How many times have you heard – “Did I happen to mention . . . “ and then someone finishes a thought. Indeed, every mention can become a conversation. Incidentally, this is exactly what Jesus does. He mentions things. In fact, He’s a master at mentioning critical information.
Tag: worship
Little gods – Scripture Dissection
As we explore “Little gods,” I’m thinking about a superhero movie – The Avengers. There’s an exchange between the Black Widow and Captain America. Oddly, they are discussing whether to go after Thor and Loki. If you’re familiar with the Marvel superhero movies, you’ll remember the conversation –
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow): I’d sit this one out, Cap!
Steve Rogers (Captain America): I don’t see how I can!
Natasha Romanoff: These guys come from legend. They’re basically gods.
Steve Rogers: There’s only one God, Ma’am, and I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that!
You know, it’s one thing to talk about make-belief superheroes as “gods.” But to talk about people like you and me being gods? Realistically, that’s a stretch! Interestingly, Scripture does. Consequently, what practical application does “little gods” have for you?
As Your Life Goes On – Scripture Dissection
Growing older? Me, too. We all are. The days seem to fly by. And over time, people change. As your life goes on, are you the same person you were as a youngster? I know I’m not. Recently, we explored an all-around good guy who had lots of troubles. Remarkably, he’s given 3 chapters in Scripture – very unusual. So, he deserves another look as he grows older.
The Guy Who Found It – Scripture Dissection
I bet you’ve lost something on occasion. You know how it is to misplace an item – and then spent far too much time looking for it. “Keys” is the big one. (Where do those keys always disappear to?) Sometimes it’s a gift item you purchase and put it in a logical place – and then can’t find it when you need it. Then there’s your vehicle! “Where in blazes did I park in the lot outside this store?!” Well, this content highlights the guy who found it. Interestingly, he wasn’t even looking for it. Incidentally, what he found was much more precious than keys, gifts, vehicles, and other things commonly misplaced. What this young man found had been hidden a long time.
Four Successful Generations – Scripture Dissection
“Generations” is not only the title of a Star Trek movie. It’s also an important dynamic for families and individuals. Whether or not you are a Star Trek fan, you must agree there’s something important about generations – for family, country, businesses, royal lines, and franchises. Generations can be blood relatives or simply the next legitimate persons. Today’s content focuses on four successful generations of a royal family – with one exception. It’s fascinating.
Waiting And Listening – Effective Relationship Words
When you think back into your childhood, what memories come to mind? Good ones? Not-so-good ones? Maybe you remember events that sculpted or changed your life. Perhaps something “rocked your world.” It might be a special activity is your first thought. (I’ll share one of my memories directly below.) But, I’m guessing you remember many ordinary days filled with ordinary things. Interestingly, this sets the stage for most of life. We spend long stretches of time waiting and listening for what comes next. Additionally, waiting and listening directly impact all your relationships.
God Purposefully Picks You
Do you remember that funny scene in Shrek? The donkey is behind a group of people in a crowd. Shrek is going to choose a companion. And as Shrek considers his options, all you see is the donkey jumping up – over and over in the background. You don’t see him – and then you do! Over and over. As he jumps high enough to be seen above the group, he’s yelling something – “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” Interestingly, all people feel this way at times. Subsequently, it’s noteworthy and meaningful to remember God purposefully picks you.
So what does “Pick me!” really look like?
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Joy of Anticipation – Advent #2
You know the little kid in the back seat on a long trip? Every 15 minutes, they ask (with a tired sigh) – “Are we there yet?!” That’s the same little cherub, along with a host of other little kids – and just as many adults – who asks, “Is it Christmas yet?” The first exclamation – “Are we there yet?” – is more like – “Gosh! How much longer?!” An impatience and a feeling of being confined. The second exclamation – “Is it Christmas yet?” – is more like – “I’m so excited, I can hardly wait.” An expression of the joy of anticipation.
How To Prepare Your Heart For Christmas – Advent #1
Most people really like Christmas. There are a few grinches who despise the annual celebration. But many more cherish this annual holiday. They lean into invisible qualities of hope and joy connected to the evergreen tree, lights and decorations, beautiful music, giving and receiving, special goodies, and moments of reflection. Unfortunately, many of these same “Christmas-loving” people feel overwhelmed at the hustle and bustle. So, how do you prepare your heart for this beloved holiday?
Your Words Matter – Scripture Dissection
I’ve known a handful of people who know just what to say in any given moment. Their words are refreshing and fitting. Afterall, “The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.” (Prov. 25:11) But I’ve also known people who definitely do not have that skill.  So, it’s reasonable to conclude – your words matter. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to express words of strong gratitude to family, friends, to God, and into your own soul. Today’s content explores how your words matter.