Did I Happen To Mention?

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Did I Happen To Mention?

How many times have you heard – “Did I happen to mention . . . “ and then someone finishes a thought. Indeed, every mention can become a conversation. Incidentally, this is exactly what Jesus does. He mentions things. In fact, He’s a master at mentioning critical information.

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It Got Flipped!

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
It Got Flipped!

Recently, I looked at a picture and saw the most beautiful landscape. Upon further study, I realized – it was upside-down. A bit stunned, I figured out I was looking at the perfect reflection of a landscape on a calm, serene lake. It got flipped! Interestingly, God flips some things, too. 

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As Your Life Goes On – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
As Your Life Goes On - Scripture Dissection

Growing older? Me, too. We all are. The days seem to fly by. And over time, people change. As your life goes on, are you the same person you were as a youngster? I know I’m not. Recently, we explored an all-around good guy who had lots of troubles. Remarkably, he’s given 3 chapters in Scripture – very unusual. So, he deserves another look as he grows older.

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How To Live With Hope – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
How To Live With Hope - Scripture Dissection

You know the story from Lord of the Rings. Beautiful Arwen loves Aragorn. However, Aragorn left to protect Frodo on his quest. Incidentally, he’ll end up fighting a war. Unfortunately, He may never return. As a result, Arwen is overcome. And she lingers in middle earth rather than join her kin to travel to their forever home. Having remained, she has a conversation with her elf-father. Interestingly, Arwen clings to hope. And she wants to know how to live in hope.

Elrond: “He is not coming back. Why do you linger when there is no hope?”

Arwen: “There is still hope.”

Elrond: “If Aragorn survives this war, You will still be parted.”

Sadly, Arwen’s dad doesn’t sound very hopeful, does he?

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Waiting And Listening – Effective Relationship Words

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Waiting And Listening - Effective Relationship Words

When you think back into your childhood, what memories come to mind? Good ones? Not-so-good ones? Maybe you remember events that sculpted or changed your life. Perhaps something “rocked your world.” It might be a special activity is your first thought.  (I’ll share one of my memories directly below.) But, I’m guessing you remember many ordinary days filled with ordinary things. Interestingly, this sets the stage for most of life. We spend long stretches of time waiting and listening for what comes next. Additionally, waiting and listening directly impact all your relationships.

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Double Portion – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Double Portion - Scripture Dissection

If ever there was an Old Testament story that beautifully exemplifies the Spirit of Jesus, this is it! Not only does it show a man’s healthy choices and conduct. It also portrays the very spirit of Jesus Christ in a person who lived long before Jesus came to earth as the God-man. And further, this story is a strong statement – you and I can ask for a double portion of the nature and character of Christ if we fully surrender to God.

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Your Words Matter – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Your Words Matter - Scripture Dissection

I’ve known a handful of people who know just what to say in any given moment. Their words are refreshing and fitting.  Afterall, “The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.” (Prov. 25:11) But I’ve also known people who definitely do not have that skill.  So, it’s reasonable to conclude – your words matter. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to express words of strong gratitude to family, friends, to God, and into your own soul. Today’s content explores how your words matter.

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Famine – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Famine - Scripture Dissection

Well, it’s time! The last two Scripture dissections, God’s Timing and God’s Humor, we left something completely unresolved. The famine! And really – that’s an important development. We built up to it, showing how people suffered intolerably for three years. Now, Elijah introduces he’s back! And then introduces it’s God’s timing to end the famine. So, here is the amazing story – with a couple of twists and some teaching points.

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God’s Humor – Scripture Dissection

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
God's Humor - Scripture Dissection

What situation comes to your mind when you hear that old saying – “God has a sense of humor?” I have numerous scenarios that come to mind. Oddly, it seems God’s humor is at play more often than we realize. And it’s a brilliant sense of humor. As humans, we try to develop a sense of humor, especially in teen years. And since we are made in God’s image, the quality of humor is there to be developed. I want to look at God’s humor as we continue Part 2 of our Scripture dissection of 1 Kings 18. (See Part 1 in a recent article – God’s Timing.)

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Tear Into It!

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Tear Into It!

In graduate school, I had a stark realization as first semester syllabuses were handed out in class. It reminded me of a similar eye-opener in college-level classes after high school – but this was definitely a step up. As I began to digest graduate school expectations, I noticed a panicky feeling inside. There would be no reminders, no pace set for us, no little “clues.” Set your own reminders, pace, and “get a clue!” The level of expectation was much higher. There was no option except to tear into it, and hope for the best!

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