There’s a whole section of published books called “self-help” books. Some of these resources have helpful information. Others – not-so-much. Some topics are – habits, leadership, rest, self-care, and many more. Interestingly, I happen to know a very effective book that covers the entire spectrum of your life – all topics! Further, it provides focus points to improve your character.
I’m sure you’ve heard warnings about looking straight at the sun during an eclipse. Well, what about looking straight at God? Recently, we published “Turn Your Face Toward It.” I recommend this article/podcast which explores a phrase right out of Scripture – “turn your face toward it.” The intent? Well, to turn your face toward God’s face. Especially interesting because Scripture says no one can look at Him and live! So, the question is – can you look at God?
In the first few months of a New Year, there’s a unique opportunity to change – or tweek – perspectives. However, to do this, you need to “turn your face toward it.”
In today’s content, we’ll explore this interesting phrase. Oddly, it comes straight out of Scripture. And actually, it applies to every new month. Each and every week. And particularly, each new day. Matter of fact, learning to do this gives you an effective and powerful tool to maintain a healthy, balanced life.
The One Thing You Need This Year - Scripture Dissection
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If you could choose only one thing you need this year more than anything else – what would you pick? That’s a hard question to answer. Actually, I’m not sure I could do it. Nevertheless, let’s see if God’s Word has any input about the one thing you need this year.
Some years back, we published an article called “The Sin List.” About a year later, we published another article – “The Skinny On Sinning.” Recently, we published “When You’re Down.” In that content, we mention two modern sins.
Oddly, people are always curious about “what’s on the serious sin list.” Additionally, folks are interested in how to get “Relief and Hope” in hardships. So, people flux between –
Living good lives.
Being encouraged.
Underneath this flux is the reality of two modern sins.
You’ve been there. I have, too. In fact, pretty much everyone has. When you’re down, it’s hard to function at your best. Things don’t look normal, and you can’t quite get your bearings. Things may not be going as you expected. Or, you’ve had a disappointment – possibly a piercing loss. Perhaps you lack energy from carrying your load a long time. Often, there’s a pile-up of things. “Stuff” is going on in your heart – andin your world. Regardless, you need to manage this stuff!
However, it’s not those things, alone, that get you down. Something else is going on – and you can’t quite put your finger on it. Matter-of-fact, if you could put your finger on it, you’d know better how to address being down. So, it’s tricky to to be your best when you’re down.
Don’t you just love it when someone gives you the “heads-up?” It helps you know what’s coming – and what to do next. Yes, we really like a “heads-up.” So, it’s even more valuable when the heads-up comes from Jesus. He’s always giving helpful information, insights, a peek into the future, and – yes – thankfully – warnings. Let’s explore how these timely messages are a life-saver. And while we’re at it – let’s figure out what a “woe” is!
In a previous article, we shared a fun excerpt from the movie, “The Kid.” Bruce Willis plays Russ Duritz, a grown-up under stress. He regresses to a comfort when he was a kid – a sandwich. As he makes one, he says – “There’s safety in a sandwich!” He grips his almost finished sandwich and flips it around while stressfully raving. Alfalfa sprouts fly everywhere. Then, lettuce flips out. It’s not much of a sandwich any more. Certainly not a perfect sandwich.
So, let’s take a few minutes to explore the perfect sandwich in your “on-the-go life.” Afterall, you need to fill the hunger in your soul.
For just a moment – think basketball, football, soccer, ballet, or gymnastics. Now, consider how agile some athletes are. They just seem to pivot into position on a dime, as needed – with little or no warning. Similarly, your life pivots. Actually, with so many events, people, and unknowns – your ability to maneuver is a critical skill. Consequently, during challenge, disappointments, threats, bad news, conflict – there’s good news! Your life pivots on principles that never change. So, let’s explore practical ideas and helpful action steps to pivot skillfully – with little or no warning.