
Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life

As I considered this article, I decided to look up the word “upended.” The definitions made me think of a boat or canoe. Maybe a personal craft on the sea of life. Here are synonyms I found to help define upended.

  • flipped
  • inverted
  • overturned
  • upset
  • bottom-side-up
  • tipped over
  • capsized


I don’t know about you, but these synonyms gave me a mental picture of upended.

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Dissect Something Meaningful – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Dissect Something Meaningful - Scripture Dissection

Have you ever dissected something? High school biology? Perhaps college anatomy? If you’ve been following Alive and Active Life, you know you can dissect Scripture, too. Thankfully, I’m not talking about heavyduty, theological stuff. Rather, this is a lighter approach to dissect something meaningful – with practical action steps for your life.

Much like you command a kitchen knife, you must learn how to wield your Sword – the Scriptures. So, why not dissect something meaningful with me today?

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The Guy Who Found It – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Guy Who Found It - Scripture Dissection

I bet you’ve lost something on occasion. You know how it is to misplace an item – and then spent far too much time looking for it. “Keys” is the big one. (Where do those keys always disappear to?) Sometimes it’s a gift item you purchase and put it in a logical place – and then can’t find it when you need it. Then there’s your vehicle! “Where in blazes did I park in the lot outside this store?!” Well, this content highlights the guy who found it. Interestingly, he wasn’t even looking for it. Incidentally, what he found was much more precious than keys, gifts, vehicles, and other things commonly misplaced. What this young man found had been hidden a long time.

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The Game Of Life And Relationships

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
The Game Of Life And Relationships

Do you like chess? Surely, some of you do, while others of you . . . well, not-so-much. Perhaps you prefer checkers, scrabble, trivial pursuit, monopoly, or nertz. Regardless of your preferred game, life is like playing a board game – in some respects. For example – chess. Interesting pieces are placed in a certain order on an equally interesting board of contrasting squares. Then it starts: the strategies, choices, and patterns. It only takes a few minutes to realize you can’t play chess without being very engaged and thoughtful. Subsequently, you realize there’s an element like this in the game of life and relationships. Let’s look at helpful similarities.

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Like Lucy – See What Others Don’t

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Like Lucy - See What Others Don't

Picture the scene with me. It’s from C.S. Lewis’ Prince Caspian. The four children, Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy are traveling in unknown places, trying to get their bearings. Basically – they’re lost. But Lucy keeps seeing Aslan when no one else does. They think she’s making it up . . . or maybe she’s crazy. Nevertheless, Lucy is the one who gets messages and directions from Aslan. In fact, Lucy and Aslan are friends. It seems she’s nurtured the ability to see what others don’t. Incidentally, this ability opens the whole universe to her imagination and her life purpose.

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Waiting And Listening – Effective Relationship Words

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Waiting And Listening - Effective Relationship Words

When you think back into your childhood, what memories come to mind? Good ones? Not-so-good ones? Maybe you remember events that sculpted or changed your life. Perhaps something “rocked your world.” It might be a special activity is your first thought.  (I’ll share one of my memories directly below.) But, I’m guessing you remember many ordinary days filled with ordinary things. Interestingly, this sets the stage for most of life. We spend long stretches of time waiting and listening for what comes next. Additionally, waiting and listening directly impact all your relationships.

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Your Incredible Design

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Your Incredible Design

Look around! Everything has some kind of design and order. Calendars, language, nature, science, and medicine. Then consider fabrics, computers, business, and farming. Design includes appearance, function, and natural / man-made capacity. The world – in fact, the entire universe – overflows with amazing design. Incidentally, you are no exception. Life is more meaningful, pleasant, and manageable when you embrace your incredible design. Let’s explore how to do that.

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God Purposefully Picks You

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
God Purposefully Picks You

Do you remember that funny scene in Shrek? The donkey is behind a group of people in a crowd. Shrek is going to choose a companion. And as Shrek considers his options, all you see is the donkey jumping up – over and over in the background. You don’t see him – and then you do! Over and over. As he jumps high enough to be seen above the group, he’s yelling something – “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” Interestingly, all people feel this way at times. Subsequently, it’s noteworthy and meaningful to remember God purposefully picks you.

So what does “Pick me!” really look like?
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Double Portion – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Double Portion - Scripture Dissection

If ever there was an Old Testament story that beautifully exemplifies the Spirit of Jesus, this is it! Not only does it show a man’s healthy choices and conduct. It also portrays the very spirit of Jesus Christ in a person who lived long before Jesus came to earth as the God-man. And further, this story is a strong statement – you and I can ask for a double portion of the nature and character of Christ if we fully surrender to God.

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Comfort And Joy In Topsy-Turvy Times

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Comfort And Joy In Topsy-Turvy Times

We just came through one of the most special seasons of the year. So many people love these weeks of holidays despite added stresses and responsibilities. Truly, it’s a treasured time each year: Fall Celebrations, Thanksgiving, Christmas – and now New Year’s Day has come. A favorite theme during Christmas from the carol – “God Rest You Merry Gentlemen” is the phrase – “comfort and joy.” If you’re like me and millions of others, you’d welcome some comfort and joy – in your life and around the world.

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