shows, podcasts, seminars, and even friends talk about being healthy:

  • Use My Plate – to help eat a balanced diet.
  • Drink plenty of water – stay hydrated and promote your internal systems.
  • Stay active – keep moving with exercise, biking, jogging, tennis, golf, etc.
  • Get outside – enjoy fresh air. See the beauty of creation. Be quiet and calm. And, breathe deeply.
  • Spend time with friends – enrich and nourish your inner person.
  • Be well-read or well-listened – know what’s going on around the globe to have an accurate perspective.
  • And I add – Get into God’s Word – for key points and action steps you need to guide your life.
  • Plus – Get God’s Word into you – grow and change by doing what Scripture says. Remember, what you practice is what you become.


In conclusion, all these – and more, help you live a healthy life.

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It Got Flipped!

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
It Got Flipped!

Recently, I looked at a picture and saw the most beautiful landscape. Upon further study, I realized – it was upside-down. A bit stunned, I figured out I was looking at the perfect reflection of a landscape on a calm, serene lake. It got flipped! Interestingly, God flips some things, too. 

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As Your Life Goes On – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
As Your Life Goes On - Scripture Dissection

Growing older? Me, too. We all are. The days seem to fly by. And over time, people change. As your life goes on, are you the same person you were as a youngster? I know I’m not. Recently, we explored an all-around good guy who had lots of troubles. Remarkably, he’s given 3 chapters in Scripture – very unusual. So, he deserves another look as he grows older.

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Important Stuff We Forget

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Important Stuff We Forget

We had a leap year this year. And it struck me again how that phenomenon only occurs every four years. So, what happens to the important stuff that occurs on Feb. 29th? Like a birth, anniversary, a death, start date of a business, etc. Do those special events get appropriate attention? Or do they make it on a list of important stuff we forget for another four years? From my connection with people who have a Feb. 29th event, most retain their date – but move celebrations or remembrances to the day before or after. What can we learn from this interesting reality?

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The Game Of Life And Relationships

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Game Of Life And Relationships

Do you like chess? Surely, some of you do, while others of you . . . well, not-so-much. Perhaps you prefer checkers, scrabble, trivial pursuit, monopoly, or nertz. Regardless of your preferred game, life is like playing a board game – in some respects. For example – chess. Interesting pieces are placed in a certain order on an equally interesting board of contrasting squares. Then it starts: the strategies, choices, and patterns. It only takes a few minutes to realize you can’t play chess without being very engaged and thoughtful. Subsequently, you realize there’s an element like this in the game of life and relationships. Let’s look at helpful similarities.

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How To Prepare Your Heart For Christmas – Advent #1

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
How To Prepare Your Heart For Christmas - Advent #1

Most people really like Christmas. There are a few grinches who despise the annual celebration. But many more cherish this annual holiday. They lean into invisible qualities of hope and joy connected to the evergreen tree, lights and decorations, beautiful music, giving and receiving, special goodies, and moments of reflection. Unfortunately, many of these same “Christmas-loving” people feel overwhelmed at the hustle and bustle. So, how do you prepare your heart for this beloved holiday?

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Learn Well – Live Well – Love Well

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Learn Well - Live Well - Love Well

As we go into today’s content . . . Learn Well – Live Well – Love Well . . . I first want to read off a list of one-liners we’ve heard over the years. They deal with the hum-drum of life:

  • Same old – same old
  • Been there – done that (bought the T-shirt)
  • Nothing new under the sun
  • Do it again – and again
  • Hummin’ right along
  • Another day – another dollar
  • Tomorrow never comes
  • Don’t hold your breath
  • Can’t trust anyone
  • Pie-crust promises
  • Where’s the beef? (that was a commercial)
  • Never thought I’d see the day
  • It ain’t gonna happen
  • In your wildest dreams


And on go the one-liners we’ve heard in a variety of ways. All seem to speak to an emptiness, dullness, boring repetition, and rather skeptical view of life.

But life is NOT hum-drum! Therefore, let’s explore a full, exciting, fresh-every-day, and rather hopeful view of life. Will you join me?

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Boundaries Help

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Boundaries Help

We live with boundaries every day. Some examples: Your yard ends, and the neighbor’s yard begins. Countries have boundaries to define territory. Speed limits keep traffic in check to prevent accidents. The zoo has walls, cages, and glass to keep children safe as they enjoy animals. Walls and doors form rooms – helpful when you need to sleep or take a shower. Banks with safes protect money. Oceans caress the beach only to a certain distance. If boundaries are so common all around us, then why is it hard to place and keep boundaries to protect our hearts and minds? Afterall, boundaries help.

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Been Lied To?

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Been Lied To?

Have you ever been lied to? I’m guessing you have. I have, too. It’s a devastating experience. You don’t know who to trust going forward. Consequently, that’s the power of a lie. It tears down trust and ruins what could otherwise be healthy and dependable. Although it’s become more common – even normal – to lie, all lies come from one place. Jesus identifies that source.

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